Server Adress:

Dosya Yükle :
Current File : //home/u866425823/domains/

    $conection = $conn;


    use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer;
    use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\Exception;

    require 'PHPMailer/src/Exception.php';
    require 'PHPMailer/src/PHPMailer.php';
    require 'PHPMailer/src/SMTP.php';

    // ---------------------- File upload start ------------------------
    require 'phpspreadsheet/vendor/autoload.php';

    use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet;
    use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Writer\Xlsx;
    use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Worksheet\MemoryDrawing;
    // ---------------------- File upload end ------------------------

    $states  = array(
        'Andhra Pradesh',
        'Arunachal Pradesh',
        'Himachal Pradesh',
        'Jammu & Kashmir',
        'Madhya Pradesh',
        'Tamil Nadu',
        'Uttar Pradesh',
        'West Bengal',
        'Andaman & Nicobar',
        'Dadra and Nagar Haveli',
        'Daman & Diu',

    function send_mail($receiver, $body, $sub)
        $mail = new PHPMailer();
        // $mail->SMTPDebug=3;
        $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
        $mail->Host = "";
        $mail->Port = "465";
        $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8';
        $mail->Username = "[email protected]";
        $mail->Password = "[email protected]";
        $mail->SMTPSecure = PHPMailer::ENCRYPTION_SMTPS;
        $mail->SetFrom("[email protected]", "KMCLU SUGAM Dashboard");
        $mail->Subject = $sub;
        $mail->Body = $body;
        $mail->SMTPOptions = array('ssl' => array(
            'verify_peer' => false,
            'verify_peer_name' => false,
            'allow_self_signed' => false
        if (!$mail->Send()) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;

    // ---------------------------- Message Function Start--------------------

    function  SuccessFun($Message)
        echo "
            <div class='alert alert-success alert-dismissible fade show' role='alert'>
            <button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert' aria-label='Close'>
            <span aria-hidden='true'>&times;</span>
        echo "<script>
                if (window.history.replaceState) {
                window.history.replaceState(null, null, window.location.href)
    function  DangerFun($Message)
        echo "
            <div class='alert alert-danger alert-dismissible fade show' role='alert'>
            <button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert' aria-label='Close'>
            <span aria-hidden='true'>&times;</span>
        echo "<script>
                if (window.history.replaceState) {
                window.history.replaceState(null, null, window.location.href)

    // ---------------------------- Message Function end--------------------

    // ------------------------------- Import Files start ------------------------ 

    function ImportFiles($file_tmp)
        $inputFileNamePath = $file_tmp;
        $spreadsheet = \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\IOFactory::load($inputFileNamePath);
        $maxCell = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->getHighestRowAndColumn();
        $data = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->rangeToArray('A1:' . $maxCell['column'] . $maxCell['row']);

        return $data;

    function remove_empty_cell(array $data)
        for ($i = count($data) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
            $check = implode('', $data[$i]);
            if (empty($check)) {

        return array_values($data);

    function import_data_with_images($file_name)
        $spreadsheet = \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\IOFactory::load($file_name);

        $worksheet = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet();
        $maxCell = $worksheet->getHighestRowAndColumn();
        $data = $worksheet->rangeToArray('A1:' . $maxCell['column'] . $maxCell['row']);
        $maxcol = count($data[0]);
        $store_img_arr = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($worksheet->getDrawingCollection()); $i++) {

            $drawing = $worksheet->getDrawingCollection()[$i];
            $zipReader = fopen($drawing->getPath(), 'r');
            $imageContents = '';
            $extension = $drawing->getExtension();
            while (!feof($zipReader)) {
                $imageContents .= fread($zipReader, 1024);

            $filename =  substr(md5(mt_rand(1000, 100000)), 20) . '.' . $extension;
            // file_put_contents($filename, $imageContents);
            $data[$i + 1][$maxcol - 1] = $filename;
            $store_img_arr[$filename] = $imageContents;

        return array($data, $store_img_arr);

    // ------------------------------- Import Files end ------------------------ 

    // -------------------------------- Go back Start ----------------------
    function goback($id)
        if (!isset($id)) {
            echo "<script>window.history.back()</script>";
    // -------------------------------- Go back end----------------------

