Server Adress:
namespace Laravel\Prompts;
use Closure;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
if (! function_exists('\Laravel\Prompts\text')) {
* Prompt the user for text input.
function text(string $label, string $placeholder = '', string $default = '', bool|string $required = false, mixed $validate = null, string $hint = '', ?Closure $transform = null): string
return (new TextPrompt(...get_defined_vars()))->prompt();
if (! function_exists('\Laravel\Prompts\textarea')) {
* Prompt the user for multiline text input.
function textarea(string $label, string $placeholder = '', string $default = '', bool|string $required = false, mixed $validate = null, string $hint = '', int $rows = 5, ?Closure $transform = null): string
return (new TextareaPrompt(...get_defined_vars()))->prompt();
if (! function_exists('\Laravel\Prompts\password')) {
* Prompt the user for input, hiding the value.
function password(string $label, string $placeholder = '', bool|string $required = false, mixed $validate = null, string $hint = '', ?Closure $transform = null): string
return (new PasswordPrompt(...get_defined_vars()))->prompt();
if (! function_exists('\Laravel\Prompts\select')) {
* Prompt the user to select an option.
* @param array<int|string, string>|Collection<int|string, string> $options
* @param true|string $required
function select(string $label, array|Collection $options, int|string|null $default = null, int $scroll = 5, mixed $validate = null, string $hint = '', bool|string $required = true, ?Closure $transform = null): int|string
return (new SelectPrompt(...get_defined_vars()))->prompt();
if (! function_exists('\Laravel\Prompts\multiselect')) {
* Prompt the user to select multiple options.
* @param array<int|string, string>|Collection<int|string, string> $options
* @param array<int|string>|Collection<int, int|string> $default
* @return array<int|string>
function multiselect(string $label, array|Collection $options, array|Collection $default = [], int $scroll = 5, bool|string $required = false, mixed $validate = null, string $hint = 'Use the space bar to select options.', ?Closure $transform = null): array
return (new MultiSelectPrompt(...get_defined_vars()))->prompt();
if (! function_exists('\Laravel\Prompts\confirm')) {
* Prompt the user to confirm an action.
function confirm(string $label, bool $default = true, string $yes = 'Yes', string $no = 'No', bool|string $required = false, mixed $validate = null, string $hint = '', ?Closure $transform = null): bool
return (new ConfirmPrompt(...get_defined_vars()))->prompt();
if (! function_exists('\Laravel\Prompts\pause')) {
* Prompt the user to continue or cancel after pausing.
function pause(string $message = 'Press enter to continue...'): bool
return (new PausePrompt(...get_defined_vars()))->prompt();
if (! function_exists('\Laravel\Prompts\clear')) {
* Clear the terminal.
function clear(): void
(new Clear)->display();
if (! function_exists('\Laravel\Prompts\suggest')) {
* Prompt the user for text input with auto-completion.
* @param array<string>|Collection<int, string>|Closure(string): array<string> $options
function suggest(string $label, array|Collection|Closure $options, string $placeholder = '', string $default = '', int $scroll = 5, bool|string $required = false, mixed $validate = null, string $hint = '', ?Closure $transform = null): string
return (new SuggestPrompt(...get_defined_vars()))->prompt();
if (! function_exists('\Laravel\Prompts\search')) {
* Allow the user to search for an option.
* @param Closure(string): array<int|string, string> $options
* @param true|string $required
function search(string $label, Closure $options, string $placeholder = '', int $scroll = 5, mixed $validate = null, string $hint = '', bool|string $required = true, ?Closure $transform = null): int|string
return (new SearchPrompt(...get_defined_vars()))->prompt();
if (! function_exists('\Laravel\Prompts\multisearch')) {
* Allow the user to search for multiple option.
* @param Closure(string): array<int|string, string> $options
* @return array<int|string>
function multisearch(string $label, Closure $options, string $placeholder = '', int $scroll = 5, bool|string $required = false, mixed $validate = null, string $hint = 'Use the space bar to select options.', ?Closure $transform = null): array
return (new MultiSearchPrompt(...get_defined_vars()))->prompt();
if (! function_exists('\Laravel\Prompts\spin')) {
* Render a spinner while the given callback is executing.
* @template TReturn of mixed
* @param \Closure(): TReturn $callback
* @return TReturn
function spin(Closure $callback, string $message = ''): mixed
return (new Spinner($message))->spin($callback);
if (! function_exists('\Laravel\Prompts\note')) {
* Display a note.
function note(string $message, ?string $type = null): void
(new Note($message, $type))->display();
if (! function_exists('\Laravel\Prompts\error')) {
* Display an error.
function error(string $message): void
(new Note($message, 'error'))->display();
if (! function_exists('\Laravel\Prompts\warning')) {
* Display a warning.
function warning(string $message): void
(new Note($message, 'warning'))->display();
if (! function_exists('\Laravel\Prompts\alert')) {
* Display an alert.
function alert(string $message): void
(new Note($message, 'alert'))->display();
if (! function_exists('\Laravel\Prompts\info')) {
* Display an informational message.
function info(string $message): void
(new Note($message, 'info'))->display();
if (! function_exists('\Laravel\Prompts\intro')) {
* Display an introduction.
function intro(string $message): void
(new Note($message, 'intro'))->display();
if (! function_exists('\Laravel\Prompts\outro')) {
* Display a closing message.
function outro(string $message): void
(new Note($message, 'outro'))->display();
if (! function_exists('\Laravel\Prompts\table')) {
* Display a table.
* @param array<int, string|array<int, string>>|Collection<int, string|array<int, string>> $headers
* @param array<int, array<int, string>>|Collection<int, array<int, string>> $rows
function table(array|Collection $headers = [], array|Collection|null $rows = null): void
(new Table($headers, $rows))->display();
if (! function_exists('\Laravel\Prompts\progress')) {
* Display a progress bar.
* @template TSteps of iterable<mixed>|int
* @template TReturn
* @param TSteps $steps
* @param ?Closure((TSteps is int ? int : value-of<TSteps>), Progress<TSteps>): TReturn $callback
* @return ($callback is null ? Progress<TSteps> : array<TReturn>)
function progress(string $label, iterable|int $steps, ?Closure $callback = null, string $hint = ''): array|Progress
$progress = new Progress($label, $steps, $hint);
if ($callback !== null) {
return $progress->map($callback);
return $progress;
if (! function_exists('\Laravel\Prompts\form')) {
function form(): FormBuilder
return new FormBuilder;