Server Adress:

Dosya Yükle :
Current File : /home/u866425823/domains/

// SmoothScroll for websites v1.4.10 (Balazs Galambosi)
// Licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
// You may use it in your theme if you credit me. 
// It is also free to use on any individual website.
// Exception:
// The only restriction is to not publish any  
// extension for browsers or native application
// without getting a written permission first.

(function () {
// Scroll Variables (tweakable)
var defaultOptions = {

    // Scrolling Core
    frameRate        : 150, // [Hz]
    animationTime    : 400, // [ms]
    stepSize         : 100, // [px]

    // Pulse (less tweakable)
    // ratio of "tail" to "acceleration"
    pulseAlgorithm   : true,
    pulseScale       : 4,
    pulseNormalize   : 1,

    // Acceleration
    accelerationDelta : 50,  // 50
    accelerationMax   : 3,   // 3

    // Keyboard Settings
    keyboardSupport   : true,  // option
    arrowScroll       : 50,    // [px]

    // Other
    fixedBackground   : true, 
    excluded          : ''    

var options = defaultOptions;

// Other Variables
var isExcluded = false;
var isFrame = false;
var direction = { x: 0, y: 0 };
var initDone  = false;
var root = document.documentElement;
var activeElement;
var observer;
var refreshSize;
var deltaBuffer = [];
var deltaBufferTimer;
var isMac = /^Mac/.test(navigator.platform);

var key = { left: 37, up: 38, right: 39, down: 40, spacebar: 32, 
            pageup: 33, pagedown: 34, end: 35, home: 36 };
var arrowKeys = { 37: 1, 38: 1, 39: 1, 40: 1 };


 * Tests if smooth scrolling is allowed. Shuts down everything if not.
function initTest() {
    if (options.keyboardSupport) {
        addEvent('keydown', keydown);

 * Sets up scrolls array, determines if frames are involved.
function init() {
    if (initDone || !document.body) return;

    initDone = true;

    var body = document.body;
    var html = document.documentElement;
    var windowHeight = window.innerHeight; 
    var scrollHeight = body.scrollHeight;
    // check compat mode for root element
    root = (document.compatMode.indexOf('CSS') >= 0) ? html : body;
    activeElement = body;

    // Checks if this script is running in a frame
    if (top != self) {
        isFrame = true;

     * Safari 10 fixed it, Chrome fixed it in v45:
     * This fixes a bug where the areas left and right to 
     * the content does not trigger the onmousewheel event
     * on some pages. e.g.: html, body { height: 100% }
    else if (isOldSafari &&
             scrollHeight > windowHeight &&
            (body.offsetHeight <= windowHeight || 
             html.offsetHeight <= windowHeight)) {

        var fullPageElem = document.createElement('div'); = 'position:absolute; z-index:-10000; ' +
                                     'top:0; left:0; right:0; height:' + 
                                      root.scrollHeight + 'px';
        // DOM changed (throttled) to fix height
        var pendingRefresh;
        refreshSize = function () {
            if (pendingRefresh) return; // could also be: clearTimeout(pendingRefresh);
            pendingRefresh = setTimeout(function () {
                if (isExcluded) return; // could be running after cleanup
       = '0';
       = root.scrollHeight + 'px';
                pendingRefresh = null;
            }, 500); // act rarely to stay fast
        setTimeout(refreshSize, 10);

        addEvent('resize', refreshSize);

        // TODO: attributeFilter?
        var config = {
            attributes: true, 
            childList: true, 
            characterData: false 
            // subtree: true

        observer = new MutationObserver(refreshSize);
        observer.observe(body, config);

        if (root.offsetHeight <= windowHeight) {
            var clearfix = document.createElement('div');   
   = 'both';

    // disable fixed background
    if (!options.fixedBackground && !isExcluded) { = 'scroll'; = 'scroll';

 * Removes event listeners and other traces left on the page.
function cleanup() {
    observer && observer.disconnect();
    removeEvent(wheelEvent, wheel);
    removeEvent('mousedown', mousedown);
    removeEvent('keydown', keydown);
    removeEvent('resize', refreshSize);
    removeEvent('load', init);

var que = [];
var pending = false;
var lastScroll =;

