Server Adress:
// Basic date
// Change Day & Month strings
weekdaysShort: ["S", "M", "Tu", "W", "Th", "F", "S"],
showMonthsShort: true,
// Select Year
selectYears: 8,
// Change first weekday
firstDay: 1,
// Button options
today: "",
close: "Close Picker",
clear: "",
// Date limits
min: [2016, 8, 20],
max: [2016, 10, 30],
// Format options
// Escape any 'rule' characters with an exclamation mark (!).
format: "Selecte!d Date : dddd, dd mmmm, yyyy",
formatSubmit: "mm/dd/yyyy",
hiddenPrefix: "prefix__",
hiddenSuffix: "__suffix",
monthPrev: "←",
monthNext: "→",
weekdaysShort: ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"],
showMonthsFull: false,
// Disable weekday range
disable: [3],
// Disable dates
disable: [
[2016, 5, 10],
[2016, 5, 15],
[2016, 5, 20],
// Month & Year selectors
labelMonthNext: "Next month",
labelMonthPrev: "Previous month",
labelMonthSelect: "Pick a Month",
labelYearSelect: "Pick a Year",
selectMonths: true,
selectYears: true,
// With Select
selectMonths: true,
selectYears: true,
// Events
onStart: function () {
console.log("Hi there!!!");
onRender: function () {
console.log("Holla... rendered new");
onOpen: function () {
console.log("Picker Opened");
onClose: function () {
console.log("I'm Closed now");
onStop: function () {
console.log("Have a great day ahead!!");
onSet: function (context) {
console.log("All stuff:", context);
// Picker Translations
formatSubmit: "dd/mm/yyyy",
monthsFull: [
monthsShort: [
weekdaysShort: ["Dim", "Lun", "Mar", "Mer", "Jeu", "Ven", "Sam"],
today: "aujourd'hui",
clear: "clair",
close: "Fermer",
// Picker min-max range
dateMin: -8,
dateMax: true,
// Date Range from & to
var from_$input = $("#picker_from").pickadate(),
from_picker = from_$input.pickadate("picker");
var to_$input = $("#picker_to").pickadate(),
to_picker = to_$input.pickadate("picker");
if (from_picker.get("value")) {
to_picker.set("min", from_picker.get("select"));
if (to_picker.get("value")) {
from_picker.set("max", to_picker.get("select"));
from_picker.on("set", function (event) {
if ( {
to_picker.set("min", from_picker.get("select"));
} else if ("clear" in event) {
to_picker.set("min", false);
to_picker.on("set", function (event) {
if ( {
from_picker.set("max", to_picker.get("select"));
} else if ("clear" in event) {
from_picker.set("max", false);
//Pick-a-time Picker
// Basic time
// Hide Button
clear: "",
// Format options
format: "T!ime selected: h:i a",
formatLabel: "h:i a",
formatSubmit: "HH:i",
hiddenPrefix: "prefix__",
hiddenSuffix: "__suffix",
// Format options
format: "T!ime selected: h:i a",
formatLabel: "<b>h</b>:i <!i>a</!i>",
formatSubmit: "HH:i",
hiddenPrefix: "prefix__",
hiddenSuffix: "__suffix",
// Format options
formatLabel: function (time) {
var hours = (time.pick - this.get("now").pick) / 60,
label =
hours < 0 ? " !hours to now" : hours > 0 ? " !hours from now" : "now";
return (
"h:i a <sm!all>" + (hours ? Math.abs(hours) : "") + label + "</sm!all>"
// Date range to select
min: new Date(2018, 3, 20, 7),
max: new Date(2018, 7, 14, 18, 30),
// Time using Integer & Boolean
min: -5,
max: true,
// Intervals
interval: 150,
// Diasable Time sets
// Disable Using Javascript
disable: [new Date(2016, 3, 20, 4, 30), new Date(2016, 3, 20, 9)],
// Disable Using Array
/*disable: [
// Disable using integers
disable: [3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 21],
// Disable using object
disable: [{ from: [2, 0], to: [5, 30] }],
// Disable All
disable: [true, 3, 5, 7, [0, 30], [2, 0], [8, 30], [9, 0]],
// Close on a user action
closeOnSelect: false,
closeOnClear: false,
// Events
onStart: function () {
console.log("Hello there :)");
onRender: function () {
console.log("Whoa.. rendered anew");
onOpen: function () {
console.log("Opened up");
onClose: function () {
console.log("Closed now");
onStop: function () {
console.log("See ya.");
onSet: function (context) {
console.log("Just set stuff:", context);
// Picker Translations
formatSubmit: "dd/mm/yyyy",
monthsFull: [
monthsShort: [
weekdaysShort: ["Dim", "Lun", "Mar", "Mer", "Jeu", "Ven", "Sam"],
today: "aujourd'hui",
clear: "clair",
close: "Fermer",
// Basic Date Range Picker
