Server Adress:
namespace Faker\Provider;
class Lorem extends Base
protected static $wordList = [
'alias', 'consequatur', 'aut', 'perferendis', 'sit', 'voluptatem',
'accusantium', 'doloremque', 'aperiam', 'eaque', 'ipsa', 'quae', 'ab',
'illo', 'inventore', 'veritatis', 'et', 'quasi', 'architecto',
'beatae', 'vitae', 'dicta', 'sunt', 'explicabo', 'aspernatur', 'aut',
'odit', 'aut', 'fugit', 'sed', 'quia', 'consequuntur', 'magni',
'dolores', 'eos', 'qui', 'ratione', 'voluptatem', 'sequi', 'nesciunt',
'neque', 'dolorem', 'ipsum', 'quia', 'dolor', 'sit', 'amet',
'consectetur', 'adipisci', 'velit', 'sed', 'quia', 'non', 'numquam',
'eius', 'modi', 'tempora', 'incidunt', 'ut', 'labore', 'et', 'dolore',
'magnam', 'aliquam', 'quaerat', 'voluptatem', 'ut', 'enim', 'ad',
'minima', 'veniam', 'quis', 'nostrum', 'exercitationem', 'ullam',
'corporis', 'nemo', 'enim', 'ipsam', 'voluptatem', 'quia', 'voluptas',
'sit', 'suscipit', 'laboriosam', 'nisi', 'ut', 'aliquid', 'ex', 'ea',
'commodi', 'consequatur', 'quis', 'autem', 'vel', 'eum', 'iure',
'reprehenderit', 'qui', 'in', 'ea', 'voluptate', 'velit', 'esse',
'quam', 'nihil', 'molestiae', 'et', 'iusto', 'odio', 'dignissimos',
'ducimus', 'qui', 'blanditiis', 'praesentium', 'laudantium', 'totam',
'rem', 'voluptatum', 'deleniti', 'atque', 'corrupti', 'quos',
'dolores', 'et', 'quas', 'molestias', 'excepturi', 'sint',
'occaecati', 'cupiditate', 'non', 'provident', 'sed', 'ut',
'perspiciatis', 'unde', 'omnis', 'iste', 'natus', 'error',
'similique', 'sunt', 'in', 'culpa', 'qui', 'officia', 'deserunt',
'mollitia', 'animi', 'id', 'est', 'laborum', 'et', 'dolorum', 'fuga',
'et', 'harum', 'quidem', 'rerum', 'facilis', 'est', 'et', 'expedita',
'distinctio', 'nam', 'libero', 'tempore', 'cum', 'soluta', 'nobis',
'est', 'eligendi', 'optio', 'cumque', 'nihil', 'impedit', 'quo',
'porro', 'quisquam', 'est', 'qui', 'minus', 'id', 'quod', 'maxime',
'placeat', 'facere', 'possimus', 'omnis', 'voluptas', 'assumenda',
'est', 'omnis', 'dolor', 'repellendus', 'temporibus', 'autem',
'quibusdam', 'et', 'aut', 'consequatur', 'vel', 'illum', 'qui',
'dolorem', 'eum', 'fugiat', 'quo', 'voluptas', 'nulla', 'pariatur',
'at', 'vero', 'eos', 'et', 'accusamus', 'officiis', 'debitis', 'aut',
'rerum', 'necessitatibus', 'saepe', 'eveniet', 'ut', 'et',
'voluptates', 'repudiandae', 'sint', 'et', 'molestiae', 'non',
'recusandae', 'itaque', 'earum', 'rerum', 'hic', 'tenetur', 'a',
'sapiente', 'delectus', 'ut', 'aut', 'reiciendis', 'voluptatibus',
'maiores', 'doloribus', 'asperiores', 'repellat',
* @example 'Lorem'
* @return string
public static function word()
return static::randomElement(static::$wordList);
* Generate an array of random words
* @example array('Lorem', 'ipsum', 'dolor')
* @param int $nb how many words to return
* @param bool $asText if true the sentences are returned as one string
* @return array|string
public static function words($nb = 3, $asText = false)
$words = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $nb; ++$i) {
$words[] = static::word();
return $asText ? implode(' ', $words) : $words;
* Generate a random sentence
* @example 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.'
* @param int $nbWords around how many words the sentence should contain
* @param bool $variableNbWords set to false if you want exactly $nbWords returned,
* otherwise $nbWords may vary by +/-40% with a minimum of 1
* @return string
public static function sentence($nbWords = 6, $variableNbWords = true)
if ($nbWords <= 0) {
return '';
if ($variableNbWords) {
$nbWords = self::randomizeNbElements($nbWords);
$words = static::words($nbWords);
$words[0] = ucwords($words[0]);
return implode(' ', $words) . '.';
* Generate an array of sentences
* @example array('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.', 'Consectetur adipisicing eli.')
* @param int $nb how many sentences to return
* @param bool $asText if true the sentences are returned as one string
* @return array|string
public static function sentences($nb = 3, $asText = false)
$sentences = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $nb; ++$i) {
$sentences[] = static::sentence();
return $asText ? implode(' ', $sentences) : $sentences;
* Generate a single paragraph
* @example 'Sapiente sunt omnis. Ut pariatur ad autem ducimus et. Voluptas rem voluptas sint modi dolorem amet.'
* @param int $nbSentences around how many sentences the paragraph should contain
* @param bool $variableNbSentences set to false if you want exactly $nbSentences returned,
* otherwise $nbSentences may vary by +/-40% with a minimum of 1
* @return string
public static function paragraph($nbSentences = 3, $variableNbSentences = true)
if ($nbSentences <= 0) {
return '';
if ($variableNbSentences) {
$nbSentences = self::randomizeNbElements($nbSentences);
return implode(' ', static::sentences($nbSentences));
* Generate an array of paragraphs
* @example array($paragraph1, $paragraph2, $paragraph3)
* @param int $nb how many paragraphs to return
* @param bool $asText if true the paragraphs are returned as one string, separated by two newlines
* @return array|string
public static function paragraphs($nb = 3, $asText = false)
$paragraphs = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $nb; ++$i) {
$paragraphs[] = static::paragraph();
return $asText ? implode("\n\n", $paragraphs) : $paragraphs;
* Generate a text string.
* Depending on the $maxNbChars, returns a string made of words, sentences, or paragraphs.
* @example 'Sapiente sunt omnis. Ut pariatur ad autem ducimus et. Voluptas rem voluptas sint modi dolorem amet.'
* @param int $maxNbChars Maximum number of characters the text should contain (minimum 5)
* @return string
public static function text($maxNbChars = 200)
if ($maxNbChars < 5) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('text() can only generate text of at least 5 characters');
$type = 'paragraph';
if ($maxNbChars < 100) {
$type = 'sentence';
if ($maxNbChars < 25) {
$type = 'word';
$text = [];
while (empty($text)) {
$size = 0;
// until $maxNbChars is reached
while ($size < $maxNbChars) {
$word = ($size ? ' ' : '') . static::$type();
$text[] = $word;
$size += strlen($word);
if ($type === 'word') {
// capitalize first letter
$text[0] = ucwords($text[0]);
// end sentence with full stop
$text[count($text) - 1] .= '.';
return implode('', $text);
protected static function randomizeNbElements($nbElements)
return (int) ($nbElements * self::numberBetween(60, 140) / 100) + 1;