 * Pushes scroll actions to the scrolling queue.
function scrollArray(elem, left, top) {
    directionCheck(left, top);

    if (options.accelerationMax != 1) {
        var now =;
        var elapsed = now - lastScroll;
        if (elapsed < options.accelerationDelta) {
            var factor = (1 + (50 / elapsed)) / 2;
            if (factor > 1) {
                factor = Math.min(factor, options.accelerationMax);
                left *= factor;
                top  *= factor;
        lastScroll =;
    // push a scroll command
        x: left, 
        y: top, 
        lastX: (left < 0) ? 0.99 : -0.99,
        lastY: (top  < 0) ? 0.99 : -0.99, 
    // don't act if there's a pending queue
    if (pending) {

    var scrollRoot = getScrollRoot();
    var isWindowScroll = (elem === scrollRoot || elem === document.body);
    // if we haven't already fixed the behavior, 
    // and it needs fixing for this sesh
    if (elem.$scrollBehavior == null && isScrollBehaviorSmooth(elem)) {
        elem.$scrollBehavior =; = 'auto';

    var step = function (time) {
        var now =;
        var scrollX = 0;
        var scrollY = 0; 
        for (var i = 0; i < que.length; i++) {
            var item = que[i];
            var elapsed  = now - item.start;
            var finished = (elapsed >= options.animationTime);
            // scroll position: [0, 1]
            var position = (finished) ? 1 : elapsed / options.animationTime;
            // easing [optional]
            if (options.pulseAlgorithm) {
                position = pulse(position);
            // only need the difference
            var x = (item.x * position - item.lastX) >> 0;
            var y = (item.y * position - item.lastY) >> 0;
            // add this to the total scrolling
            scrollX += x;
            scrollY += y;            
            // update last values
            item.lastX += x;
            item.lastY += y;
            // delete and step back if it's over
            if (finished) {
                que.splice(i, 1); i--;

        // scroll left and top
        if (isWindowScroll) {
            window.scrollBy(scrollX, scrollY);
        else {
            if (scrollX) elem.scrollLeft += scrollX;
            if (scrollY) elem.scrollTop  += scrollY;                    
        // clean up if there's nothing left to do
        if (!left && !top) {
            que = [];
        if (que.length) { 
            requestFrame(step, elem, (1000 / options.frameRate + 1)); 
        } else { 
            pending = false;
            // restore default behavior at the end of scrolling sesh
            if (elem.$scrollBehavior != null) {
       = elem.$scrollBehavior;
                elem.$scrollBehavior = null;
    // start a new queue of actions
    requestFrame(step, elem, 0);
    pending = true;


 * Mouse wheel handler.
 * @param {Object} event
function wheel(event) {

    if (!initDone) {
    var target =;

    // leave early if default action is prevented   
    // or it's a zooming event with CTRL 
    if (event.defaultPrevented || event.ctrlKey) {
        return true;
    // leave embedded content alone (flash & pdf)
    if (isNodeName(activeElement, 'embed') || 
       (isNodeName(target, 'embed') && /\.pdf/i.test(target.src)) ||
        isNodeName(activeElement, 'object') ||
        target.shadowRoot) {
        return true;

    var deltaX = -event.wheelDeltaX || event.deltaX || 0;
    var deltaY = -event.wheelDeltaY || event.deltaY || 0;
    if (isMac) {
        if (event.wheelDeltaX && isDivisible(event.wheelDeltaX, 120)) {
            deltaX = -120 * (event.wheelDeltaX / Math.abs(event.wheelDeltaX));
        if (event.wheelDeltaY && isDivisible(event.wheelDeltaY, 120)) {
            deltaY = -120 * (event.wheelDeltaY / Math.abs(event.wheelDeltaY));
    // use wheelDelta if deltaX/Y is not available
    if (!deltaX && !deltaY) {
        deltaY = -event.wheelDelta || 0;

