Server Adress:
namespace Faker;
use Faker\Container\ContainerInterface;
* @property string $citySuffix
* @method string citySuffix()
* @property string $streetSuffix
* @method string streetSuffix()
* @property string $buildingNumber
* @method string buildingNumber()
* @property string $city
* @method string city()
* @property string $streetName
* @method string streetName()
* @property string $streetAddress
* @method string streetAddress()
* @property string $postcode
* @method string postcode()
* @property string $address
* @method string address()
* @property string $country
* @method string country()
* @property float $latitude
* @method float latitude($min = -90, $max = 90)
* @property float $longitude
* @method float longitude($min = -180, $max = 180)
* @property float[] $localCoordinates
* @method float[] localCoordinates()
* @property int $randomDigitNotNull
* @method int randomDigitNotNull()
* @property mixed $passthrough
* @method mixed passthrough($value)
* @property string $randomLetter
* @method string randomLetter()
* @property string $randomAscii
* @method string randomAscii()
* @property array $randomElements
* @method array randomElements($array = ['a', 'b', 'c'], $count = 1, $allowDuplicates = false)
* @property mixed $randomElement
* @method mixed randomElement($array = ['a', 'b', 'c'])
* @property int|string|null $randomKey
* @method int|string|null randomKey($array = [])
* @property array|string $shuffle
* @method array|string shuffle($arg = '')
* @property array $shuffleArray
* @method array shuffleArray($array = [])
* @property string $shuffleString
* @method string shuffleString($string = '', $encoding = 'UTF-8')
* @property string $numerify
* @method string numerify($string = '###')
* @property string $lexify
* @method string lexify($string = '????')
* @property string $bothify
* @method string bothify($string = '## ??')
* @property string $asciify
* @method string asciify($string = '****')
* @property string $regexify
* @method string regexify($regex = '')
* @property string $toLower
* @method string toLower($string = '')
* @property string $toUpper
* @method string toUpper($string = '')
* @property int $biasedNumberBetween
* @method int biasedNumberBetween($min = 0, $max = 100, $function = 'sqrt')
* @property string $hexColor
* @method string hexColor()
* @property string $safeHexColor
* @method string safeHexColor()
* @property array $rgbColorAsArray
* @method array rgbColorAsArray()
* @property string $rgbColor
* @method string rgbColor()
* @property string $rgbCssColor
* @method string rgbCssColor()
* @property string $rgbaCssColor
* @method string rgbaCssColor()
* @property string $safeColorName
* @method string safeColorName()
* @property string $colorName
* @method string colorName()
* @property string $hslColor
* @method string hslColor()
* @property array $hslColorAsArray
* @method array hslColorAsArray()
* @property string $company
* @method string company()
* @property string $companySuffix
* @method string companySuffix()
* @property string $jobTitle
* @method string jobTitle()
* @property int $unixTime
* @method int unixTime($max = 'now')
* @property \DateTime $dateTime
* @method \DateTime dateTime($max = 'now', $timezone = null)
* @property \DateTime $dateTimeAD
* @method \DateTime dateTimeAD($max = 'now', $timezone = null)
* @property string $iso8601
* @method string iso8601($max = 'now')
* @property string $date
* @method string date($format = 'Y-m-d', $max = 'now')
* @property string $time
* @method string time($format = 'H:i:s', $max = 'now')
* @property \DateTime $dateTimeBetween
* @method \DateTime dateTimeBetween($startDate = '-30 years', $endDate = 'now', $timezone = null)
* @property \DateTime $dateTimeInInterval
* @method \DateTime dateTimeInInterval($date = '-30 years', $interval = '+5 days', $timezone = null)
* @property \DateTime $dateTimeThisCentury
* @method \DateTime dateTimeThisCentury($max = 'now', $timezone = null)
* @property \DateTime $dateTimeThisDecade
* @method \DateTime dateTimeThisDecade($max = 'now', $timezone = null)
* @property \DateTime $dateTimeThisYear
* @method \DateTime dateTimeThisYear($max = 'now', $timezone = null)
* @property \DateTime $dateTimeThisMonth
* @method \DateTime dateTimeThisMonth($max = 'now', $timezone = null)
* @property string $amPm
* @method string amPm($max = 'now')
* @property string $dayOfMonth
* @method string dayOfMonth($max = 'now')
* @property string $dayOfWeek
* @method string dayOfWeek($max = 'now')
* @property string $month
* @method string month($max = 'now')
* @property string $monthName
* @method string monthName($max = 'now')
* @property string $year
* @method string year($max = 'now')
* @property string $century
* @method string century()
* @property string $timezone
* @method string timezone($countryCode = null)
* @property void $setDefaultTimezone
* @method void setDefaultTimezone($timezone = null)
* @property string $getDefaultTimezone
* @method string getDefaultTimezone()
* @property string $file
* @method string file($sourceDirectory = '/tmp', $targetDirectory = '/tmp', $fullPath = true)