    // ----------------------------------- Real_escape string start-------------
    function realEscape($data)
        global $conection;
        $escape = strip_tags(mysqli_real_escape_string($conection, trim($_POST[$data])));
        return  $escape;

    // ----------------------------------- Real_escape string end-------------

    // -----------------Some Pre-Defined Files Formate Array----------------

    $pdf_format = ['pdf', 'PDF'];
    $docx_format = ['docx', 'DOCX'];
    $excel = ['xls', 'csv', 'xlsx'];
    $img_format = ['jpg', 'JPG', 'jpeg', 'JPEG', 'png', 'PNG', 'gif', 'GIF', 'tif', 'tiff'];
    $img_pdf_format = ['pdf', 'PDF', 'jpg', 'JPG', 'jpeg', 'JPEG', 'png', 'PNG', 'gif', 'GIF', 'tif', 'tiff'];
    function file_format($file, array $file_format)
        $get_file_ext = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

        if (!in_array($get_file_ext, $file_format)) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;

    function new_fileName($file_name)
        $new_file_ext = pathinfo($file_name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
        $new_name = substr(md5($file_name) . mt_rand(1000, 10000), 22) . '.' . $new_file_ext;
        return $new_name;

    //    ------------------------------------------ Delete Only Data Not File Function Start------------------  
    function delete_single($table, $col_id)
        global $conection;
        $delete = "DELETE FROM `$table` WHERE  col_id = '$col_id'";
        if (mysqli_query($conection, $delete)) {
            $check = "SELECT * FROM `$table` WHERE col_id = '$col_id'";
            $check_query = mysqli_query($conection, $check);
            $check_row = mysqli_num_rows($check_query);
            if ($check_row != 0) {
                return false;
            } else {
                return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    // function delete_single_from_many_table(array $delete_data)
    // {
    //     global $conection;
    //     $success = 0;
    //     for ($i = 0; $i < count($delete_data); $i++) {
    //         $table = $delete_data[$i]['table'];
    //         $col_id =  $delete_data[$i]['col_id'];
    //         $select = "SELECT * FROM `$table` where col_id = '$col_id'";
    //         $query = mysqli_query($conection, $select);
    //         $row = mysqli_num_rows($query);
    //         if ($row != 0) {
    //             mysqli_query($conection, "DELETE FROM `$table` WHERE col_id = '$col_id'");
    //             $success++;
    //         }
    //     }
    //     if ($success != 0) {
    //         return true;
    //     } else {
    //         return false;
    //     }
    // }

    function delete_multiple($table_name, array $col_ids)
        global $conection;
        $success = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($col_ids); $i++) {
            $Delete = "DELETE FROM `$table_name` WHERE col_id = '$col_ids[$i]'";
            $Select = "SELECT * FROM `$table_name` WHERE col_id = '$col_ids[$i]'";

            $query = mysqli_query($conection, $Select);
            $Row = mysqli_num_rows($query);

            if ($Row != 0) {
                if (mysqli_query($conection, $Delete)) {
                    $select_again = "SELECT * FROM `$table_name` WHERE col_id = '$col_ids[$i]'";
                    $query_again = mysqli_query($conection, $select_again);
                    $Check_row = mysqli_num_rows($query_again);
                    if ($Check_row == 0) {

        if ($success == 0) {

            DangerFun('Failed To Delete Data');
        } else {
            SuccessFun('Total ' . $success . ' Data Deleted Successfully');

    function delete_single_with_file($table_name, $col_ids, array $file_arr, $path)
        //    add '/' in the path at last 

        global $conection;

        $Delete = "DELETE FROM `$table_name` WHERE col_id = '$col_ids'";
        $Select = "SELECT * FROM `$table_name` WHERE col_id = '$col_ids'";

        $query = mysqli_query($conection, $Select);
        $Row = mysqli_num_rows($query);
        $fetch_data = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query);
        if ($Row != 0) {
            if (mysqli_query($conection, $Delete)) {
                $select_again = "SELECT * FROM `$table_name` WHERE col_id = '$col_ids'";
                $query_again = mysqli_query($conection, $select_again);
                $Check_row = mysqli_num_rows($query_again);
                if ($Check_row == 0) {

                    for ($j = 0; $j < count($file_arr); $j++) {
                        if (file_exists($path . $fetch_data[$file_arr[$j]])) {
                            unlink($path . $fetch_data[$file_arr[$j]]);
                    return true;
                } else {
                    return false;
            } else {
                return false;
        } else {
            return false;

    function delete_multiple_with_file($table_name, array $col_ids, array $file_arr, $path)
        //    add '/' in the path at last 

        global $conection;
        $success = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($col_ids); $i++) {
            $Delete = "DELETE FROM `$table_name` WHERE col_id = '$col_ids[$i]'";
            $Select = "SELECT * FROM `$table_name` WHERE col_id = '$col_ids[$i]'";

