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Current File : /home/u866425823/public_html/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/StreamedJsonResponse.php


 * This file is part of the Symfony package.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <[email protected]>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation;

 * StreamedJsonResponse represents a streamed HTTP response for JSON.
 * A StreamedJsonResponse uses a structure and generics to create an
 * efficient resource-saving JSON response.
 * It is recommended to use flush() function after a specific number of items to directly stream the data.
 * @see flush()
 * @author Alexander Schranz <[email protected]>
 * Example usage:
 *     function loadArticles(): \Generator
 *         // some streamed loading
 *         yield ['title' => 'Article 1'];
 *         yield ['title' => 'Article 2'];
 *         yield ['title' => 'Article 3'];
 *         // recommended to use flush() after every specific number of items
 *     }),
 *     $response = new StreamedJsonResponse(
 *         // json structure with generators in which will be streamed
 *         [
 *             '_embedded' => [
 *                 'articles' => loadArticles(), // any generator which you want to stream as list of data
 *             ],
 *         ],
 *     );
class StreamedJsonResponse extends StreamedResponse
    private const PLACEHOLDER = '__symfony_json__';

     * @param mixed[]                        $data            JSON Data containing PHP generators which will be streamed as list of data
     * @param int                            $status          The HTTP status code (200 "OK" by default)
     * @param array<string, string|string[]> $headers         An array of HTTP headers
     * @param int                            $encodingOptions Flags for the json_encode() function
    public function __construct(
        private readonly array $data,
        int $status = 200,
        array $headers = [],
        private int $encodingOptions = JsonResponse::DEFAULT_ENCODING_OPTIONS,
    ) {
        parent::__construct($this->stream(...), $status, $headers);

        if (!$this->headers->get('Content-Type')) {
            $this->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');

    private function stream(): void
        $generators = [];
        $structure = $this->data;

        array_walk_recursive($structure, function (&$item, $key) use (&$generators) {
            if (self::PLACEHOLDER === $key) {
                // if the placeholder is already in the structure it should be replaced with a new one that explode
                // works like expected for the structure
                $generators[] = $key;

            // generators should be used but for better DX all kind of Traversable and objects are supported
            if (\is_object($item)) {
                $generators[] = $item;
                $item = self::PLACEHOLDER;
            } elseif (self::PLACEHOLDER === $item) {
                // if the placeholder is already in the structure it should be replaced with a new one that explode
                // works like expected for the structure
                $generators[] = $item;

        $jsonEncodingOptions = \JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR | $this->encodingOptions;
        $keyEncodingOptions = $jsonEncodingOptions & ~\JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK;

        $jsonParts = explode('"'.self::PLACEHOLDER.'"', json_encode($structure, $jsonEncodingOptions));

        foreach ($generators as $index => $generator) {
            // send first and between parts of the structure
            echo $jsonParts[$index];

            if ($generator instanceof \JsonSerializable || !$generator instanceof \Traversable) {
                // the placeholders, JsonSerializable and none traversable items in the structure are rendered here
                echo json_encode($generator, $jsonEncodingOptions);


            $isFirstItem = true;
            $startTag = '[';

            foreach ($generator as $key => $item) {
                if ($isFirstItem) {
                    $isFirstItem = false;
                    // depending on the first elements key the generator is detected as a list or map
                    // we can not check for a whole list or map because that would hurt the performance
                    // of the streamed response which is the main goal of this response class
                    if (0 !== $key) {
                        $startTag = '{';

                    echo $startTag;
                } else {
                    // if not first element of the generic, a separator is required between the elements
                    echo ',';

                if ('{' === $startTag) {
                    echo json_encode((string) $key, $keyEncodingOptions).':';

                echo json_encode($item, $jsonEncodingOptions);

            if ($isFirstItem) { // indicates that the generator was empty
                echo '[';

            echo '[' === $startTag ? ']' : '}';

        // send last part of the structure
        echo $jsonParts[array_key_last($jsonParts)];

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