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Current File : //usr/share/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/

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 Tip: Minor releases with a '*' are currently supported by Red Hat.


Are you sure you would like to continue?         <Tab>/<Alt-Tab> between elements  |  <Space> selects  |  <F12> next screen Minor Release: %d MHz%s MB%s megabytes%s was not found*Email Address:<b><span size="12000">Incompatible Certificate File</span></b>

 The certificate is expired. Please ensure you have the correct  certificate and your system time is correct.<b>Downloads &amp; Upgrades:</b><b>HTTP Proxy</b><b>Login:</b><b>Management:</b><b>Security &amp; Updates:</b><b>Support:</b><b>System ID:</b><b>The network connection on your system is not active. Your system cannot be set up for software updates at this time.</b><b>Tip:</b> Minor releases with a '*' are currently fully supported by Red Hat.<b>Warning:</b> Using this option, your system will always be the most recent minor release and <b>cannot</b> be limited to an older release version.<b>Warning</b><b>You have no active subscriptions available in your account.</b> You will need to do one of the following to create an active subscription in your account before this system can be registered:<b>Your system was registered for updates during installation.</b><b>_All available updates</b> will be provided to this system. If kept updated, this system will always be equivalent to the latest minor release in the main 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux x' software channel.<b>_Limited updates</b> will be provided to this system, maintaining compatibility with the selected minor release software channel:<big><b>Moving to earlier releases won't be possible</b></big><big><b>Profile Data</b></big><big><b>System Name</b></big><small><b>Example:</b></small><small><b>Example</b>: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX</small><small><b>Tip:</b> Red Hat values your privacy:</small><small>Tip: Forgot your login or password? Contact your Satellite's <i>Organization Administrator</i>.</small>A common cause of this error is the system time being incorrect. Verify that the time on this system is correct.
A connection was attempted with a malformed URI.
A connection was attempted with a malformed URI: %s.
A profilename was not specified, and hostname and IP address could not be determined to use as a profilename, please specify one.A proxy was specified at %s.A recognizable name will help you identify this system in a management interface.A username and password are required to register a system.Access to the technical support experts at Red Hat or Red Hat's partners for help with any issues you might encounter with this system.Activate a previously purchased subscription you have not yet activated.Additional hardware information including PCI devices, disk sizes and mount points will be included in the profile.All available updatesAll available updates will be provided to this system. If kept updated, this system will always be equivalent to the latest minor release in the main 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux x' software channel.An error has occurred:An unexpected OS error occurred: %s
Aplet screenshotArchArchitecture: %s, OS Release: %s, OS Version: %sAre you Sure?Are you sure you don't want to register your system with Red Hat? You'll miss out on the benefits of a Red Hat Enterprise Linux Subscription:Are you sure you would like to continue?Attempting to run more than one instance of rhn_check. Exiting.
BackBuilding Package ListBuilding a list of RPM packages installed on your system.  Please wait.CPU Model:CPU Speed:CPU model: CPU speed: CancelCannot contact selected serverCertificate _Location:Choose ServiceChoose minor releaseCloseCompliance:Confirm operating system release selectionConfirm operation system release selectionConnection aborted by the userCopyright © 2006--2014 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.Create ProfileCreate Profile - HardwareCreate Profile - PackagesCreate profileDelay error from server.  The message was:
Do not attempt to use XDo not probe or upload any hardware infoDo not profile or upload any package infoDo not start rhnsd after completionDo not upload any virtualization infoDouble-check the location - is '%s' correct? If not, you can correct it and try again.Download installation images for Red Hat Enterprise Linux releases, including new releases.Downloads & Upgrades:ERRORERROR: can not find RHNS CA fileERROR: must be root to execute
ERROR: you have to specify at least one channelEnter in the format hostname(:port)ErrorError communicating with server. The message was:
Error parsing the oemInfo file at field:
Error reading cpu information:Error reading install method information:Error reading network interface information:Error reading networking information:Error reading system memory information:Error running hardware profileError validating data at server:
Error:Error: Server Unavailable. Please try later.Example: ErrorFile Not Found: 
FinishGetting list of packages installed on the systemGo Back and RegisterHardware InfoHardware ProfileHostname:Hostname: I <b>_don't</b> have an SSL certificate. I will contact my system administrator for assistance and will register at a later time.I would like to connect via an _HTTP proxy.I'll register later.IP Address:IP Address: Include RPM packages installed on this system in my System ProfileInclude the following information about hardware and network:Installation _Number:It appears this system has already been set up for software updates:Limited Updates OnlyLimited updatesLimited updates will be provided to this system, maintaining compatibility with the selected minor release software channel:Link To SubscriptionLocation:Log in to and unentitle an inactive system at Your RHN > Subscription Management > System Entitlements.Login:Make sure the network connection on this system is operational.Manage subscriptions and systems registered to Customer Portal via or through one of our other subscription management services.ManagementManagement:Memory:Memory: Network error: NextNo, CancelNoticeOKOperating System Release VersionOperating System version:PackagePackage InformationPassword error. The message was:
Password:Please enter a desired login.Please enter and verify a password.Please enter your Red Hat account information:Please enter your login information for the %s Red Hat Network Satellite:

Please review the subscription details below:Press <space> to deselect the option.Problem registering system.Problem registering system.

A universal default activation key limits the number of systems which can connect to the RHN organization associated with your login. To allow this system to connect, please contact your RHN organization administrator to increase the number of systems allowed to connect or to disable this universal default activation key. More details can be found in Red Hat Knowledgebase Article #7924 at Problem registering system:
Problem sending hardware information.Problem sending hardware profile.Problem sending hardware profile:
Problem sending package information.Problem sending package list.Problem sending package list:
Problem writing out system id to disk.Profile name:Provide a Security CertificateProvide a security certificateProxy ConfigurationProxy P_assword:Proxy Setup ButtonProxy _Username:Purchase an additional Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscription at RegistrationRHN login fieldRHN password fieldRPM dependency error. The message was:
RPM error.  The message was:
RPM information is important to determine what updated software packages are relevant to this system.Receive the latest software updates, including security updates, keeping this Red Hat Enterprise Linux system <b>updated</b> and <b>secure</b>.Receive the latest software updates, including security updates, keeping this Red Hat Enterprise Linux system updated and secure.Red Hat AccountRed Hat Linux Version:Red Hat Login:Register LaterRegister _LaterRegister the system even if it is already registeredRegistering SystemRegistering your system with Red Hat allows you to take full advantage of the benefits of a paid subscription, including:Review SubscriptionReview system...SSL certificate:Security & Updates:See /var/log/up2date for more informationSelect A FileSelect how your system will receive updates:Send _hardware profileSend _package profileSend hardware profile checkboxSend package profile checkboxSend us a profile of your current hardware and packages so we can determine what updates are available.Sending InformationSending hardware informationSending package informationServer has refused connection due to high loadSet Up Software UpdatesShow additional outputSoftware Channel Subscriptions:Software Update Not Set UpSoftware Updates Not Set UpSoftware update setup has been completed for this system.Something went wrong while installing the new certificate:
Specify a file to use as the ssl CA certSpecify a passwordSpecify a password to use with an authenticated http proxySpecify a profilenameSpecify a url to use as a serverSpecify a usernameSpecify a username to use with an authenticated http proxySpecify an activation keySpecify an http proxy to useSpecify an organizational id for this systemStart WindowSubscribe this system to the EUS channel tied to the system's redhat-releaseSubscriptions have been activated for the following Red Hat products/services:Support:System Already RegisteredSystem ID:System RegistrationSystem _Name:Take me back to the registrationTake me back to the setup process.The installation number [ %s ] provided is not a valid installation number. Please go back to the previous screen and fix it.The installation number is invalidThe server indicated an error:
The server may be in outage mode. You may have to try connecting later.The server you are registering against does not support EUS.There was a SSL crypto error: %s
There was a problem registering this system.There was an SSL error. This could be because the file you picked was not a certificate file.There was an SSL error: %s
There was an authentication error: %s
There was an error building the list of packages.There was an error communicating with the registration server.  The message was:
There was an error communicating with the registration server:
There was an error getting the list of hardware.There was an error loading your configuration.  Make sure that
you have read access to /etc/sysconfig/rhn.There was an error saving your configuration. Make sure that
