Server Adress:

Dosya Yükle :
Current File : /home/u866425823/.subversion/servers

### This file specifies server-specific parameters,
### including HTTP proxy information, HTTP timeout settings,
### and authentication settings.
### The currently defined server options are:
###   http-proxy-host            Proxy host for HTTP connection
###   http-proxy-port            Port number of proxy host service
###   http-proxy-username        Username for auth to proxy service
###   http-proxy-password        Password for auth to proxy service
###   http-proxy-exceptions      List of sites that do not use proxy
###   http-timeout               Timeout for HTTP requests in seconds
###   http-compression           Whether to compress HTTP requests
###                              (yes/no/auto).
###   http-max-connections       Maximum number of parallel server
###                              connections to use for any given
###                              HTTP operation.
###   http-chunked-requests      Whether to use chunked transfer
###                              encoding for HTTP requests body.
###   ssl-authority-files        List of files, each of a trusted CA
###   ssl-trust-default-ca       Trust the system 'default' CAs
###   ssl-client-cert-file       PKCS#12 format client certificate file
###   ssl-client-cert-password   Client Key password, if needed.
###   ssl-pkcs11-provider        Name of PKCS#11 provider to use.
###   http-library               Which library to use for http/https
###                              connections.
###   http-bulk-updates          Whether to request bulk update
###                              responses or to fetch each file
###                              in an individual request. 
###   store-passwords            Specifies whether passwords used
###                              to authenticate against a
###                              Subversion server may be cached
###                              to disk in any way.
###   store-plaintext-passwords  Specifies whether passwords may
###                              be cached on disk unencrypted.
###   store-ssl-client-cert-pp   Specifies whether passphrase used
###                              to authenticate against a client
###                              certificate may be cached to disk
###                              in any way
###   store-ssl-client-cert-pp-plaintext
###                              Specifies whether client cert
###                              passphrases may be cached on disk
###                              unencrypted (i.e., as plaintext).
###   store-auth-creds           Specifies whether any auth info
###                              (passwords, server certs, etc.)
###                              may be cached to disk.
###   username                   Specifies the default username.
### Set store-passwords to 'no' to avoid storing passwords on disk
### in any way, including in password stores.  It defaults to
### 'yes', but Subversion will never save your password to disk in
### plaintext unless explicitly configured to do so.
### Note that this option only prevents saving of *new* passwords;
### it doesn't invalidate existing passwords.  (To do that, remove
### the cache files by hand as described in the Subversion book.)
### Set store-plaintext-passwords to 'no' to avoid storing
### passwords in unencrypted form in the auth/ area of your config
### directory. Set it to 'yes' to allow Subversion to store
### unencrypted passwords in the auth/ area.  The default is
### 'ask', which means that Subversion will ask you before
### saving a password to disk in unencrypted form.  Note that
### this option has no effect if either 'store-passwords' or 
### 'store-auth-creds' is set to 'no'.
### Set store-ssl-client-cert-pp to 'no' to avoid storing ssl
### client certificate passphrases in the auth/ area of your
### config directory.  It defaults to 'yes', but Subversion will
### never save your passphrase to disk in plaintext unless
### explicitly configured to do so.
### Note store-ssl-client-cert-pp only prevents the saving of *new*
### passphrases; it doesn't invalidate existing passphrases.  To do
### that, remove the cache files by hand as described in the
### Subversion book at\
###                    svn.serverconfig.netmodel.html\
###                    #svn.serverconfig.netmodel.credcache
### Set store-ssl-client-cert-pp-plaintext to 'no' to avoid storing
### passphrases in unencrypted form in the auth/ area of your
### config directory.  Set it to 'yes' to allow Subversion to
### store unencrypted passphrases in the auth/ area.  The default
### is 'ask', which means that Subversion will prompt before
### saving a passphrase to disk in unencrypted form.  Note that
### this option has no effect if either 'store-auth-creds' or 
### 'store-ssl-client-cert-pp' is set to 'no'.
### Set store-auth-creds to 'no' to avoid storing any Subversion
### credentials in the auth/ area of your config directory.
### Note that this includes SSL server certificates.
### It defaults to 'yes'.  Note that this option only prevents
### saving of *new* credentials;  it doesn't invalidate existing
### caches.  (To do that, remove the cache files by hand.)
### HTTP timeouts, if given, are specified in seconds.  A timeout
### of 0, i.e. zero, causes a builtin default to be used.
### Most users will not need to explicitly set the http-library
### option, but valid values for the option include:
###    'serf': Serf-based module (Subversion 1.5 - present)
### Availability of these modules may depend on your specific
### Subversion distribution.
### The commented-out examples below are intended only to
### demonstrate how to use this file; any resemblance to actual
### servers, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

### In the 'groups' section, the URL of the repository you're
### trying to access is matched against the patterns on the right.
### If a match is found, the server options are taken from the
### section with the corresponding name on the left.

# group1 = *
# othergroup =
# thirdgroup = *

### Information for the first group:
# [group1]
# http-proxy-host =
# http-proxy-port = 80
# http-proxy-username = blah
# http-proxy-password = doubleblah
# http-timeout = 60
# store-plaintext-passwords = no
# username = harry

### Information for the second group:
# [othergroup]
# http-proxy-host =
# http-proxy-port = 9000
# No username and password for the proxy, so use the defaults below.

### You can set default parameters in the 'global' section.
### These parameters apply if no corresponding parameter is set in
### a specifically matched group as shown above.  Thus, if you go
### through the same proxy server to reach every site on the
### Internet, you probably just want to put that server's
### information in the 'global' section and not bother with
### 'groups' or any other sections.
### Most people might want to configure password caching
### parameters here, but you can also configure them per server
### group (per-group settings override global settings).
### If you go through a proxy for all but a few sites, you can
### list those exceptions under 'http-proxy-exceptions'.  This only
### overrides defaults, not explicitly matched server names.
### 'ssl-authority-files' is a semicolon-delimited list of files,
### each pointing to a PEM-encoded Certificate Authority (CA) 
### SSL certificate.  See details above for overriding security 
### due to SSL.
# http-proxy-exceptions = *,
# http-proxy-host =
# http-proxy-port = 7000
# http-proxy-username = defaultusername
# http-proxy-password = defaultpassword
# http-compression = auto
# No http-timeout, so just use the builtin default.
# ssl-authority-files = /path/to/CAcert.pem;/path/to/CAcert2.pem
# Password / passphrase caching parameters:
# store-passwords = no
# store-ssl-client-cert-pp = no
# store-plaintext-passwords = no
# store-ssl-client-cert-pp-plaintext = no

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