Server Adress:
// @ts-check
import fs from 'fs'
import path from 'path'
import isGlob from 'is-glob'
import fastGlob from 'fast-glob'
import normalizePath from 'normalize-path'
import { parseGlob } from '../util/parseGlob'
import { env } from './sharedState'
import log from '../util/log'
import micromatch from 'micromatch'
/** @typedef {import('../../types/config.js').RawFile} RawFile */
/** @typedef {import('../../types/config.js').FilePath} FilePath */
* @typedef {object} ContentPath
* @property {string} original
* @property {string} base
* @property {string | null} glob
* @property {boolean} ignore
* @property {string} pattern
* Turn a list of content paths (absolute or not; glob or not) into a list of
* absolute file paths that exist on the filesystem
* If there are symlinks in the path then multiple paths will be returned
* one for the symlink and one for the actual file
* @param {*} context
* @param {import('tailwindcss').Config} tailwindConfig
* @returns {ContentPath[]}
export function parseCandidateFiles(context, tailwindConfig) {
let files = tailwindConfig.content.files
// Normalize the file globs
files = files.filter((filePath) => typeof filePath === 'string')
files =
// Split into included and excluded globs
let tasks = fastGlob.generateTasks(files)
/** @type {ContentPath[]} */
let included = []
/** @type {ContentPath[]} */
let excluded = []
for (const task of tasks) {
included.push( => parseFilePath(filePath, false)))
excluded.push( => parseFilePath(filePath, true)))
let paths = [...included, ...excluded]
// Resolve paths relative to the config file or cwd
paths = resolveRelativePaths(context, paths)
// Resolve symlinks if possible
paths = paths.flatMap(resolvePathSymlinks)
// Update cached patterns
paths =
return paths
* @param {string} filePath
* @param {boolean} ignore
* @returns {ContentPath}
function parseFilePath(filePath, ignore) {
let contentPath = {
original: filePath,
base: filePath,
pattern: filePath,
glob: null,
if (isGlob(filePath)) {
Object.assign(contentPath, parseGlob(filePath))
return contentPath
* @param {ContentPath} contentPath
* @returns {ContentPath}
function resolveGlobPattern(contentPath) {
// This is required for Windows support to properly pick up Glob paths.
// Afaik, this technically shouldn't be needed but there's probably
// some internal, direct path matching with a normalized path in
// a package which can't handle mixed directory separators
let base = normalizePath(contentPath.base)
// If the user's file path contains any special characters (like parens) for instance fast-glob
// is like "OOOH SHINY" and treats them as such. So we have to escape the base path to fix this
base = fastGlob.escapePath(base)
contentPath.pattern = contentPath.glob ? `${base}/${contentPath.glob}` : base
contentPath.pattern = contentPath.ignore ? `!${contentPath.pattern}` : contentPath.pattern
return contentPath
* Resolve each path relative to the config file (when possible) if the experimental flag is enabled
* Otherwise, resolve relative to the current working directory
* @param {any} context
* @param {ContentPath[]} contentPaths
* @returns {ContentPath[]}
function resolveRelativePaths(context, contentPaths) {
let resolveFrom = []
// Resolve base paths relative to the config file (when possible) if the experimental flag is enabled
if (context.userConfigPath && context.tailwindConfig.content.relative) {
resolveFrom = [path.dirname(context.userConfigPath)]
return => {
contentPath.base = path.resolve(...resolveFrom, contentPath.base)
return contentPath
* Resolve the symlink for the base directory / file in each path
* These are added as additional dependencies to watch for changes because
* some tools (like webpack) will only watch the actual file or directory
* but not the symlink itself even in projects that use monorepos.
