Server Adress:
* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <[email protected]>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Polyfill\Uuid;
* @internal
* @author Grégoire Pineau <[email protected]>
final class Uuid
public const UUID_VARIANT_NCS = 0;
public const UUID_VARIANT_DCE = 1;
public const UUID_VARIANT_MICROSOFT = 2;
public const UUID_VARIANT_OTHER = 3;
public const UUID_TYPE_DEFAULT = 0;
public const UUID_TYPE_TIME = 1;
public const UUID_TYPE_MD5 = 3;
public const UUID_TYPE_DCE = 4; // Deprecated alias
public const UUID_TYPE_NAME = 1; // Deprecated alias
public const UUID_TYPE_RANDOM = 4;
public const UUID_TYPE_SHA1 = 5;
public const UUID_TYPE_NULL = -1;
public const UUID_TYPE_INVALID = -42;
// 0x01b21dd213814000 is the number of 100-ns intervals between the
// UUID epoch 1582-10-15 00:00:00 and the Unix epoch 1970-01-01 00:00:00.
public const TIME_OFFSET_INT = 0x01B21DD213814000;
public const TIME_OFFSET_BIN = "\x01\xb2\x1d\xd2\x13\x81\x40\x00";
public const TIME_OFFSET_COM = "\xfe\x4d\xe2\x2d\xec\x7e\xc0\x00";
public static function uuid_create($uuid_type = \UUID_TYPE_DEFAULT)
if (!is_numeric($uuid_type) && null !== $uuid_type) {
trigger_error(sprintf('uuid_create() expects parameter 1 to be int, %s given', \gettype($uuid_type)), \E_USER_WARNING);
return null;
switch ((int) $uuid_type) {
case self::UUID_TYPE_NAME:
case self::UUID_TYPE_TIME:
return self::uuid_generate_time();
case self::UUID_TYPE_DCE:
case self::UUID_TYPE_RANDOM:
return self::uuid_generate_random();
trigger_error(sprintf("Unknown/invalid UUID type '%d' requested, using default type instead", $uuid_type), \E_USER_WARNING);
return self::uuid_generate_random();
public static function uuid_generate_md5($uuid_ns, $name)
if (!\is_string($uuid_ns = self::toString($uuid_ns))) {
trigger_error(sprintf('uuid_generate_md5() expects parameter 1 to be string, %s given', \gettype($uuid_ns)), \E_USER_WARNING);
return null;
if (!\is_string($name = self::toString($name))) {
trigger_error(sprintf('uuid_generate_md5() expects parameter 2 to be string, %s given', \gettype($name)), \E_USER_WARNING);
return null;
if (!self::isValid($uuid_ns)) {
if (80000 > \PHP_VERSION_ID) {
return false;
throw new \ValueError('uuid_generate_md5(): Argument #1 ($uuid_ns) UUID expected');
$hash = md5(hex2bin(str_replace('-', '', $uuid_ns)).$name);
return sprintf('%08s-%04s-3%03s-%04x-%012s',
// 32 bits for "time_low"
substr($hash, 0, 8),
// 16 bits for "time_mid"
substr($hash, 8, 4),
// 16 bits for "time_hi_and_version",
// four most significant bits holds version number 3
substr($hash, 13, 3),
// 16 bits:
// * 8 bits for "clk_seq_hi_res",
// * 8 bits for "clk_seq_low",
hexdec(substr($hash, 16, 4)) & 0x3FFF | 0x8000,
// 48 bits for "node"
substr($hash, 20, 12)
public static function uuid_generate_sha1($uuid_ns, $name)
if (!\is_string($uuid_ns = self::toString($uuid_ns))) {
trigger_error(sprintf('uuid_generate_sha1() expects parameter 1 to be string, %s given', \gettype($uuid_ns)), \E_USER_WARNING);
return null;
if (!\is_string($name = self::toString($name))) {
trigger_error(sprintf('uuid_generate_sha1() expects parameter 2 to be string, %s given', \gettype($name)), \E_USER_WARNING);