you own %s.There was an error while applying your choice.There was an error while assembling information for the profile.There was an error while creating the profile.There was an error while installing the certificate.There was an error while logging in.There was an error while populating the profile.There was some sort of I/O error: %sThere was some sort of I/O error: %s
This assistant will guide you through the process of registering your system with Red Hat to receive software updates and other benefits. You will need the following to register:This client requires the server to support %s, which the current server does not supportThis error shouldn't have happened. If you'd like to help us improve this program, please file a bug at Including the relevant parts of '%s' would be very helpful. Thanks!This server doesn't support functionality needed by this version of the software update setup client. Please try again with a newer server.This system has already been registered with RHN using RHN certificate-based technology.This system is already registered. Use --force to overrideThis system may not be updated until it is associated with a channel.This system was unable to be associated with the following RHN module(s) because there were insufficient subscriptions available in your account:Tip: Forgot your login or password?  Contact your Satellite's Organization Administrator.Tip: Red Hat values your privacy: learn more about RHN registration and technologies please consult this Knowledge Base Article: <a href=""></a>
Unable to Locate SystemIdUnable to locate SystemId file. Is this system registered?Unable to open gui. Try `up2date --nox`Updates ConfiguredUpdating hardware profile...Updating package profile...Updating virtualization profile...Usage of --use-eus-channel option with --activationkey is not supported. Please use username and password instead.Use Au_thentication with HTTP Proxy:Use Authentication with HTTP ProxyV_iew Package Profile ...Version: View Hardware ProfileView Package ProfileVirtualization module: software updates for a limited number of virtual guests on this system.WarningWarning: --contactinfo option has been deprecated. Please login to the server web user Interface and update your contactinfo. Warning: Only installed product listed above will receive updates and support. If you would like to receive updates for additional products, please login to your satellite web interface and subscribe this system to the appropriate software channels. See Kbase article for more details. ( Using this option, your system will always be the most recent minor release and cannot be limited to an older release version.Warning: unable to enable rhnsd with chkconfigWarning:You will not be able to limit this system to minor release that is older than the recent minor release if you select this option.
We are attempting to contact the Red Hat Network server at %s.We could not contact the Satellite or Proxy at '%s.'Why RegisterWhy Should I Connect to RHN? ...Why Should I Register?Would you like to register your system at this time? <b>(Strongly recommended.)</b>Yes, ContinueYes/No dialog:You may be running a client that is incompatible with the server.You may deselect individual packages by unchecking them below.You must be root to run %sYou must choose a name for this profile.You must enter a login.You must enter a password.You must run rhn_register as root.You must run the RHN registration program as root.You must select a certificate.You need to register this system by running `rhn_register` before using this optionYou specified an invalid protocol. Only https and http are allowed.You were unable to be subscribed to the following software channels because there were insufficient subscriptions available in your account:You will not be able to take advantage of these benefits without registering.Your system is not setup for software updates.Your system is now ready to receive the software updates that will keep it secure and supported.

You'll know when software updates are available when a package icon appears in the notification area of your desktop (usually in the upper-right corner, circled below.) Clicking on this icon, when available, will guide you through applying any updates that are available:Your system is ready to receive the software updates that will keep it secure and supported.