* @param {ContentPath} contentPath
* @returns {ContentPath[]}
function resolvePathSymlinks(contentPath) {
let paths = [contentPath]
try {
let resolvedPath = fs.realpathSync(contentPath.base)
if (resolvedPath !== contentPath.base) {
base: resolvedPath,
} catch {
// TODO: log this?
return paths
* @param {any} context
* @param {ContentPath[]} candidateFiles
* @param {Map<string, number>} fileModifiedMap
* @returns {[{ content: string, extension: string }[], Map<string, number>]}
export function resolvedChangedContent(context, candidateFiles, fileModifiedMap) {
let changedContent = context.tailwindConfig.content.files
.filter((item) => typeof item.raw === 'string')
.map(({ raw, extension = 'html' }) => ({ content: raw, extension }))
let [changedFiles, mTimesToCommit] = resolveChangedFiles(candidateFiles, fileModifiedMap)
for (let changedFile of changedFiles) {
let extension = path.extname(changedFile).slice(1)
changedContent.push({ file: changedFile, extension })
return [changedContent, mTimesToCommit]
'node_modules', // Node
// Ensures that `node_modules` has to match as-is, otherwise `mynode_modules`
// would match as well, but that is not a known large directory.
`(${ => String.raw`\b${dir}\b`).join('|')})`
* @param {string[]} paths
export function createBroadPatternCheck(paths) {
// Detect whether a glob pattern might be too broad. This means that it:
// - Includes `**`
// - Does not include any of the known large directories (e.g.: node_modules)
let maybeBroadPattern = paths.some(
(path) => path.includes('**') && !LARGE_DIRECTORIES_REGEX.test(path)
// Didn't detect any potentially broad patterns, so we can skip further
// checks.
if (!maybeBroadPattern) {
return () => {}
// All glob matchers
let matchers = []
// All glob matchers that explicitly contain any of the known large
// directories (e.g.: node_modules).
let explicitMatchers = []
// Create matchers for all paths
for (let path of paths) {
let matcher = micromatch.matcher(path)
// Keep track of whether we already warned about the broad pattern issue or
// not. The `log.warn` function already does something similar where we only
// output the log once. However, with this we can also skip the other checks
// when we already warned about the broad pattern.
let warned = false
* @param {string} file
return (file) => {
if (warned) return // Already warned about the broad pattern
if (explicitMatchers.some((matcher) => matcher(file))) return // Explicitly included, so we can skip further checks
// When a broad pattern is used, we have to double check that the file was
// not explicitly included in the globs.
let matchingGlobIndex = matchers.findIndex((matcher) => matcher(file))
if (matchingGlobIndex === -1) return // This should never happen
let matchingGlob = paths[matchingGlobIndex]
// Create relative paths to make the output a bit more readable.
let relativeMatchingGlob = path.relative(process.cwd(), matchingGlob)
if (relativeMatchingGlob[0] !== '.') relativeMatchingGlob = `./${relativeMatchingGlob}`
let largeDirectory = LARGE_DIRECTORIES.find((directory) => file.includes(directory))
if (largeDirectory) {
warned = true
log.warn('broad-content-glob-pattern', [
`Your \`content\` configuration includes a pattern which looks like it's accidentally matching all of \`${largeDirectory}\` and can cause serious performance issues.`,
`Pattern: \`${relativeMatchingGlob}\``,
`See our documentation for recommendations:`,
* @param {ContentPath[]} candidateFiles
* @param {Map<string, number>} fileModifiedMap
* @returns {[Set<string>, Map<string, number>]}
function resolveChangedFiles(candidateFiles, fileModifiedMap) {
let paths = => contentPath.pattern)
let mTimesToCommit = new Map()
let checkBroadPattern = createBroadPatternCheck(paths)
let changedFiles = new Set()
env.DEBUG && console.time('Finding changed files')
let files = fastGlob.sync(paths, { absolute: true })
for (let file of files) {
let prevModified = fileModifiedMap.get(file) || -Infinity
let modified = fs.statSync(file).mtimeMs
if (modified > prevModified) {
mTimesToCommit.set(file, modified)
env.DEBUG && console.timeEnd('Finding changed files')
return [changedFiles, mTimesToCommit]