    // line based scrolling (Firefox mostly)
    if (event.deltaMode === 1) {
        deltaX *= 40;
        deltaY *= 40;

    var overflowing = overflowingAncestor(target);

    // nothing to do if there's no element that's scrollable
    if (!overflowing) {
        // except Chrome iframes seem to eat wheel events, which we need to 
        // propagate up, if the iframe has nothing overflowing to scroll
        if (isFrame && isChrome)  {
            // change target to iframe element itself for the parent frame
            Object.defineProperty(event, "target", {value: window.frameElement});
            return parent.wheel(event);
        return true;
    // check if it's a touchpad scroll that should be ignored
    if (isTouchpad(deltaY)) {
        return true;

    // scale by step size
    // delta is 120 most of the time
    // synaptics seems to send 1 sometimes
    if (Math.abs(deltaX) > 1.2) {
        deltaX *= options.stepSize / 120;
    if (Math.abs(deltaY) > 1.2) {
        deltaY *= options.stepSize / 120;
    scrollArray(overflowing, deltaX, deltaY);

 * Keydown event handler.
 * @param {Object} event
function keydown(event) {

    var target   =;
    var modifier = event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.metaKey || 
                  (event.shiftKey && event.keyCode !== key.spacebar);
    // our own tracked active element could've been removed from the DOM
    if (!document.body.contains(activeElement)) {
        activeElement = document.activeElement;

    // do nothing if user is editing text
    // or using a modifier key (except shift)
    // or in a dropdown
    // or inside interactive elements
    var inputNodeNames = /^(textarea|select|embed|object)$/i;
    var buttonTypes = /^(button|submit|radio|checkbox|file|color|image)$/i;
    if ( event.defaultPrevented ||
         inputNodeNames.test(target.nodeName) ||
         isNodeName(target, 'input') && !buttonTypes.test(target.type) ||
         isNodeName(activeElement, 'video') ||
         isInsideYoutubeVideo(event) ||
         target.isContentEditable || 
         modifier ) {
      return true;

    // [spacebar] should trigger button press, leave it alone
    if ((isNodeName(target, 'button') ||
         isNodeName(target, 'input') && buttonTypes.test(target.type)) &&
        event.keyCode === key.spacebar) {
      return true;

    // [arrwow keys] on radio buttons should be left alone
    if (isNodeName(target, 'input') && target.type == 'radio' &&
        arrowKeys[event.keyCode])  {
      return true;
    var shift, x = 0, y = 0;
    var overflowing = overflowingAncestor(activeElement);

    if (!overflowing) {
        // Chrome iframes seem to eat key events, which we need to 
        // propagate up, if the iframe has nothing overflowing to scroll
        return (isFrame && isChrome) ? parent.keydown(event) : true;

    var clientHeight = overflowing.clientHeight; 

    if (overflowing == document.body) {
        clientHeight = window.innerHeight;

    switch (event.keyCode) {
        case key.up:
            y = -options.arrowScroll;
        case key.down:
            y = options.arrowScroll;
        case key.spacebar: // (+ shift)
            shift = event.shiftKey ? 1 : -1;
            y = -shift * clientHeight * 0.9;
        case key.pageup:
            y = -clientHeight * 0.9;
        case key.pagedown:
            y = clientHeight * 0.9;
        case key.home:
            if (overflowing == document.body && document.scrollingElement)
                overflowing = document.scrollingElement;
            y = -overflowing.scrollTop;
        case key.end:
            var scroll = overflowing.scrollHeight - overflowing.scrollTop;
            var scrollRemaining = scroll - clientHeight;
            y = (scrollRemaining > 0) ? scrollRemaining + 10 : 0;
        case key.left:
            x = -options.arrowScroll;
        case key.right:
            x = options.arrowScroll;
            return true; // a key we don't care about

    scrollArray(overflowing, x, y);

 * Mousedown event only for updating activeElement
function mousedown(event) {
    activeElement =;


var uniqueID = (function () {
    var i = 0;
    return function (el) {
        return el.uniqueID || (el.uniqueID = i++);

var cacheX = {}; // cleared out after a scrolling session
var cacheY = {}; // cleared out after a scrolling session
var clearCacheTimer;
var smoothBehaviorForElement = {};

