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 * This file is part of the Nette Framework (
 * Copyright (c) 2004 David Grudl (


namespace Nette\Utils;

use Nette;

 * PHP reflection helpers.
final class Reflection
	use Nette\StaticClass;

	/** @deprecated use Nette\Utils\Validator::isBuiltinType() */
	public static function isBuiltinType(string $type): bool
		return Validators::isBuiltinType($type);

	/** @deprecated use Nette\Utils\Validator::isClassKeyword() */
	public static function isClassKeyword(string $name): bool
		return Validators::isClassKeyword($name);

	/** @deprecated use native ReflectionParameter::getDefaultValue() */
	public static function getParameterDefaultValue(\ReflectionParameter $param): mixed
		if ($param->isDefaultValueConstant()) {
			$const = $orig = $param->getDefaultValueConstantName();
			$pair = explode('::', $const);
			if (isset($pair[1])) {
				$pair[0] = Type::resolve($pair[0], $param);
				try {
					$rcc = new \ReflectionClassConstant($pair[0], $pair[1]);
				} catch (\ReflectionException $e) {
					$name = self::toString($param);
					throw new \ReflectionException("Unable to resolve constant $orig used as default value of $name.", 0, $e);

				return $rcc->getValue();

			} elseif (!defined($const)) {
				$const = substr((string) strrchr($const, '\\'), 1);
				if (!defined($const)) {
					$name = self::toString($param);
					throw new \ReflectionException("Unable to resolve constant $orig used as default value of $name.");

			return constant($const);

		return $param->getDefaultValue();

	 * Returns a reflection of a class or trait that contains a declaration of given property. Property can also be declared in the trait.
	public static function getPropertyDeclaringClass(\ReflectionProperty $prop): \ReflectionClass
		foreach ($prop->getDeclaringClass()->getTraits() as $trait) {
			if ($trait->hasProperty($prop->name)
				// doc-comment guessing as workaround for insufficient PHP reflection
				&& $trait->getProperty($prop->name)->getDocComment() === $prop->getDocComment()
			) {
				return self::getPropertyDeclaringClass($trait->getProperty($prop->name));

		return $prop->getDeclaringClass();

	 * Returns a reflection of a method that contains a declaration of $method.
	 * Usually, each method is its own declaration, but the body of the method can also be in the trait and under a different name.
	public static function getMethodDeclaringMethod(\ReflectionMethod $method): \ReflectionMethod
		// file & line guessing as workaround for insufficient PHP reflection
		$decl = $method->getDeclaringClass();
		if ($decl->getFileName() === $method->getFileName()
			&& $decl->getStartLine() <= $method->getStartLine()
			&& $decl->getEndLine() >= $method->getEndLine()
		) {
			return $method;

		$hash = [$method->getFileName(), $method->getStartLine(), $method->getEndLine()];
		if (($alias = $decl->getTraitAliases()[$method->name] ?? null)
			&& ($m = new \ReflectionMethod(...explode('::', $alias, 2)))
			&& $hash === [$m->getFileName(), $m->getStartLine(), $m->getEndLine()]
		) {
			return self::getMethodDeclaringMethod($m);

		foreach ($decl->getTraits() as $trait) {
			if ($trait->hasMethod($method->name)
				&& ($m = $trait->getMethod($method->name))
				&& $hash === [$m->getFileName(), $m->getStartLine(), $m->getEndLine()]
			) {
				return self::getMethodDeclaringMethod($m);

		return $method;

	 * Finds out if reflection has access to PHPdoc comments. Comments may not be available due to the opcode cache.
	public static function areCommentsAvailable(): bool
		static $res;
		return $res ?? $res = (bool) (new \ReflectionMethod(self::class, __FUNCTION__))->getDocComment();

	public static function toString(\Reflector $ref): string
		if ($ref instanceof \ReflectionClass) {
			return $ref->name;
		} elseif ($ref instanceof \ReflectionMethod) {
			return $ref->getDeclaringClass()->name . '::' . $ref->name . '()';
		} elseif ($ref instanceof \ReflectionFunction) {
			return PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80200 && $ref->isAnonymous()
				? '{closure}()'
				: $ref->name . '()';
		} elseif ($ref instanceof \ReflectionProperty) {
			return self::getPropertyDeclaringClass($ref)->name . '::$' . $ref->name;
		} elseif ($ref instanceof \ReflectionParameter) {
			return '$' . $ref->name . ' in ' . self::toString($ref->getDeclaringFunction());
		} else {
			throw new Nette\InvalidArgumentException;

