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Current File : /home/u866425823/public_html/vendor/laravel/prompts/src/Prompt.php


namespace Laravel\Prompts;

use Closure;
use Laravel\Prompts\Output\ConsoleOutput;
use RuntimeException;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;

abstract class Prompt
    use Concerns\Colors;
    use Concerns\Cursor;
    use Concerns\Erase;
    use Concerns\Events;
    use Concerns\FakesInputOutput;
    use Concerns\Fallback;
    use Concerns\Themes;

     * The current state of the prompt.
    public string $state = 'initial';

     * The error message from the validator.
    public string $error = '';

     * The previously rendered frame.
    protected string $prevFrame = '';

     * How many new lines were written by the last output.
    protected int $newLinesWritten = 1;

     * Whether user input is required.
    public bool|string $required;

     * The validator callback.
    protected ?Closure $validate;

     * Indicates if the prompt has been validated.
    protected bool $validated = false;

     * The output instance.
    protected static OutputInterface $output;

     * The terminal instance.
    protected static Terminal $terminal;

     * Get the value of the prompt.
    abstract public function value(): mixed;

     * Render the prompt and listen for input.
    public function prompt(): mixed

        if (static::shouldFallback()) {
            return $this->fallback();


        register_shutdown_function(function () {

        static::terminal()->setTty('-icanon -isig -echo');

        while (($key = static::terminal()->read()) !== null) {
            $continue = $this->handleKeyPress($key);


            if ($continue === false || $key === Key::CTRL_C) {

                if ($key === Key::CTRL_C) {

                return $this->value();

     * How many new lines were written by the last output.
    public function newLinesWritten(): int
        return $this->newLinesWritten;

     * Capture the number of new lines written by the last output.
    protected function capturePreviousNewLines(): void
        $this->newLinesWritten = method_exists(static::output(), 'newLinesWritten')
            ? static::output()->newLinesWritten()
            : 1;

     * Set the output instance.
    public static function setOutput(OutputInterface $output): void
        self::$output = $output;

     * Get the current output instance.
    protected static function output(): OutputInterface
        return self::$output ??= new ConsoleOutput();

     * Write output directly, bypassing newline capture.
    protected static function writeDirectly(string $message): void
        match (true) {
            method_exists(static::output(), 'writeDirectly') => static::output()->writeDirectly($message),
            method_exists(static::output(), 'getOutput') => static::output()->getOutput()->write($message),
            default => static::output()->write($message),

     * Get the terminal instance.
    public static function terminal(): Terminal
        return static::$terminal ??= new Terminal();

     * Render the prompt.
    protected function render(): void
        $frame = $this->renderTheme();

        if ($frame === $this->prevFrame) {

        if ($this->state === 'initial') {

            $this->state = 'active';
            $this->prevFrame = $frame;



        // Ensure that the full frame is buffered so subsequent output can see how many trailing newlines were written.
        if ($this->state === 'submit') {

            $this->prevFrame = '';


        $diff = $this->diffLines($this->prevFrame, $frame);

        if (count($diff) === 1) { // Update the single line that changed.
            $diffLine = $diff[0];
            $this->moveCursor(0, $diffLine);
            $lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $frame);
            $this->moveCursor(0, count($lines) - $diffLine - 1);
        } elseif (count($diff) > 1) { // Re-render everything past the first change
            $diffLine = $diff[0];
            $this->moveCursor(0, $diffLine);
            $lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $frame);
            $newLines = array_slice($lines, $diffLine);
            static::output()->write(implode(PHP_EOL, $newLines));

        $this->prevFrame = $frame;

     * Submit the prompt.
    protected function submit(): void

        if ($this->state !== 'error') {
            $this->state = 'submit';

     * Reset the cursor position to the beginning of the previous frame.
    private function resetCursorPosition(): void
        $lines = count(explode(PHP_EOL, $this->prevFrame)) - 1;

        $this->moveCursor(-999, $lines * -1);

     * Get the difference between two strings.
     * @return array<int>
    private function diffLines(string $a, string $b): array
        if ($a === $b) {
            return [];

        $aLines = explode(PHP_EOL, $a);
        $bLines = explode(PHP_EOL, $b);
        $diff = [];

        for ($i = 0; $i < max(count($aLines), count($bLines)); $i++) {
            if (! isset($aLines[$i]) || ! isset($bLines[$i]) || $aLines[$i] !== $bLines[$i]) {
                $diff[] = $i;

        return $diff;

     * Handle a key press and determine whether to continue.
    private function handleKeyPress(string $key): bool
        if ($this->state === 'error') {
            $this->state = 'active';

        $this->emit('key', $key);

        if ($this->state === 'submit') {
            return false;

        if ($key === Key::CTRL_C) {
            $this->state = 'cancel';

            return false;

        if ($this->validated) {

        return true;

     * Validate the input.
    private function validate(mixed $value): void
        $this->validated = true;

        if (($this->required ?? false) && ($value === '' || $value === [] || $value === false)) {
            $this->state = 'error';
            $this->error = is_string($this->required) ? $this->required : 'Required.';


        if (! isset($this->validate)) {

        $error = ($this->validate)($value);

        if (! is_string($error) && ! is_null($error)) {
            throw new \RuntimeException('The validator must return a string or null.');

        if (is_string($error) && strlen($error) > 0) {
            $this->state = 'error';
            $this->error = $error;

     * Check whether the environment can support the prompt.
    private function checkEnvironment(): void
        if (PHP_OS_FAMILY === 'Windows') {
            throw new RuntimeException('Prompts is not currently supported on Windows. Please use WSL or configure a fallback.');

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