return null;
if (!self::isValid($uuid_ns)) {
if (80000 > \PHP_VERSION_ID) {
return false;
throw new \ValueError('uuid_generate_sha1(): Argument #1 ($uuid_ns) UUID expected');
$hash = sha1(hex2bin(str_replace('-', '', $uuid_ns)).$name);
return sprintf('%08s-%04s-5%03s-%04x-%012s',
// 32 bits for "time_low"
substr($hash, 0, 8),
// 16 bits for "time_mid"
substr($hash, 8, 4),
// 16 bits for "time_hi_and_version",
// four most significant bits holds version number 5
substr($hash, 13, 3),
// 16 bits:
// * 8 bits for "clk_seq_hi_res",
// * 8 bits for "clk_seq_low",
// WARNING: On old libuuid version, there is a bug. 0x0fff is used instead of 0x3fff
// See
hexdec(substr($hash, 16, 4)) & 0x3FFF | 0x8000,
// 48 bits for "node"
substr($hash, 20, 12)
public static function uuid_is_valid($uuid)
if (!\is_string($uuid = self::toString($uuid))) {
trigger_error(sprintf('uuid_is_valid() expects parameter 1 to be string, %s given', \gettype($uuid)), \E_USER_WARNING);
return null;
return self::isValid($uuid);
public static function uuid_compare($uuid1, $uuid2)
if (!\is_string($uuid1 = self::toString($uuid1))) {
trigger_error(sprintf('uuid_compare() expects parameter 1 to be string, %s given', \gettype($uuid1)), \E_USER_WARNING);
return null;
if (!\is_string($uuid2 = self::toString($uuid2))) {
trigger_error(sprintf('uuid_compare() expects parameter 2 to be string, %s given', \gettype($uuid2)), \E_USER_WARNING);
return null;
if (!self::isValid($uuid1)) {
if (80000 > \PHP_VERSION_ID) {
return false;
throw new \ValueError('uuid_compare(): Argument #1 ($uuid1) UUID expected');
if (!self::isValid($uuid2)) {
if (80000 > \PHP_VERSION_ID) {
return false;
throw new \ValueError('uuid_compare(): Argument #2 ($uuid2) UUID expected');
return strcasecmp($uuid1, $uuid2);
public static function uuid_is_null($uuid)
if (!\is_string($uuid = self::toString($uuid))) {
trigger_error(sprintf('uuid_is_null() expects parameter 1 to be string, %s given', \gettype($uuid)), \E_USER_WARNING);
return null;
if (80000 <= \PHP_VERSION_ID && !self::isValid($uuid)) {
throw new \ValueError('uuid_is_null(): Argument #1 ($uuid) UUID expected');
return '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' === $uuid;
public static function uuid_type($uuid)
if (!\is_string($uuid = self::toString($uuid))) {
trigger_error(sprintf('uuid_type() expects parameter 1 to be string, %s given', \gettype($uuid)), \E_USER_WARNING);
return null;
if ('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' === $uuid) {
return self::UUID_TYPE_NULL;
if (null === $parsed = self::parse($uuid)) {
if (80000 > \PHP_VERSION_ID) {
return false;
throw new \ValueError('uuid_type(): Argument #1 ($uuid) UUID expected');
return $parsed['version'];
public static function uuid_variant($uuid)
if (!\is_string($uuid = self::toString($uuid))) {
trigger_error(sprintf('uuid_variant() expects parameter 1 to be string, %s given', \gettype($uuid)), \E_USER_WARNING);
return null;
if ('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' === $uuid) {
return self::UUID_TYPE_NULL;
if (null === $parsed = self::parse($uuid)) {
if (80000 > \PHP_VERSION_ID) {