	 * Expands the name of the class to full name in the given context of given class.
	 * Thus, it returns how the PHP parser would understand $name if it were written in the body of the class $context.
	 * @throws Nette\InvalidArgumentException
	public static function expandClassName(string $name, \ReflectionClass $context): string
		$lower = strtolower($name);
		if (empty($name)) {
			throw new Nette\InvalidArgumentException('Class name must not be empty.');

		} elseif (Validators::isBuiltinType($lower)) {
			return $lower;

		} elseif ($lower === 'self' || $lower === 'static') {
			return $context->name;

		} elseif ($lower === 'parent') {
			return $context->getParentClass()
				? $context->getParentClass()->name
				: 'parent';

		} elseif ($name[0] === '\\') { // fully qualified name
			return ltrim($name, '\\');

		$uses = self::getUseStatements($context);
		$parts = explode('\\', $name, 2);
		if (isset($uses[$parts[0]])) {
			$parts[0] = $uses[$parts[0]];
			return implode('\\', $parts);

		} elseif ($context->inNamespace()) {
			return $context->getNamespaceName() . '\\' . $name;

		} else {
			return $name;

	/** @return array<string, class-string> of [alias => class] */
	public static function getUseStatements(\ReflectionClass $class): array
		if ($class->isAnonymous()) {
			throw new Nette\NotImplementedException('Anonymous classes are not supported.');

		static $cache = [];
		if (!isset($cache[$name = $class->name])) {
			if ($class->isInternal()) {
				$cache[$name] = [];
			} else {
				$code = file_get_contents($class->getFileName());
				$cache = self::parseUseStatements($code, $name) + $cache;

		return $cache[$name];

	 * Parses PHP code to [class => [alias => class, ...]]
	private static function parseUseStatements(string $code, ?string $forClass = null): array
		try {
			$tokens = \PhpToken::tokenize($code, TOKEN_PARSE);
		} catch (\ParseError $e) {
			trigger_error($e->getMessage(), E_USER_NOTICE);
			$tokens = [];

		$namespace = $class = null;
		$classLevel = $level = 0;
		$res = $uses = [];


		while ($token = current($tokens)) {
			switch ($token->id) {
				case T_NAMESPACE:
					$namespace = ltrim(self::fetch($tokens, $nameTokens) . '\\', '\\');
					$uses = [];

				case T_CLASS:
				case T_INTERFACE:
				case T_TRAIT:
				case PHP_VERSION_ID < 80100
					? T_CLASS
					: T_ENUM:
					if ($name = self::fetch($tokens, T_STRING)) {
						$class = $namespace . $name;
						$classLevel = $level + 1;
						$res[$class] = $uses;
						if ($class === $forClass) {
							return $res;


				case T_USE:
					while (!$class && ($name = self::fetch($tokens, $nameTokens))) {
						$name = ltrim($name, '\\');
						if (self::fetch($tokens, '{')) {
							while ($suffix = self::fetch($tokens, $nameTokens)) {
								if (self::fetch($tokens, T_AS)) {
									$uses[self::fetch($tokens, T_STRING)] = $name . $suffix;
								} else {
									$tmp = explode('\\', $suffix);
									$uses[end($tmp)] = $name . $suffix;

								if (!self::fetch($tokens, ',')) {
						} elseif (self::fetch($tokens, T_AS)) {
							$uses[self::fetch($tokens, T_STRING)] = $name;

						} else {
							$tmp = explode('\\', $name);
							$uses[end($tmp)] = $name;

						if (!self::fetch($tokens, ',')) {


				case T_CURLY_OPEN:
				case ord('{'):

				case ord('}'):
					if ($level === $classLevel) {
						$class = $classLevel = 0;


		return $res;

	private static function fetch(array &$tokens, string|int|array $take): ?string
		$res = null;
		while ($token = current($tokens)) {
			if ($token->is($take)) {
				$res .= $token->text;
			} elseif (!$token->is([T_DOC_COMMENT, T_WHITESPACE, T_COMMENT])) {


		return $res;

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