* @property string $randomHtml
* @method string randomHtml($maxDepth = 4, $maxWidth = 4)
* @property string $imageUrl
* @method string imageUrl($width = 640, $height = 480, $category = null, $randomize = true, $word = null, $gray = false, string $format = 'png')
* @property string $image
* @method string image($dir = null, $width = 640, $height = 480, $category = null, $fullPath = true, $randomize = true, $word = null, $gray = false, string $format = 'png')
* @property string $email
* @method string email()
* @property string $safeEmail
* @method string safeEmail()
* @property string $freeEmail
* @method string freeEmail()
* @property string $companyEmail
* @method string companyEmail()
* @property string $freeEmailDomain
* @method string freeEmailDomain()
* @property string $safeEmailDomain
* @method string safeEmailDomain()
* @property string $userName
* @method string userName()
* @property string $password
* @method string password($minLength = 6, $maxLength = 20)
* @property string $domainName
* @method string domainName()
* @property string $domainWord
* @method string domainWord()
* @property string $tld
* @method string tld()
* @property string $url
* @method string url()
* @property string $slug
* @method string slug($nbWords = 6, $variableNbWords = true)
* @property string $ipv4
* @method string ipv4()
* @property string $ipv6
* @method string ipv6()
* @property string $localIpv4
* @method string localIpv4()
* @property string $macAddress
* @method string macAddress()
* @property string $word
* @method string word()
* @property array|string $words
* @method array|string words($nb = 3, $asText = false)
* @property string $sentence
* @method string sentence($nbWords = 6, $variableNbWords = true)
* @property array|string $sentences
* @method array|string sentences($nb = 3, $asText = false)
* @property string $paragraph
* @method string paragraph($nbSentences = 3, $variableNbSentences = true)
* @property array|string $paragraphs
* @method array|string paragraphs($nb = 3, $asText = false)
* @property string $text
* @method string text($maxNbChars = 200)
* @property bool $boolean
* @method bool boolean($chanceOfGettingTrue = 50)
* @property string $md5
* @method string md5()
* @property string $sha1
* @method string sha1()
* @property string $sha256
* @method string sha256()
* @property string $locale
* @method string locale()
* @property string $countryCode
* @method string countryCode()
* @property string $countryISOAlpha3
* @method string countryISOAlpha3()
* @property string $languageCode
* @method string languageCode()
* @property string $currencyCode
* @method string currencyCode()
* @property string $emoji
* @method string emoji()
* @property string $creditCardType
* @method string creditCardType()
* @property string $creditCardNumber
* @method string creditCardNumber($type = null, $formatted = false, $separator = '-')
* @property \DateTime $creditCardExpirationDate
* @method \DateTime creditCardExpirationDate($valid = true)
* @property string $creditCardExpirationDateString
* @method string creditCardExpirationDateString($valid = true, $expirationDateFormat = null)
* @property array $creditCardDetails
* @method array creditCardDetails($valid = true)
* @property string $iban
* @method string iban($countryCode = null, $prefix = '', $length = null)
* @property string $swiftBicNumber
* @method string swiftBicNumber()
* @property string $name
* @method string name($gender = null)
* @property string $firstName
* @method string firstName($gender = null)
* @property string $firstNameMale
* @method string firstNameMale()
* @property string $firstNameFemale
* @method string firstNameFemale()
* @property string $lastName
* @method string lastName($gender = null)
* @property string $title
* @method string title($gender = null)
* @property string $titleMale
* @method string titleMale()
* @property string $titleFemale
* @method string titleFemale()
* @property string $phoneNumber
* @method string phoneNumber()
* @property string $e164PhoneNumber
* @method string e164PhoneNumber()
* @property int $imei
* @method int imei()
* @property string $realText
* @method string realText($maxNbChars = 200, $indexSize = 2)
* @property string $realTextBetween
* @method string realTextBetween($minNbChars = 160, $maxNbChars = 200, $indexSize = 2)
* @property string $macProcessor
* @method string macProcessor()
* @property string $linuxProcessor
* @method string linuxProcessor()
* @property string $userAgent
* @method string userAgent()
* @property string $chrome
* @method string chrome()
* @property string $msedge
* @method string msedge()
* @property string $firefox
* @method string firefox()
* @property string $safari
* @method string safari()
* @property string $opera
* @method string opera()
* @property string $internetExplorer
* @method string internetExplorer()
* @property string $windowsPlatformToken
* @method string windowsPlatformToken()
* @property string $macPlatformToken
* @method string macPlatformToken()
* @property string $iosMobileToken
* @method string iosMobileToken()
* @property string $linuxPlatformToken
