Server Adress:
* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <[email protected]>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Helper;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\LogicException;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
* @author Kevin Bond <[email protected]>
class ProgressIndicator
private const FORMATS = [
'normal' => ' %indicator% %message%',
'normal_no_ansi' => ' %message%',
'verbose' => ' %indicator% %message% (%elapsed:6s%)',
'verbose_no_ansi' => ' %message% (%elapsed:6s%)',
'very_verbose' => ' %indicator% %message% (%elapsed:6s%, %memory:6s%)',
'very_verbose_no_ansi' => ' %message% (%elapsed:6s%, %memory:6s%)',
private OutputInterface $output;
private int $startTime;
private ?string $format = null;
private ?string $message = null;
private array $indicatorValues;
private int $indicatorCurrent;
private int $indicatorChangeInterval;
private float $indicatorUpdateTime;
private bool $started = false;
* @var array<string, callable>
private static array $formatters;
* @param int $indicatorChangeInterval Change interval in milliseconds
* @param array|null $indicatorValues Animated indicator characters
public function __construct(OutputInterface $output, string $format = null, int $indicatorChangeInterval = 100, array $indicatorValues = null)
$this->output = $output;
$format ??= $this->determineBestFormat();
$indicatorValues ??= ['-', '\\', '|', '/'];
$indicatorValues = array_values($indicatorValues);
if (2 > \count($indicatorValues)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Must have at least 2 indicator value characters.');
$this->format = self::getFormatDefinition($format);
$this->indicatorChangeInterval = $indicatorChangeInterval;
$this->indicatorValues = $indicatorValues;
$this->startTime = time();
* Sets the current indicator message.
* @return void
public function setMessage(?string $message)
$this->message = $message;
* Starts the indicator output.
* @return void
public function start(string $message)
if ($this->started) {
throw new LogicException('Progress indicator already started.');
$this->message = $message;
$this->started = true;
$this->startTime = time();
$this->indicatorUpdateTime = $this->getCurrentTimeInMilliseconds() + $this->indicatorChangeInterval;
$this->indicatorCurrent = 0;
* Advances the indicator.
* @return void
public function advance()
if (!$this->started) {
throw new LogicException('Progress indicator has not yet been started.');
if (!$this->output->isDecorated()) {
$currentTime = $this->getCurrentTimeInMilliseconds();
if ($currentTime < $this->indicatorUpdateTime) {
$this->indicatorUpdateTime = $currentTime + $this->indicatorChangeInterval;
* Finish the indicator with message.
* @return void
public function finish(string $message)
if (!$this->started) {
throw new LogicException('Progress indicator has not yet been started.');
$this->message = $message;
$this->started = false;
* Gets the format for a given name.
public static function getFormatDefinition(string $name): ?string
return self::FORMATS[$name] ?? null;
* Sets a placeholder formatter for a given name.
* This method also allow you to override an existing placeholder.
* @return void
public static function setPlaceholderFormatterDefinition(string $name, callable $callable)
self::$formatters ??= self::initPlaceholderFormatters();
self::$formatters[$name] = $callable;
* Gets the placeholder formatter for a given name (including the delimiter char like %).
public static function getPlaceholderFormatterDefinition(string $name): ?callable
self::$formatters ??= self::initPlaceholderFormatters();
return self::$formatters[$name] ?? null;
private function display(): void
if (OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET === $this->output->getVerbosity()) {
$this->overwrite(preg_replace_callback("{%([a-z\-_]+)(?:\:([^%]+))?%}i", function ($matches) {
if ($formatter = self::getPlaceholderFormatterDefinition($matches[1])) {
return $formatter($this);
return $matches[0];
}, $this->format ?? ''));
private function determineBestFormat(): string
return match ($this->output->getVerbosity()) {
// OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET: display is disabled anyway
OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE => $this->output->isDecorated() ? 'verbose' : 'verbose_no_ansi',
OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_DEBUG => $this->output->isDecorated() ? 'very_verbose' : 'very_verbose_no_ansi',
default => $this->output->isDecorated() ? 'normal' : 'normal_no_ansi',
* Overwrites a previous message to the output.
private function overwrite(string $message): void
if ($this->output->isDecorated()) {
} else {
private function getCurrentTimeInMilliseconds(): float
return round(microtime(true) * 1000);
* @return array<string, \Closure>
private static function initPlaceholderFormatters(): array
return [
'indicator' => fn (self $indicator) => $indicator->indicatorValues[$indicator->indicatorCurrent % \count($indicator->indicatorValues)],
'message' => fn (self $indicator) => $indicator->message,
'elapsed' => fn (self $indicator) => Helper::formatTime(time() - $indicator->startTime),
'memory' => fn () => Helper::formatMemory(memory_get_usage(true)),