            $query = mysqli_query($conection, $Select);
            $Row = mysqli_num_rows($query);
            $fetch_data = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query);
            if ($Row != 0) {
                if (mysqli_query($conection, $Delete)) {
                    $select_again = "SELECT * FROM `$table_name` WHERE col_id = '$col_ids[$i]'";
                    $query_again = mysqli_query($conection, $select_again);
                    $Check_row = mysqli_num_rows($query_again);
                    if ($Check_row == 0) {
                        for ($j = 0; $j < count($file_arr); $j++) {

                            if ($fetch_data[$file_arr[$j]] != '') {
                                if (file_exists($path . $fetch_data[$file_arr[$j]])) {
                                    unlink($path . $fetch_data[$file_arr[$j]]);

        if ($success == 0) {

            DangerFun('Failed To Delete Data');
        } else {
            SuccessFun('Total ' . $success . ' Data Deleted Successfully');

    //  ------------------------------------------ Delete Only Data Not File Function End------------------  

    //   ---------------------------- Uid generator start-------------------------

    function uid_generator()

        $gen_uid = strtoupper(substr(md5(mt_rand(10000, 1000000)), 22));
        return $gen_uid;

    function check_uid_availibility($uid, $table)
        global $conection;
        $check_uid = "SELECT * FROM `$table` where uid = '$uid'";
        $check_uid_q = mysqli_query($conection, $check_uid);
        $check_uid_r = mysqli_num_rows($check_uid_q);

        if ($check_uid_r != 0) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;
    //   ---------------------------- Uid generator end-------------------------

    // ---------------------------------------------- Function For get Select Options start---------------------

    $months = array(
        'July ',

    function get_month()
        global $months;
        $str = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($months); $i++) {
            $str .=  "
              <option  value='$months[$i]'>$months[$i]</option>
        return $str;

    function get_department()
        global $conection;
        $get_dep = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT DISTINCT dep FROM `courses` order by dep asc");

        $str = "";
        while ($get_dep_f = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get_dep)) {
            $str .= "
         <option  value='$get_dep_f[dep]'>$get_dep_f[dep]</option>
        return $str;
    function get_courses()
        global $conection;
        $get_course = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT DISTINCT course FROM `courses` order by course asc");

        $str = "";
        while ($get_course_f = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get_course)) {
            $str .= "
         <option  value='$get_course_f[course]'>$get_course_f[course]</option>
        return $str;

    function get_states()
        global $states;
        $str = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($states); $i++) {
            $str .=  "
              <option  value='$states[$i]'>$states[$i]</option>
        return $str;

    function get_academic_session()
        global $conection;
        $str = "";
        $get_Aca_Session = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT * FROM `academic_session` order by academic_session ASC");

        while ($get_aca_session_f = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get_Aca_Session)) {
            $str .= "
             <option  value='$get_aca_session_f[academic_session]'>$get_aca_session_f[academic_session]</option>
        return $str;

    function get_semeter()
        $str = "";
        $str .= "
        <option value = '1'>1</option>
        <option value = '2'>2</option>
        <option value = '3'>3</option>
        <option value = '4'>4</option>
        <option value = '5'>5</option>
        <option value = '6'>6</option>
        <option value = '7'>7</option>
        <option value = '8'>8</option>
        return $str;

    function get_year()
        $str = "";
        $str .= "
        <option value = '1'>1</option>
        <option value = '2'>2</option>
        <option value = '3'>3</option>
        <option value = '4'>4</option>
        return $str;

    function get_paper_code()
        global $conection;
        $str = "";
        $get_paper_code = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT DISTINCT paper_code FROM `papers` order by paper_code ASC");

        while ($get_paper_code_f = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get_paper_code)) {
            $str .= "
             <option  value='$get_paper_code_f[paper_code]'>$get_paper_code_f[paper_code]</option>
        return $str;

