Server Adress:
* This file is part of the PHPFlasher package.
* (c) Younes KHOUBZA <[email protected]>
namespace Flasher\Prime\Translation;
final class Messages
* @var array<string, string>
public static $ar = array(
'success' => 'نجاح',
'error' => 'خطأ',
'warning' => 'تحذير',
'info' => 'معلومة',
'The resource was created' => 'تم إنشاء :resource',
'The resource was updated' => 'تم تعديل :resource',
'The resource was saved' => 'تم حفظ :resource',
'The resource was deleted' => 'تم حذف :resource',
'resource' => 'الملف',
* @var array<string, string>
public static $en = array(
'success' => 'Success',
'error' => 'Error',
'warning' => 'Warning',
'info' => 'Info',
'The resource was created' => 'The :resource was created',
'The resource was updated' => 'The :resource was updated',
'The resource was saved' => 'The :resource was saved',
'The resource was deleted' => 'The :resource was deleted',
'resource' => 'resource',
* @var array<string, string>
public static $fr = array(
'success' => 'Succès',
'error' => 'Erreur',
'warning' => 'Avertissement',
'info' => 'Information',
'The resource was created' => 'La ressource :resource a été ajoutée',
'The resource was updated' => 'La ressource :resource a été mise à jour',
'The resource was saved' => 'La ressource :resource a été enregistrée',
'The resource was deleted' => 'La ressource :resource a été supprimée',
'resource' => '',