return false;
throw new \ValueError('uuid_variant(): Argument #1 ($uuid) UUID expected');
if (($parsed['clock_seq'] & 0x8000) === 0) {
return self::UUID_VARIANT_NCS;
if (($parsed['clock_seq'] & 0x4000) === 0) {
return self::UUID_VARIANT_DCE;
if (($parsed['clock_seq'] & 0x2000) === 0) {
return self::UUID_VARIANT_OTHER;
public static function uuid_time($uuid)
if (!\is_string($uuid = self::toString($uuid))) {
trigger_error(sprintf('uuid_time() expects parameter 1 to be string, %s given', \gettype($uuid)), \E_USER_WARNING);
return null;
$parsed = self::parse($uuid);
if (self::UUID_TYPE_TIME !== ($parsed['version'] ?? null)) {
if (80000 > \PHP_VERSION_ID) {
return false;
throw new \ValueError('uuid_time(): Argument #1 ($uuid) UUID DCE TIME expected');
if (\PHP_INT_SIZE >= 8) {
return intdiv(hexdec($parsed['time']) - self::TIME_OFFSET_INT, 10000000);
$time = str_pad(hex2bin($parsed['time']), 8, "\0", \STR_PAD_LEFT);
$time = self::binaryAdd($time, self::TIME_OFFSET_COM);
$time[0] = $time[0] & "\x7F";
return (int) substr(self::toDecimal($time), 0, -7);
public static function uuid_mac($uuid)
if (!\is_string($uuid = self::toString($uuid))) {
trigger_error(sprintf('uuid_mac() expects parameter 1 to be string, %s given', \gettype($uuid)), \E_USER_WARNING);
return null;
$parsed = self::parse($uuid);
if (self::UUID_TYPE_TIME !== ($parsed['version'] ?? null)) {
if (80000 > \PHP_VERSION_ID) {
return false;
throw new \ValueError('uuid_mac(): Argument #1 ($uuid) UUID DCE TIME expected');
return strtr($parsed['node'], 'ABCDEF', 'abcdef');
public static function uuid_parse($uuid)
if (!\is_string($uuid = self::toString($uuid))) {
trigger_error(sprintf('uuid_parse() expects parameter 1 to be string, %s given', \gettype($uuid)), \E_USER_WARNING);
return null;
if (!self::isValid($uuid)) {
if (80000 > \PHP_VERSION_ID) {
return false;
throw new \ValueError('uuid_parse(): Argument #1 ($uuid) UUID expected');
return hex2bin(str_replace('-', '', $uuid));
public static function uuid_unparse($bytes)
if (!\is_string($bytes = self::toString($bytes))) {
trigger_error(sprintf('uuid_unparse() expects parameter 1 to be string, %s given', \gettype($bytes)), \E_USER_WARNING);
return null;
if (16 !== \strlen($bytes)) {
if (80000 > \PHP_VERSION_ID) {
return false;
throw new \ValueError('uuid_unparse(): Argument #1 ($uuid) UUID expected');
$uuid = bin2hex($bytes);
$uuid = substr_replace($uuid, '-', 8, 0);
$uuid = substr_replace($uuid, '-', 13, 0);
$uuid = substr_replace($uuid, '-', 18, 0);
return substr_replace($uuid, '-', 23, 0);
private static function uuid_generate_random()
$uuid = bin2hex(random_bytes(16));
return sprintf('%08s-%04s-4%03s-%04x-%012s',
// 32 bits for "time_low"
substr($uuid, 0, 8),
// 16 bits for "time_mid"
substr($uuid, 8, 4),
// 16 bits for "time_hi_and_version",
// four most significant bits holds version number 4
substr($uuid, 13, 3),
// 16 bits:
// * 8 bits for "clk_seq_hi_res",
// * 8 bits for "clk_seq_low",
// two most significant bits holds zero and one for variant DCE1.1
hexdec(substr($uuid, 16, 4)) & 0x3FFF | 0x8000,
// 48 bits for "node"
substr($uuid, 20, 12)
* @see