    // ---------------------------------------------- Function For get Select Options end---------------------

    // --------------------------------------- Indian Number System start--------------------------------
    function IND_num_format($number)
        $decimal = (string)($number - floor($number));
        $money = floor($number);
        $length = strlen($money);
        $delimiter = '';
        $money = strrev($money);

        for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
            if (($i == 3 || ($i > 3 && ($i - 1) % 2 == 0)) && $i != $length) {
                $delimiter .= ',';
            $delimiter .= $money[$i];

        $result = strrev($delimiter);
        $decimal = preg_replace("/0\./i", ".", $decimal);
        $decimal = substr($decimal, 0, 3);

        if ($decimal != '0') {
            $result = $result . $decimal;

        return $result;
    // --------------------------------------- Indian Number System end--------------------------------

    // ------------------------------ Academic Session Generator  start----------------

    function generate_academic_session()
        $current_y  = date('Y');
        for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
            $aca_session = ($current_y + $i) . '-' . (substr($current_y, 2) + $i + 1);
            echo "<option value ='$aca_session'>$aca_session</option>";

    // ------------------------------ Academic Session Generator  end----------------

    function get_credit($course, $year, $sem, $paper_code)
        global $conection;
        $get_credit = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT * FROM `papers` where course = '$course' and year = '$year' and sem = '$sem' and  paper_code = '$paper_code'");
        $credit = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get_credit);
        return $credit['credit'];

    function get_grade($marks)
        if ($marks != '') {
            if ($marks >= 90 && $marks <= 100) {
                return  array('O', 10);
            } elseif ($marks >= 80 && $marks < 90) {
                return  array('A+', 9);
            } elseif ($marks >= 70 && $marks < 80) {
                return  array('A', 8);
            } elseif ($marks >= 60 && $marks < 70) {
                return  array('B+', 7);
            } elseif ($marks >= 50 && $marks < 60) {
                return  array('B', 6);
            } elseif ($marks >= 45 && $marks < 50) {
                return  array('C', 5);
            } elseif ($marks >= 40 && $marks < 45) {
                return  array('P', 4);
            } elseif ($marks >= 0 && $marks < 40) {
                return  array('F', 0);
        } else {
            return array('AB', 0);

    // function get_result(array $internal, array $external)
    // {
    //     //    array(array('min' => 20, 'obt' => 50), array('min' => 10, 'obt' => 30));

    //     $result = 'PASSED';

    //     for ($i = 0; $i < count($internal); $i++) {
    //         $int_min = $internal[$i]['min'];
    //         $int_obt = $internal[$i]['obt'];

    //         $ext_min = $external[$i]['min'];
    //         $ext_obt = $external[$i]['obt'];

    //         if ($int_obt < $int_min) {
    //             $result = 'FAILED';
    //             break;
    //         } elseif ($ext_obt < $ext_min) {
    //             $result = 'PROMOTED';
    //             break;
    //         }
    //     }
    //     return $result;
    // }

    function get_int_ext_min($course, $year, $sem, $paper_code)
        global $conection;
        $get_int_ext = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT * FROM `papers` where course = '$course' and  year = '$year' and sem = '$sem' and  paper_code = '$paper_code'");

        if (mysqli_num_rows($get_int_ext) != 0) {
            $get_int_ext_f = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get_int_ext);
            return array($get_int_ext_f['int_min'], $get_int_ext_f['ext_pra_min']);
        } else {
            return false;

    function get_result_and_back_paper($enroll_no)
        global $conection;
        $get_result = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT * FROM `marksheet_data` where enroll_no = '$enroll_no'");
        $get_result_r = mysqli_num_rows($get_result);

        $back_papers = array();
        $failed_papers = array();

        if ($get_result_r != 0) {
            while ($get_result_f = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get_result)) {
                $get_paper_code = $get_result_f['paper_code'];
                $check_paper_type = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT * FROM `papers` where course = '$get_result_f[course]' and year = '$get_result_f[year]' and sem = '$get_result_f[sem]' and paper_code = '$get_paper_code'");

