Server Adress:

Dosya Yükle :
Current File : //home/u866425823/domains/

"use strict"
    // global key for user preferred registration
    // Prior registration (preferred or detected)
    registered = null

 * Registers the given implementation.  An implementation must
 * be registered prior to any call to `require("any-promise")`,
 * typically on application load.
 * If called with no arguments, will return registration in
 * following priority:
 * For Node.js:
 * 1. Previous registration
 * 2. global.Promise if node.js version >= 0.12
 * 3. Auto detected promise based on first sucessful require of
 *    known promise libraries. Note this is a last resort, as the
 *    loaded library is non-deterministic. node.js >= 0.12 will
 *    always use global.Promise over this priority list.
 * 4. Throws error.
 * For Browser:
 * 1. Previous registration
 * 2. window.Promise
 * 3. Throws error.
 * Options:
 * Promise: Desired Promise constructor
 * global: Boolean - Should the registration be cached in a global variable to
 * allow cross dependency/bundle registration?  (default true)
module.exports = function(root, loadImplementation){
  return function register(implementation, opts){
    implementation = implementation || null
    opts = opts || {}
    // global registration unless explicitly  {global: false} in options (default true)
    var registerGlobal = !== false;

    // load any previous global registration
    if(registered === null && registerGlobal){
      registered = root[REGISTRATION_KEY] || null

    if(registered !== null
        && implementation !== null
        && registered.implementation !== implementation){
      // Throw error if attempting to redefine implementation
      throw new Error('any-promise already defined as "'+registered.implementation+
        '".  You can only register an implementation before the first '+
        ' call to require("any-promise") and an implementation cannot be changed')

    if(registered === null){
      // use provided implementation
      if(implementation !== null && typeof opts.Promise !== 'undefined'){
        registered = {
          Promise: opts.Promise,
          implementation: implementation
      } else {
        // require implementation if implementation is specified but not provided
        registered = loadImplementation(implementation)

        // register preference globally in case multiple installations
        root[REGISTRATION_KEY] = registered

    return registered

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