Server Adress:
* This file is part of Psy Shell.
* (c) 2012-2023 Justin Hileman
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Psy\Sudo;
use PhpParser\Node;
use PhpParser\Node\Arg;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\Assign;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\ClassConstFetch;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\MethodCall;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\New_;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\PropertyFetch;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\StaticCall;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\StaticPropertyFetch;
use PhpParser\Node\Identifier;
use PhpParser\Node\Name;
use PhpParser\Node\Name\FullyQualified as FullyQualifiedName;
use PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_;
use PhpParser\NodeVisitorAbstract;
use Psy\Sudo;
* A PHP Parser node visitor which rewrites property and method access to use
* the Psy\Sudo visibility bypass methods.
* @todo handle assigning by reference
class SudoVisitor extends NodeVisitorAbstract
const PROPERTY_FETCH = 'fetchProperty';
const PROPERTY_ASSIGN = 'assignProperty';
const METHOD_CALL = 'callMethod';
const STATIC_PROPERTY_FETCH = 'fetchStaticProperty';
const STATIC_PROPERTY_ASSIGN = 'assignStaticProperty';
const STATIC_CALL = 'callStatic';
const CLASS_CONST_FETCH = 'fetchClassConst';
const NEW_INSTANCE = 'newInstance';
* {@inheritdoc}
* @return int|Node|null Replacement node (or special return value)
public function enterNode(Node $node)
if ($node instanceof PropertyFetch) {
$name = $node->name instanceof Identifier ? $node->name->toString() : $node->name;
$args = [
\is_string($name) ? new String_($name) : $name,
return $this->prepareCall(self::PROPERTY_FETCH, $args);
} elseif ($node instanceof Assign && $node->var instanceof PropertyFetch) {
$target = $node->var;
$name = $target->name instanceof Identifier ? $target->name->toString() : $target->name;
$args = [
\is_string($name) ? new String_($name) : $name,
return $this->prepareCall(self::PROPERTY_ASSIGN, $args);
} elseif ($node instanceof MethodCall) {
$name = $node->name instanceof Identifier ? $node->name->toString() : $node->name;
$args = $node->args;
\array_unshift($args, new Arg(\is_string($name) ? new String_($name) : $name));
\array_unshift($args, new Arg($node->var));
// not using prepareCall because the $node->args we started with are already Arg instances
return new StaticCall(new FullyQualifiedName(Sudo::class), self::METHOD_CALL, $args);
} elseif ($node instanceof StaticPropertyFetch) {
$class = $node->class instanceof Name ? $node->class->toString() : $node->class;
$name = $node->name instanceof Identifier ? $node->name->toString() : $node->name;
$args = [
\is_string($class) ? new String_($class) : $class,
\is_string($name) ? new String_($name) : $name,
return $this->prepareCall(self::STATIC_PROPERTY_FETCH, $args);
} elseif ($node instanceof Assign && $node->var instanceof StaticPropertyFetch) {
$target = $node->var;
$class = $target->class instanceof Name ? $target->class->toString() : $target->class;
$name = $target->name instanceof Identifier ? $target->name->toString() : $target->name;
$args = [
\is_string($class) ? new String_($class) : $class,
\is_string($name) ? new String_($name) : $name,
return $this->prepareCall(self::STATIC_PROPERTY_ASSIGN, $args);
} elseif ($node instanceof StaticCall) {
$args = $node->args;
$class = $node->class instanceof Name ? $node->class->toString() : $node->class;
$name = $node->name instanceof Identifier ? $node->name->toString() : $node->name;
\array_unshift($args, new Arg(\is_string($name) ? new String_($name) : $name));
\array_unshift($args, new Arg(\is_string($class) ? new String_($class) : $class));
// not using prepareCall because the $node->args we started with are already Arg instances
return new StaticCall(new FullyQualifiedName(Sudo::class), self::STATIC_CALL, $args);
} elseif ($node instanceof ClassConstFetch) {
$class = $node->class instanceof Name ? $node->class->toString() : $node->class;
$name = $node->name instanceof Identifier ? $node->name->toString() : $node->name;
$args = [
\is_string($class) ? new String_($class) : $class,
\is_string($name) ? new String_($name) : $name,
return $this->prepareCall(self::CLASS_CONST_FETCH, $args);
} elseif ($node instanceof New_) {
$args = $node->args;
$class = $node->class instanceof Name ? $node->class->toString() : $node->class;
\array_unshift($args, new Arg(\is_string($class) ? new String_($class) : $class));
// not using prepareCall because the $node->args we started with are already Arg instances
return new StaticCall(new FullyQualifiedName(Sudo::class), self::NEW_INSTANCE, $args);
private function prepareCall(string $method, array $args): StaticCall
return new StaticCall(new FullyQualifiedName(Sudo::class), $method, \array_map(function ($arg) {
return new Arg($arg);
}, $args));