                $check_row = mysqli_num_rows($check_paper_type);
                if ($check_row != 0) {
                    $check_f = mysqli_fetch_assoc($check_paper_type);
                    $elective_sub = $check_f['elective_subject'];
                    if ($elective_sub != 'QUALIFYING' && $get_result_f['status'] == 'PROMOTTED') {
                        array_push($back_papers, $get_result_f['paper_code']);
                    } elseif ($elective_sub != 'QUALIFYING' && $get_result_f['status'] == 'FAILED') {
                        array_push($failed_papers, $get_result_f['paper_code']);

            if (count($back_papers) == 0 && count($failed_papers) == 0) {
                return 'PASSED';
            } else {
                return array($back_papers, $failed_papers);

    function calculate_all_sem_sgpa($enroll_no)
        global $conection;
        $sgpa_arr = array();
        $get_sem = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT DISTINCT sem FROM `marksheet_data` where enroll_no = '$enroll_no'");
        $get_sem_r = mysqli_num_rows($get_sem);
        if ($get_sem_r != 0) {
            while ($get_sem_f = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get_sem)) {
                $get_sem_data = $get_sem_f['sem'];

                $get_marks = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT * FROM `marksheet_data` where enroll_no = '$enroll_no' and sem = '$get_sem_data'");
                $get_marks_r = mysqli_num_rows($get_marks);

                $credit_arr = array();
                $credit_point_arr = array();
                if ($get_marks_r != 0) {
                    while ($get_marks_f = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get_marks)) {

                        $int_obt = $get_marks_f['int_obt'];
                        $ext_pra_obt = $get_marks_f['ext_pra_obt'];

                        $get_credit = get_credit($get_marks_f['course'], $get_marks_f['year'], $get_marks_f['sem'], $get_marks_f['paper_code']);

                        $total_marks = $int_obt + $ext_pra_obt;
                        $get_grade = get_grade($total_marks);
                        $get_grade_point = $get_grade[1];

                        $credit_point = $get_credit * $get_grade_point;

                        array_push($credit_arr, $get_credit);
                        array_push($credit_point_arr, $credit_point);

                    $total_credit = array_sum($credit_arr);
                    $total_credit_point = array_sum($credit_point_arr);

                    $sgpa = round(($total_credit_point / $total_credit), 2);
                    array_push($sgpa_arr, $sgpa);

            return $sgpa_arr;
        } else {
            return 0;

    function calculate_cgpa($enroll_no)

        global $conection;
        $sgpa_credit_pro_arr = array();
        $total_credit_arr = array();
        $get_sem = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT DISTINCT sem FROM `marksheet_data` where enroll_no = '$enroll_no'");
        $get_sem_r = mysqli_num_rows($get_sem);
        if ($get_sem_r != 0) {
            while ($get_sem_f = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get_sem)) {
                $get_sem_data = $get_sem_f['sem'];

                $get_marks = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT * FROM `marksheet_data` where enroll_no = '$enroll_no' and sem = '$get_sem_data'");
                $get_marks_r = mysqli_num_rows($get_marks);

                $credit_arr = array();
                $credit_point_arr = array();
                if ($get_marks_r != 0) {
                    while ($get_marks_f = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get_marks)) {

                        $int_obt = $get_marks_f['int_obt'];
                        $ext_pra_obt = $get_marks_f['ext_pra_obt'];

                        $get_credit = get_credit($get_marks_f['course'], $get_marks_f['year'], $get_marks_f['sem'], $get_marks_f['paper_code']);

                        $total_marks = $int_obt + $ext_pra_obt;
                        $get_grade = get_grade($total_marks);
                        $get_grade_point = $get_grade[1];

                        $credit_point = $get_credit * $get_grade_point;

                        array_push($credit_arr, $get_credit);
                        array_push($credit_point_arr, $credit_point);

                    $total_credit = array_sum($credit_arr);
                    $total_credit_point = array_sum($credit_point_arr);

                    $sgpa = round(($total_credit_point / $total_credit), 2);

                    $pro_sgpa_credit = $sgpa * $total_credit;

                    array_push($sgpa_credit_pro_arr, $pro_sgpa_credit);
                    array_push($total_credit_arr, $total_credit);

            $sgpa_credit_pro_sum = array_sum($sgpa_credit_pro_arr);
            $credit_sum = array_sum($total_credit_arr);