* @method string linuxPlatformToken()
* @property string $uuid
* @method string uuid()
class Generator
protected $providers = [];
protected $formatters = [];
private $container;
* @var UniqueGenerator
private $uniqueGenerator;
public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container = null)
$this->container = $container ?: Container\ContainerBuilder::withDefaultExtensions()->build();
* @template T of Extension\Extension
* @param class-string<T> $id
* @throws Extension\ExtensionNotFound
* @return T
public function ext(string $id): Extension\Extension
if (!$this->container->has($id)) {
throw new Extension\ExtensionNotFound(sprintf(
'No Faker extension with id "%s" was loaded.',
$extension = $this->container->get($id);
if ($extension instanceof Extension\GeneratorAwareExtension) {
$extension = $extension->withGenerator($this);
return $extension;
public function addProvider($provider)
array_unshift($this->providers, $provider);
$this->formatters = [];
public function getProviders()
return $this->providers;
* With the unique generator you are guaranteed to never get the same two
* values.
* <code>
* // will never return twice the same value
* $faker->unique()->randomElement(array(1, 2, 3));
* </code>
* @param bool $reset If set to true, resets the list of existing values
* @param int $maxRetries Maximum number of retries to find a unique value,
* After which an OverflowException is thrown.
* @throws \OverflowException When no unique value can be found by iterating $maxRetries times
* @return self A proxy class returning only non-existing values
public function unique($reset = false, $maxRetries = 10000)
if ($reset || $this->uniqueGenerator === null) {
$this->uniqueGenerator = new UniqueGenerator($this, $maxRetries);
return $this->uniqueGenerator;
* Get a value only some percentage of the time.
* @param float $weight A probability between 0 and 1, 0 means that we always get the default value.
* @return self
public function optional(float $weight = 0.5, $default = null)
if ($weight > 1) {
trigger_deprecation('fakerphp/faker', '1.16', 'First argument ($weight) to method "optional()" must be between 0 and 1. You passed %f, we assume you meant %f.', $weight, $weight / 100);
$weight = $weight / 100;
return new ChanceGenerator($this, $weight, $default);
* To make sure the value meet some criteria, pass a callable that verifies the
* output. If the validator fails, the generator will try again.
* The value validity is determined by a function passed as first argument.
* <code>
* $values = array();
* $evenValidator = function ($digit) {
* return $digit % 2 === 0;
* };
* for ($i=0; $i < 10; $i++) {
* $values []= $faker->valid($evenValidator)->randomDigit;
* }
* print_r($values); // [0, 4, 8, 4, 2, 6, 0, 8, 8, 6]
* </code>
* @param ?\Closure $validator A function returning true for valid values
* @param int $maxRetries Maximum number of retries to find a valid value,
* After which an OverflowException is thrown.
* @throws \OverflowException When no valid value can be found by iterating $maxRetries times
* @return self A proxy class returning only valid values
public function valid(?\Closure $validator = null, int $maxRetries = 10000)
return new ValidGenerator($this, $validator, $maxRetries);
public function seed($seed = null)
if ($seed === null) {
} else {
mt_srand((int) $seed, self::mode());
* @see
private static function mode(): int
if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 80300) {
return MT_RAND_PHP;
return MT_RAND_MT19937;
public function format($format, $arguments = [])
return call_user_func_array($this->getFormatter($format), $arguments);
* @param string $format
* @return callable
public function getFormatter($format)
if (isset($this->formatters[$format])) {
return $this->formatters[$format];
if (method_exists($this, $format)) {
$this->formatters[$format] = [$this, $format];
return $this->formatters[$format];
// "Faker\Core\Barcode->ean13"
if (preg_match('|^([a-zA-Z0-9\\\]+)->([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$|', $format, $matches)) {
$this->formatters[$format] = [$this->ext($matches[1]), $matches[2]];
return $this->formatters[$format];
foreach ($this->providers as $provider) {
if (method_exists($provider, $format)) {
$this->formatters[$format] = [$provider, $format];
return $this->formatters[$format];
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unknown format "%s"', $format));
* Replaces tokens ('{{ tokenName }}') with the result from the token method call
* @param string $string String that needs to bet parsed
* @return string
public function parse($string)
$callback = function ($matches) {
return $this->format($matches[1]);
return preg_replace_callback('/{{\s?(\w+|[\w\\\]+->\w+?)\s?}}/u', $callback, $string);
* Get a random MIME type
* @example 'video/avi'
public function mimeType()
return $this->ext(Extension\FileExtension::class)->mimeType();
* Get a random file extension (without a dot)
* @example avi
public function fileExtension()
return $this->ext(Extension\FileExtension::class)->extension();
* Get a full path to a new real file on the system.
