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<h2 class="fw-bold">Peer Review & Publication Policies</h2>
<li><a href="index.php">Home</a></li>
<li>Peer Review & Publication Policies</li>
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<!-- <h3 class="p-1 fw-bold"> Instruction to Authors to be used in the review process.</h3> -->
<p>IJSRI employs the double-blind peer review process, where both reviewers and
authors remain anonymous throughout the review process.
The submitted for article is read at least by one of an editor as an initial review. If
the paper complies with the editorial policies, it is sent to two reviewers. The
reviewers won't know the author's identity, as any identifying information will be
stripped from the document before review.
The comments of reviewers' to the editors are confidential and before forwarding it
to the author they are made anonymous. Final decision of acceptance and
communication of referees’ report is done by the Editorial board based on the
reviewers' comments. Whether significant revisions are proposed, acceptance is
dependent on whether the author can deal with those satisfactorily.</p>
<h5> <strong>Open Access Statement of International Journal for Scientific Research
Innovations (IJSRI)</strong> </h5>
<p>International Journal for Scientific Research Innovations (IJSRI) follows open
access as publishing model. This model provides instant barrier free access to full
text of research paper worldwide without any subscription to the published articles
in this journal. In this model the cost of publication is covered by the
author(s)/author’s institution/funds of research. The published article is available
free worldwide and at the same time the author retains the copyright of their article
who publish in International Journal for Scientific Research Innovations (IJSRI).</p>
<h5><strong>Frequency of Issues</strong></h5>
<p>The International Journal for Scientific Research Innovations (IJSRI) is a Bi-Annual
open access journal and it publishes 2 issues per year.</p>
<h5><strong>Type of Articles</strong></h5>
<p>The International Journal for Scientific Research Innovations (IJSRI) publishes
Research Papers, Articles, Review Papers, Case studies and Comparative studies.</p>
<h5> <strong>Accepted Languages</strong> </h5><p>The International Journal for Scientific Research Innovations (IJSRI) accepts the
papers to be published in English only.</p>
<h5><strong> Manuscript Format</strong></h5>
<p>All the papers must be in IJSRI format. For proper referring and fast publication all
manuscript should be grammatically correct. You can download the paper format
from the website.</p>
<h5> <strong>Copyright </strong></h5><p>Authors are also instructed to submit the copyright transfer form once the article is
accepted for publication, without which the articles will not be processed. Author
can download the copyright transfer form; duly filled form should be submitted to
[email protected].</p>
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