            $cgpa = round(($sgpa_credit_pro_sum / $credit_sum), 2);
            return $cgpa;

    function lock_marksheet(array $lock_marksheet)
        global $conection;
        $d = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($lock_marksheet); $i++) {
            $json_data = json_decode($lock_marksheet[$i], true);
            $d[$json_data[0]] = array('year' => $json_data[1], 'sem' => $json_data[2]);
        $enroll_no = array_keys($d);

        $n = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($enroll_no); $i++) {
            $year = $d[$enroll_no[$i]]['year'];
            $sem = $d[$enroll_no[$i]]['sem'];

            $get_academic_info = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT * FROM `marksheet_data` where enroll_no = '$enroll_no[$i]' and year = '$year' and sem = '$sem' ");
            $check_r = mysqli_num_rows($get_academic_info);
            if ($check_r != 0) {
                $get_data = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get_academic_info);

                $check_already_locked = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT * FROM `locked_marksheet` WHERE enroll_no = '$get_data[enroll_no]' and roll_no = '$get_data[roll_no]' and year = '$get_data[year]' and sem = '$get_data[sem]' and session = '$get_data[session]'");
                $check_al_locked_r = mysqli_num_rows($check_already_locked);
                if ($check_al_locked_r == 0) {
                    $Insert = "INSERT INTO `locked_marksheet`( `enroll_no`, `roll_no`, `year`, `sem`,`month`, `session`) 
                 VALUES ('$get_data[enroll_no]','$get_data[roll_no]','$get_data[year]','$get_data[sem]','$get_data[month]','$get_data[session]')";

                    if (mysqli_query($conection, $Insert)) {

        if ($n != 0) {
            SuccessFun("$n marksheet locked successfully");
        } else {
            DangerFun('Failed to lock marksheet');

    function unlock_marksheet(array $lock_marksheet)
        global $conection;
        $d = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($lock_marksheet); $i++) {
            $json_data = json_decode($lock_marksheet[$i], true);
            $d[$json_data[0]] = array('year' => $json_data[1], 'sem' => $json_data[2]);
        $enroll_no = array_keys($d);

        $n = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($enroll_no); $i++) {
            $year = $d[$enroll_no[$i]]['year'];
            $sem = $d[$enroll_no[$i]]['sem'];

            $check_locked = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT * FROM `locked_marksheet` WHERE enroll_no = '$enroll_no[$i]' and year = '$year' and sem = '$sem'");
            $check_locked_r = mysqli_num_rows($check_locked);

            if ($check_locked_r != 0) {
                $Delete = "DELETE FROM `locked_marksheet` WHERE enroll_no = '$enroll_no[$i]' and year = '$year' and sem = '$sem'";
                if (mysqli_query($conection, $Delete)) {

        if ($n != 0) {
            SuccessFun("$n marksheet unlocked successfully");
        } else {
            DangerFun('Failed to unlock marksheet');

    function lock_single_marksheet($enroll_no, $year, $sem)
        global $conection;

        $get_academic_info = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT * FROM `marksheet_data` where enroll_no = '$enroll_no' and year = '$year' and sem = '$sem' ");
        $check_r = mysqli_num_rows($get_academic_info);
        if ($check_r != 0) {
            $get_data = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get_academic_info);

            $check_already_locked = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT * FROM `locked_marksheet` WHERE enroll_no = '$get_data[enroll_no]' and roll_no = '$get_data[roll_no]' and year = '$get_data[year]' and sem = '$get_data[sem]' and session = '$get_data[session]'");
            $check_al_locked_r = mysqli_num_rows($check_already_locked);
            if ($check_al_locked_r == 0) {
                $Insert = "INSERT INTO `locked_marksheet`( `enroll_no`, `roll_no`, `year`, `sem`,`month`, `session`) 
             VALUES ('$get_data[enroll_no]','$get_data[roll_no]','$get_data[year]','$get_data[sem]','$get_data[month]','$get_data[session]')";

                if (mysqli_query($conection, $Insert)) {
                    SuccessFun('Marksheet Locked Successfully');
                } else {
                    DangerFun('Failed To Lock Marksheet');
            } else {
                DangerFun('Marksheet already locked');
        } else {
            DangerFun('Failed To Lock Marksheet');

    function unlock_single_marksheet($enroll_no, $year, $sem)
        global $conection;