//setInterval(function () { cache = {}; }, 10 * 1000);

function scheduleClearCache() {
    clearCacheTimer = setInterval(function () { 
        cacheX = cacheY = smoothBehaviorForElement = {}; 
    }, 1*1000);

function setCache(elems, overflowing, x) {
    var cache = x ? cacheX : cacheY;
    for (var i = elems.length; i--;)
        cache[uniqueID(elems[i])] = overflowing;
    return overflowing;

function getCache(el, x) {
    return (x ? cacheX : cacheY)[uniqueID(el)];

//  (body)                (root)
//         | hidden | visible | scroll |  auto  |
// hidden  |   no   |    no   |   YES  |   YES  |
// visible |   no   |   YES   |   YES  |   YES  |
// scroll  |   no   |   YES   |   YES  |   YES  |
// auto    |   no   |   YES   |   YES  |   YES  |

function overflowingAncestor(el) {
    var elems = [];
    var body = document.body;
    var rootScrollHeight = root.scrollHeight;
    do {
        var cached = getCache(el, false);
        if (cached) {
            return setCache(elems, cached);
        if (rootScrollHeight === el.scrollHeight) {
            var topOverflowsNotHidden = overflowNotHidden(root) && overflowNotHidden(body);
            var isOverflowCSS = topOverflowsNotHidden || overflowAutoOrScroll(root);
            if (isFrame && isContentOverflowing(root) || 
               !isFrame && isOverflowCSS) {
                return setCache(elems, getScrollRoot()); 
        } else if (isContentOverflowing(el) && overflowAutoOrScroll(el)) {
            return setCache(elems, el);
    } while ((el = el.parentElement));

function isContentOverflowing(el) {
    return (el.clientHeight + 10 < el.scrollHeight);

// typically for <body> and <html>
function overflowNotHidden(el) {
    var overflow = getComputedStyle(el, '').getPropertyValue('overflow-y');
    return (overflow !== 'hidden');

// for all other elements
function overflowAutoOrScroll(el) {
    var overflow = getComputedStyle(el, '').getPropertyValue('overflow-y');
    return (overflow === 'scroll' || overflow === 'auto');

// for all other elements
function isScrollBehaviorSmooth(el) {
    var id = uniqueID(el);
    if (smoothBehaviorForElement[id] == null) {
        var scrollBehavior = getComputedStyle(el, '')['scroll-behavior'];
        smoothBehaviorForElement[id] = ('smooth' == scrollBehavior);
    return smoothBehaviorForElement[id];


function addEvent(type, fn, arg) {
    window.addEventListener(type, fn, arg || false);

function removeEvent(type, fn, arg) {
    window.removeEventListener(type, fn, arg || false);  

function isNodeName(el, tag) {
    return el && (el.nodeName||'').toLowerCase() === tag.toLowerCase();

function directionCheck(x, y) {
    x = (x > 0) ? 1 : -1;
    y = (y > 0) ? 1 : -1;
    if (direction.x !== x || direction.y !== y) {
        direction.x = x;
        direction.y = y;
        que = [];
        lastScroll = 0;

if (window.localStorage && localStorage.SS_deltaBuffer) {
    try { // #46 Safari throws in private browsing for localStorage 
        deltaBuffer = localStorage.SS_deltaBuffer.split(',');
    } catch (e) { } 

function isTouchpad(deltaY) {
    if (!deltaY) return;
    if (!deltaBuffer.length) {
        deltaBuffer = [deltaY, deltaY, deltaY];
    deltaY = Math.abs(deltaY);
    deltaBufferTimer = setTimeout(function () {
        try { // #46 Safari throws in private browsing for localStorage
            localStorage.SS_deltaBuffer = deltaBuffer.join(',');
        } catch (e) { }  
    }, 1000);
    var dpiScaledWheelDelta = deltaY > 120 && allDeltasDivisableBy(deltaY); // win64 
    var tp = !allDeltasDivisableBy(120) && !allDeltasDivisableBy(100) && !dpiScaledWheelDelta;
    if (deltaY < 50) return true;
    return tp;