// Date & Time
timePicker: true,
timePickerIncrement: 30,
locale: {
format: "MM/DD/YYYY h:mm A",
//Calendars are not linked
timePicker: true,
timePickerIncrement: 30,
timePicker24Hour: true,
timePickerSeconds: true,
locale: {
format: "MM-DD-YYYY h:mm:ss",
// Single Date Range Picker
singleDatePicker: true,
showDropdowns: true,
// Auto Apply Date Range
autoApply: true,
// Calendars are not linked
linkedCalendars: false,
// Date Limit
dateLimit: {
days: 7,
// Show Dropdowns
showDropdowns: true,
// Show Week Numbers
showWeekNumbers: true,
// Date Ranges
ranges: {
Today: [moment(), moment()],
Yesterday: [moment().subtract(1, "days"), moment().subtract(1, "days")],
"Last 7 Days": [moment().subtract(6, "days"), moment()],
"Last 30 Days": [moment().subtract(29, "days"), moment()],
"This Month": [moment().startOf("month"), moment().endOf("month")],
"Last Month": [
moment().subtract(1, "month").startOf("month"),
moment().subtract(1, "month").endOf("month"),
// Always Show Calendar on Ranges
ranges: {
Today: [moment(), moment()],
Yesterday: [moment().subtract(1, "days"), moment().subtract(1, "days")],
"Last 7 Days": [moment().subtract(6, "days"), moment()],
"Last 30 Days": [moment().subtract(29, "days"), moment()],
"This Month": [moment().startOf("month"), moment().endOf("month")],
"Last Month": [
moment().subtract(1, "month").startOf("month"),
moment().subtract(1, "month").endOf("month"),
alwaysShowCalendars: true,
// Date Limit
opens: "left", // left/right/center
// Date Limit
drops: "up", // up/down
// Date Limit
drops: "up",
buttonClasses: "btn",
applyClass: "btn-info",
cancelClass: "btn-danger",
// language
ranges: {
"Aujourd'hui": [moment(), moment()],
Hier: [moment().subtract("days", 1), moment().subtract("days", 1)],
"Les 7 derniers jours": [moment().subtract("days", 6), moment()],
"Les 30 derniers jours": [moment().subtract("days", 29), moment()],
"Ce mois-ci": [moment().startOf("month"), moment().endOf("month")],
"le mois dernier": [
moment().subtract("month", 1).startOf("month"),
moment().subtract("month", 1).endOf("month"),
locale: {
applyLabel: "Vers l'avant",
cancelLabel: "Annulation",
startLabel: "Date initiale",
endLabel: "Date limite",
customRangeLabel: "Sélectionner une date",
// daysOfWeek: ['Dimanche', 'Lundi', 'Mardi', 'Mercredi', 'Jeudi', 'Vendredi','Samedi'],
daysOfWeek: ["Di", "Lu", "Ma", "Me", "Je", "Ve", "Sa"],
monthNames: [
firstDay: 1,
// API
// 1
// var api_picker_open = $("#api_picker_open").pickadate({
// onOpen: function () {
// //;
// //api_button_open.hide();
// },
// onClose: function () {
// api_button_close.hide();
// },
// }),
// api_calendar_open ="pickadate"),
// api_button_open = $("#api_button_open").on({
// click: function () {
// setTimeout(function () {
// }, 0);
// },
// }),
// api_button_close = $("#api_button_close").on({
// click: function () {
// api_calendar_open.close();
// },
// });
// 2
var api_picker_show = $("#api_picker_show").pickadate(),
api_calendar_show ="pickadate"),
api_button_show = $("#api_button_show").on({
click: function () {;
var api_picker_show_open = $("#api_picker_show_open").pickadate(),
api_calendar_show_open ="pickadate"),
api_button_show_open = $("#api_button_show_open").on({
click: function () {
setTimeout(function () {, 2015).open();
}, 0);
// 3
var // Grab the clear button and bind the event
// to clear the input value on click
api_button_clear_b = $("#api_button_clear_b").on({
click: function () {"pickadate").clear();
// Grab the input element and trigger the picker
// with the onStart and onSelect methods to
// toggle the clear button visibility
api_picker_clear_b = $("#api_picker_clear_b").pickadate({
format: "dd mmmm, yyyy",
formatSubmit: "yyyy-mm-dd",
clear: 0,
onStart: showOrHideClear,
onSelect: showOrHideClear,
// Check if the input element has a value
// and show or hide the button as needed
function showOrHideClear() {
if (this.$node.val());
else api_button_clear_b.hide();
var api_picker_clear = $("#api_picker_clear").pickadate({
format: "dd mmmm, yyyy",
formatSubmit: "yyyy-mm-dd",
api_calendar_clear ="pickadate"),
api_button_clear = $("#api_button_clear").on({
click: function () {