        $check_locked = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT * FROM `locked_marksheet` WHERE enroll_no = '$enroll_no' and year = '$year' and sem = '$sem'");
        $check_locked_r = mysqli_num_rows($check_locked);

        if ($check_locked_r != 0) {
            $Delete = "DELETE FROM `locked_marksheet` WHERE enroll_no = '$enroll_no' and year = '$year' and sem = '$sem'";
            if (mysqli_query($conection, $Delete)) {
                SuccessFun('Marksheet Unlocked Successfully');
            } else {
                DangerFun('Failed To Unlock Marksheet');
        } else {
            DangerFun('Marksheet already unlocked');

    function get_locked_marksheet($session)
        global $conection;
        $get_locked = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT * FROM `locked_marksheet` where session = '$session'");
        $get_locked_r = mysqli_num_rows($get_locked);
        return IND_num_format($get_locked_r);

    function get_unlocked_marksheet($session)
        global $conection;
        $n = 0;
        $get_unlocked = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT DISTINCT enroll_no, year, sem FROM `marksheet_data` WHERE session = '$session'");
        while ($get_unlock_f = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get_unlocked)) {
            $check_locked = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT * FROM `locked_marksheet` where enroll_no = '$get_unlock_f[enroll_no]' and year = '$get_unlock_f[year]' and sem = '$get_unlock_f[sem]' ");
            $check_locked_r = mysqli_num_rows($check_locked);
            if ($check_locked_r == 0) {
        return IND_num_format($n);

    function get_passed_stu($session)
        global $conection;
        $pass = 0;
        $fail = 0;
        $back = 0;

        $status_arr = array();
        $get_enroll = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT DISTINCT enroll_no FROM `marksheet_data` WHERE session = '$session'");
        if (mysqli_num_rows($get_enroll) != 0) {
            while ($get_enroll_f = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get_enroll)) {
                $get_dis_year_sem = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT DISTINCT course,year, sem from `marksheet_data` where enroll_no = '$get_enroll_f[enroll_no]'");

                if (mysqli_num_rows($get_dis_year_sem) != 0) {
                    while ($get_dis_year_sem_f = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get_dis_year_sem)) {

                        $get_dis_stu_data = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT * FROM `marksheet_data` where enroll_no = '$get_enroll_f[enroll_no]' and year = '$get_dis_year_sem_f[year]' and sem = '$get_dis_year_sem_f[sem]' ");

                        $select_paper_count = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT * FROM `papers` where course = '$get_dis_year_sem_f[course]' and year = '$get_dis_year_sem_f[year]' and sem = '$get_dis_year_sem_f[sem]' and elective_subject != 'QUALIFYING'");

                        $get_paper_count = mysqli_num_rows($select_paper_count);

                        $P = 0;
                        $F = 0;
                        $PRO = 0;
                        while ($get_dis_stu_f = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get_dis_stu_data)) {
                            $check_paper = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT * FROM `papers` where paper_code = '$get_dis_stu_f[paper_code]' and course = '$get_dis_stu_f[course]' and year = '$get_dis_stu_f[year]' and sem = '$get_dis_stu_f[sem]' and elective_subject != 'QUALIFYING'");

                            if (mysqli_num_rows($check_paper) != 0) {
                                if ($get_dis_stu_f['status'] == 'PASSED') {
                                } elseif ($get_dis_stu_f['status'] == 'FAILED') {
                                } elseif ($get_dis_stu_f['status'] == 'PROMOTTED') {
                        if ($P == $get_paper_count) {
                        } elseif ($F != 0) {
                        } elseif ($PRO != 0  && $F == 0) {

        return array($pass, $fail, $back);

    function get_pending_status($certi_name)
        global $conection;
        $get_data = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT * FROM `certificatedata` where certi_name = '$certi_name' and status = 'Pending'");
        $get_r = mysqli_num_rows($get_data);
        return $get_r;
    function get_verified_status($certi_name)
        global $conection;
        $get_data = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT * FROM `certificatedata` where certi_name = '$certi_name' and status = 'Verified'");
        $get_r = mysqli_num_rows($get_data);
        return $get_r;
    function get_reject_status($certi_name)
        global $conection;
        $get_data = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT * FROM `certificatedata` where certi_name = '$certi_name' and (status != 'Pending' and status !='Verified')");
        $get_r = mysqli_num_rows($get_data);
        return $get_r;

    function change_date_format($date)
        $new_date = date_format(date_create($date), 'd-M-Y');
        return $new_date;

    function get_verified_marksheet_status($status)
        global $conection;
        $get_data = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT * FROM `marksheet_veri_req` where  status = '$status'");
        $get_r = mysqli_num_rows($get_data);
        return $get_r;

    function get_migration_sr_no()
        global $conection;
        $get_data =  mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT * FROM `uploaded_certificates` where  certi_name = 'Migration'  order by col_id desc limit 1");