public function filePath()
return $this->ext(Extension\FileExtension::class)->filePath();
* Get an actual blood type
* @example 'AB'
public function bloodType(): string
return $this->ext(Extension\BloodExtension::class)->bloodType();
* Get a random resis value
* @example '+'
public function bloodRh(): string
return $this->ext(Extension\BloodExtension::class)->bloodRh();
* Get a full blood group
* @example 'AB+'
public function bloodGroup(): string
return $this->ext(Extension\BloodExtension::class)->bloodGroup();
* Get a random EAN13 barcode.
* @example '4006381333931'
public function ean13(): string
return $this->ext(Extension\BarcodeExtension::class)->ean13();
* Get a random EAN8 barcode.
* @example '73513537'
public function ean8(): string
return $this->ext(Extension\BarcodeExtension::class)->ean8();
* Get a random ISBN-10 code
* @see
* @example '4881416324'
public function isbn10(): string
return $this->ext(Extension\BarcodeExtension::class)->isbn10();
* Get a random ISBN-13 code
* @see
* @example '9790404436093'
public function isbn13(): string
return $this->ext(Extension\BarcodeExtension::class)->isbn13();
* Returns a random number between $int1 and $int2 (any order)
* @example 79907610
public function numberBetween($int1 = 0, $int2 = 2147483647): int
return $this->ext(Extension\NumberExtension::class)->numberBetween((int) $int1, (int) $int2);
* Returns a random number between 0 and 9
public function randomDigit(): int
return $this->ext(Extension\NumberExtension::class)->randomDigit();
* Generates a random digit, which cannot be $except
public function randomDigitNot($except): int
return $this->ext(Extension\NumberExtension::class)->randomDigitNot((int) $except);
* Returns a random number between 1 and 9
public function randomDigitNotZero(): int
return $this->ext(Extension\NumberExtension::class)->randomDigitNotZero();
* Return a random float number
* @example 48.8932
public function randomFloat($nbMaxDecimals = null, $min = 0, $max = null): float
return $this->ext(Extension\NumberExtension::class)->randomFloat(
$nbMaxDecimals !== null ? (int) $nbMaxDecimals : null,
(float) $min,
$max !== null ? (float) $max : null,
* Returns a random integer with 0 to $nbDigits digits.
* The maximum value returned is mt_getrandmax()
* @param int|null $nbDigits Defaults to a random number between 1 and 9
* @param bool $strict Whether the returned number should have exactly $nbDigits
* @example 79907610
public function randomNumber($nbDigits = null, $strict = false): int
return $this->ext(Extension\NumberExtension::class)->randomNumber(
$nbDigits !== null ? (int) $nbDigits : null,
(bool) $strict,
* Get a version number in semantic versioning syntax 2.0.0. (
* @param bool $preRelease Pre release parts may be randomly included
* @param bool $build Build parts may be randomly included
* @example 1.0.0
* @example 1.0.0-alpha.1
* @example 1.0.0-alpha.1+b71f04d
public function semver(bool $preRelease = false, bool $build = false): string
return $this->ext(Extension\VersionExtension::class)->semver($preRelease, $build);
* @deprecated
protected function callFormatWithMatches($matches)
trigger_deprecation('fakerphp/faker', '1.14', 'Protected method "callFormatWithMatches()" is deprecated and will be removed.');
return $this->format($matches[1]);
* @param string $attribute
* @deprecated Use a method instead.
public function __get($attribute)
trigger_deprecation('fakerphp/faker', '1.14', 'Accessing property "%s" is deprecated, use "%s()" instead.', $attribute, $attribute);
return $this->format($attribute);
* @param string $method
* @param array $attributes
public function __call($method, $attributes)
return $this->format($method, $attributes);
public function __destruct()
public function __wakeup()
$this->formatters = [];