private static function uuid_generate_time()
$time = microtime(false);
$time = substr($time, 11).substr($time, 2, 7);
if (\PHP_INT_SIZE >= 8) {
$time = str_pad(dechex($time + self::TIME_OFFSET_INT), 16, '0', \STR_PAD_LEFT);
} else {
$time = str_pad(self::toBinary($time), 8, "\0", \STR_PAD_LEFT);
$time = self::binaryAdd($time, self::TIME_OFFSET_BIN);
$time = bin2hex($time);
// We are using a random data for the sake of simplicity: since we are
// not able to get a super precise timeOfDay as a unique sequence
$clockSeq = random_int(0, 0x3FFF);
static $node;
if (null === $node) {
if (\function_exists('apcu_fetch')) {
$node = apcu_fetch('__symfony_uuid_node');
if (false === $node) {
$node = sprintf('%06x%06x',
random_int(0, 0xFFFFFF) | 0x010000,
random_int(0, 0xFFFFFF)
apcu_store('__symfony_uuid_node', $node);
} else {
$node = sprintf('%06x%06x',
random_int(0, 0xFFFFFF) | 0x010000,
random_int(0, 0xFFFFFF)
return sprintf('%08s-%04s-1%03s-%04x-%012s',
// 32 bits for "time_low"
substr($time, -8),
// 16 bits for "time_mid"
substr($time, -12, 4),
// 16 bits for "time_hi_and_version",
// four most significant bits holds version number 1
substr($time, -15, 3),
// 16 bits:
// * 8 bits for "clk_seq_hi_res",
// * 8 bits for "clk_seq_low",
// two most significant bits holds zero and one for variant DCE1.1
$clockSeq | 0x8000,
// 48 bits for "node"
private static function isValid($uuid)
return (bool) preg_match('{^[0-9a-f]{8}(?:-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$}Di', $uuid);
private static function parse($uuid)
if (!preg_match('{^(?<time_low>[0-9a-f]{8})-(?<time_mid>[0-9a-f]{4})-(?<version>[0-9a-f])(?<time_hi>[0-9a-f]{3})-(?<clock_seq>[0-9a-f]{4})-(?<node>[0-9a-f]{12})$}Di', $uuid, $matches)) {
return null;
return [
'time' => '0'.$matches['time_hi'].$matches['time_mid'].$matches['time_low'],
'version' => hexdec($matches['version']),
'clock_seq' => hexdec($matches['clock_seq']),
'node' => $matches['node'],
private static function toString($v)
if (\is_string($v) || null === $v || (\is_object($v) ? method_exists($v, '__toString') : \is_scalar($v))) {
return (string) $v;
return $v;
private static function toBinary($digits)
$bytes = '';
$count = \strlen($digits);
while ($count) {
$quotient = [];
$remainder = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i !== $count; ++$i) {
$carry = $digits[$i] + $remainder * 10;
$digit = $carry >> 8;
$remainder = $carry & 0xFF;
if ($digit || $quotient) {
$quotient[] = $digit;
$bytes = \chr($remainder).$bytes;
$count = \count($digits = $quotient);
return $bytes;
private static function toDecimal($bytes)
$digits = '';
$bytes = array_values(unpack('C*', $bytes));
while ($count = \count($bytes)) {
$quotient = [];
$remainder = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i !== $count; ++$i) {
$carry = $bytes[$i] + ($remainder << 8);
$digit = (int) ($carry / 10);
$remainder = $carry % 10;
if ($digit || $quotient) {
$quotient[] = $digit;
$digits = $remainder.$digits;
$bytes = $quotient;
return $digits;
private static function binaryAdd($a, $b)
$sum = 0;
for ($i = 7; 0 <= $i; --$i) {
$sum += \ord($a[$i]) + \ord($b[$i]);
$a[$i] = \chr($sum & 0xFF);
$sum >>= 8;
return $a;