        $get_r = mysqli_num_rows($get_data);
        if ($get_r == 0) {
            $new_certi_sr_no = 'MC000001/COE/KMCLU/' . date('y');
        } else {
            $get_data_f = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get_data);
            $certi_sr_no = $get_data_f['certi_sr_no'];
            $certi_sr_no_increment = substr($certi_sr_no, 2, 6) + 1;

            $length_of_sr_no = strlen($certi_sr_no_increment);

            $get_length_diff = 6 - $length_of_sr_no;
            if ($get_length_diff != 0) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < $get_length_diff; $i++) {
                    $new_certi_sr_incre = '0' . $certi_sr_no_increment;
                    $certi_sr_no_increment = $new_certi_sr_incre;
                $new_certi_sr_no = "MC" . $new_certi_sr_incre . "/COE/KMCLU/" . date('y');
            } else {
                $new_certi_sr_no = "MC" . $certi_sr_no_increment . "/COE/KMCLU/" . date('y');
        return $new_certi_sr_no;
    function get_character_sr_no()
        global $conection;
        $get_data =  mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT * FROM `uploaded_certificates` where  certi_name = 'Character Certificate'  order by col_id desc limit 1");

        $get_r = mysqli_num_rows($get_data);
        if ($get_r == 0) {
            $new_certi_sr_no = 'CC000001/COE/KMCLU/' . date('y');
        } else {
            $get_data_f = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get_data);
            $certi_sr_no = $get_data_f['certi_sr_no'];
            $certi_sr_no_increment = substr($certi_sr_no, 2, 6) + 1;

            $length_of_sr_no = strlen($certi_sr_no_increment);

            $get_length_diff = 6 - $length_of_sr_no;
            if ($get_length_diff != 0) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < $get_length_diff; $i++) {
                    $new_certi_sr_incre = '0' . $certi_sr_no_increment;
                    $certi_sr_no_increment = $new_certi_sr_incre;
                $new_certi_sr_no = "CC" . $new_certi_sr_incre . "/COE/KMCLU/" . date('y');
            } else {
                $new_certi_sr_no = "CC" . $certi_sr_no_increment . "/COE/KMCLU/" . date('y');
        return $new_certi_sr_no;

    function show_json_string($json)
        return  $json_decode = implode(', ', json_decode($json));

    function get_challege_eva_status()
        global $conection;

        $get_data1 = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT * FROM `challenge_eva` where  file = ''");
        $get_data2 = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT * FROM `challenge_eva` where  file != ''");
        $get_r1 = mysqli_num_rows($get_data1);
        $get_r2 = mysqli_num_rows($get_data2);
        return array($get_r1, $get_r2);

    function get_scrutiny_status()
        global $conection;

        $get_data1 = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT * FROM `scrutiny` where  status = 'Pending'");
        $get_data2 = mysqli_query($conection, "SELECT * FROM `scrutiny` where  status = 'Done'");
        $get_r1 = mysqli_num_rows($get_data1);
        $get_r2 = mysqli_num_rows($get_data2);
        return array($get_r1, $get_r2);

    function paymentVerification($roll_no, $fee_type)
        // Initialize cURL
        $ch = curl_init();

        // Set the URL and other options
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '');
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); // Return the response as a string

        // Set the request method to POST
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);

        // Set the data to be sent in the request body
        $data = array(
            'api_key' => 'HASH669SRC',
            'roll_number' => $roll_no,
            'fee_type' => $fee_type,
            'registration_id' => $roll_no,

        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

        // Execute the request
        $response = curl_exec($ch);

        // Check for errors
        if (curl_errno($ch)) {
            $error = curl_error($ch);
            // Handle the error
            return false;

        // Close cURL

        // Process the response
        if ($response) {
            // Parse the response JSON or use it as needed
            $data = json_decode($response, true);
            // Process the data
            return $data;
        } else {
            // Handle the case when no response is received
            return false;

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