function isDivisible(n, divisor) {
    return (Math.floor(n / divisor) == n / divisor);

function allDeltasDivisableBy(divisor) {
    return (isDivisible(deltaBuffer[0], divisor) &&
            isDivisible(deltaBuffer[1], divisor) &&
            isDivisible(deltaBuffer[2], divisor));

function isInsideYoutubeVideo(event) {
    var elem =;
    var isControl = false;
    if (document.URL.indexOf ('') != -1) {
        do {
            isControl = (elem.classList && 
            if (isControl) break;
        } while ((elem = elem.parentNode));
    return isControl;

var requestFrame = (function () {
      return (window.requestAnimationFrame       || 
              window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || 
              window.mozRequestAnimationFrame    ||
              function (callback, element, delay) {
                 window.setTimeout(callback, delay || (1000/60));

var MutationObserver = (window.MutationObserver || 
                        window.WebKitMutationObserver ||

var getScrollRoot = (function() {
  var SCROLL_ROOT = document.scrollingElement;
  return function() {
    if (!SCROLL_ROOT) {
      var dummy = document.createElement('div'); = 'height:10000px;width:1px;';
      var bodyScrollTop  = document.body.scrollTop;
      var docElScrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
      window.scrollBy(0, 3);
      if (document.body.scrollTop != bodyScrollTop)
        (SCROLL_ROOT = document.body);
        (SCROLL_ROOT = document.documentElement);
      window.scrollBy(0, -3);
    return SCROLL_ROOT;

 * PULSE (by Michael Herf)
 * Viscous fluid with a pulse for part and decay for the rest.
 * - Applies a fixed force over an interval (a damped acceleration), and
 * - Lets the exponential bleed away the velocity over a longer interval
 * - Michael Herf,
function pulse_(x) {
    var val, start, expx;
    // test
    x = x * options.pulseScale;
    if (x < 1) { // acceleartion
        val = x - (1 - Math.exp(-x));
    } else {     // tail
        // the previous animation ended here:
        start = Math.exp(-1);
        // simple viscous drag
        x -= 1;
        expx = 1 - Math.exp(-x);
        val = start + (expx * (1 - start));
    return val * options.pulseNormalize;

function pulse(x) {
    if (x >= 1) return 1;
    if (x <= 0) return 0;

    if (options.pulseNormalize == 1) {
        options.pulseNormalize /= pulse_(1);
    return pulse_(x);


var userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent;
var isEdge    = /Edge/.test(userAgent); // thank you MS
var isChrome  = /chrome/i.test(userAgent) && !isEdge; 
var isSafari  = /safari/i.test(userAgent) && !isEdge; 
var isMobile  = /mobile/i.test(userAgent);
var isIEWin7  = /Windows NT 6.1/i.test(userAgent) && /rv:11/i.test(userAgent);
var isOldSafari = isSafari && (/Version\/8/i.test(userAgent) || /Version\/9/i.test(userAgent));
var isEnabledForBrowser = (isChrome || isSafari || isIEWin7) && !isMobile;

var supportsPassive = false;
try {
  window.addEventListener("test", null, Object.defineProperty({}, 'passive', {
    get: function () {
            supportsPassive = true;
} catch(e) {}

var wheelOpt = supportsPassive ? { passive: false } : false;
var wheelEvent = 'onwheel' in document.createElement('div') ? 'wheel' : 'mousewheel'; 

if (wheelEvent && isEnabledForBrowser) {
    addEvent(wheelEvent, wheel, wheelOpt);
    addEvent('mousedown', mousedown);
    addEvent('load', init);


function SmoothScroll(optionsToSet) {
    for (var key in optionsToSet)
        if (defaultOptions.hasOwnProperty(key)) 
            options[key] = optionsToSet[key];
SmoothScroll.destroy = cleanup;

if (window.SmoothScrollOptions) // async API

if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
    define(function() {
        return SmoothScroll;
else if ('object' == typeof exports)
    module.exports = SmoothScroll;
    window.SmoothScroll = SmoothScroll;


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