Server Adress:
namespace Faker\Core;
use Faker\Extension\DateTimeExtension;
use Faker\Extension\GeneratorAwareExtension;
use Faker\Extension\GeneratorAwareExtensionTrait;
use Faker\Extension\Helper;
* @experimental This class is experimental and does not fall under our BC promise
* @since 1.20.0
final class DateTime implements DateTimeExtension, GeneratorAwareExtension
use GeneratorAwareExtensionTrait;
* @var string[]
private array $centuries = ['I', 'II', 'III', 'IV', 'V', 'VI', 'VII', 'VIII', 'IX', 'X', 'XI', 'XII', 'XIII', 'XIV', 'XV', 'XVI', 'XVII', 'XVIII', 'XIX', 'XX', 'XXI'];
private ?string $defaultTimezone = null;
* Get the POSIX-timestamp of a DateTime, int or string.
* @param \DateTime|float|int|string $until
* @return false|int
private function getTimestamp($until = 'now')
if (is_numeric($until)) {
return (int) $until;
if ($until instanceof \DateTime) {
return $until->getTimestamp();
return strtotime(empty($until) ? 'now' : $until);
* Get a DateTime created based on a POSIX-timestamp.
* @param int $timestamp the UNIX / POSIX-compatible timestamp
private function getTimestampDateTime(int $timestamp): \DateTime
return new \DateTime('@' . $timestamp);
private function resolveTimezone(?string $timezone): string
if ($timezone !== null) {
return $timezone;
return null === $this->defaultTimezone ? date_default_timezone_get() : $this->defaultTimezone;
* Internal method to set the timezone on a DateTime object.
private function setTimezone(\DateTime $dateTime, ?string $timezone): \DateTime
$timezone = $this->resolveTimezone($timezone);
return $dateTime->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone($timezone));
public function dateTime($until = 'now', string $timezone = null): \DateTime
return $this->setTimezone(
public function dateTimeAD($until = 'now', string $timezone = null): \DateTime
$min = (PHP_INT_SIZE > 4) ? -62135597361 : -PHP_INT_MAX;
return $this->setTimezone(
$this->getTimestampDateTime($this->generator->numberBetween($min, $this->getTimestamp($until))),
public function dateTimeBetween($from = '-30 years', $until = 'now', string $timezone = null): \DateTime
$start = $this->getTimestamp($from);
$end = $this->getTimestamp($until);
if ($start > $end) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('"$from" must be anterior to "$until".');
$timestamp = $this->generator->numberBetween($start, $end);
return $this->setTimezone(
public function dateTimeInInterval($from = '-30 years', string $interval = '+5 days', string $timezone = null): \DateTime
$intervalObject = \DateInterval::createFromDateString($interval);
$datetime = $from instanceof \DateTime ? $from : new \DateTime($from);
$other = (clone $datetime)->add($intervalObject);
$begin = min($datetime, $other);
$end = $datetime === $begin ? $other : $datetime;
return $this->dateTimeBetween($begin, $end, $timezone);
public function dateTimeThisWeek($until = 'sunday this week', string $timezone = null): \DateTime
return $this->dateTimeBetween('monday this week', $until, $timezone);
public function dateTimeThisMonth($until = 'last day of this month', string $timezone = null): \DateTime
return $this->dateTimeBetween('first day of this month', $until, $timezone);
public function dateTimeThisYear($until = 'last day of december', string $timezone = null): \DateTime
return $this->dateTimeBetween('first day of january', $until, $timezone);
public function dateTimeThisDecade($until = 'now', string $timezone = null): \DateTime
$year = floor(date('Y') / 10) * 10;
return $this->dateTimeBetween("first day of january $year", $until, $timezone);
public function dateTimeThisCentury($until = 'now', string $timezone = null): \DateTime
$year = floor(date('Y') / 100) * 100;
return $this->dateTimeBetween("first day of january $year", $until, $timezone);
public function date(string $format = 'Y-m-d', $until = 'now'): string
return $this->dateTime($until)->format($format);
public function time(string $format = 'H:i:s', $until = 'now'): string
return $this->date($format, $until);
public function unixTime($until = 'now'): int
return $this->generator->numberBetween(0, $this->getTimestamp($until));
public function iso8601($until = 'now'): string
return $this->date(\DateTime::ISO8601, $until);
public function amPm($until = 'now'): string
return $this->date('a', $until);
public function dayOfMonth($until = 'now'): string
return $this->date('d', $until);
public function dayOfWeek($until = 'now'): string
return $this->date('l', $until);
public function month($until = 'now'): string
return $this->date('m', $until);
public function monthName($until = 'now'): string
return $this->date('F', $until);
public function year($until = 'now'): string
return $this->date('Y', $until);
public function century(): string
return Helper::randomElement($this->centuries);
public function timezone(string $countryCode = null): string
if ($countryCode) {
$timezones = \DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(\DateTimeZone::PER_COUNTRY, $countryCode);
} else {
$timezones = \DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers();
return Helper::randomElement($timezones);