You'll know when software updates are available when a package icon appears in the notification area of your desktop (usually in the upper-right corner, circled below.) Clicking on this icon, when available, will guide you through applying any updates that are available:Your system will be subscribed to %s 
base software channel. You will not be
able to move this system to an earlier release
(you will be able to move to a newer release).
Are you sure you would like to continue?Your system will be subscribed to the base software channel to receive all available updates.Your system will be subscribed to the base software channel.  You will not be able to move this system to an earlier minor release channel if you continue (you will be able to move to a later release.)Your system will need to access a subscription. This will allow you to keep your system updated, secure, and supported.[Deprecated] Read contact info from stdin_Activate a subscription now..._Close_Go Back and Register_Login:_Minor release:_No, Cancel_No, I prefer to register at a later time._Password:_Proxy Location:_Proxy Setup_View Hardware Profile ..._Why Should I Register?_Yes, Continue_Yes, I'd like to register now.class %s has no attribute '%s'icon of apletinstallation number fieldlabellist all available child channelslist channelsname of channel you want to (un)subscribeprogress barprogress statusproxy locationproxy password fieldproxy user fieldsatellite server locationsubscribe to channelsystem nameunknownunsubscribe from channelverbose outputyour passwordyour user name•• A network connectionProject-Id-Version: Spacewalk
POT-Creation-Date: 2018-11-23 14:33+0100
PO-Revision-Date: 2018-03-16 11:05+0000
Last-Translator: Copied by Zanata <[email protected]>
Language-Team: Chinese (Taiwan) (
Language: zh_TW
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
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X-Generator: Zanata 4.6.2

 提示:標記了 '*' 的非重大發行版,目前已受到 Red Hat 支援。


您是否確定要繼續進行?         <Tab>/<Alt-Tab> 移動游標  |  <Space> 選取  |  <F12> 下一個畫面 非重大發行版:%d MHz%s MB%s MB找不到 %s*電子郵件地址:<b><span size="12000">證書檔不相容</span></b>

 證書已失效。請確定您擁有正確的證書,以及您的系統時間是否正確。<b>下載 &amp; 升級:</b><b>HTTP 代理</b><b>登入:</b><b>管理:</b><b>安全 &amp; 及更新:</b><b>支援:</b><b>系統 ID:</b><b>您系統的網路連線並未啟動。您的系統現在無法設定,以取得軟體更新。</b><b>提示:</b> 含有個 '*' 的部份更新目前受到了 Red Hat 的完整支援。<b>警告:</b>使用此選項的話,系統會永遠處於處於最新的 minor 發行版狀態,而且<b>不能</b>限制於較舊的發行版本上。<b>警告</b><b>您的帳號中沒有可用的訂閱服務。</b>在這部系統能連上 Red Hat Network 之前,請進行以下任一步驟,在您的帳號裡建立可用的訂閱服務:<b>您的系統在進行安裝時,已註冊進行更新。</b><b>所有可用更新(_A)</b>將會提供給這部系統。若這部系統持續維持更新的話,會永遠與主要「Red Hat Enterprise Linux x」軟體頻道中的 minor 發行版相同。<b>受限的更新(_L)</b>將會被提供給這部系統,以保持所選擇的 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 小幅更新版之軟體頻道的相容性:<big><b>您將無法移至較舊的發行版</b></big><big><b>設定檔資料</b></big><big><b>系統名稱</b></big><small><b>例如:</b></small><small><b>例如</b>: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX</small><small><b>提示:</b>Red Hat 注重您的隱私權:。</small><small>提示:忘了登入名稱或密碼?聯絡衛星伺服器的<i>組織管理員</i>。</small>導致這個錯誤的原因通常是因為系統時間不正確,請確認這部系統的時間是正確的。
試圖連上錯誤的 URI。
試圖連上錯誤的 URI:%s。
未指定資料檔名稱,而且無法使用主機名稱與 IP 位址來當作資料檔名稱, 請另外指定一個。%s 指定了代理伺服器。一組容易辨識的名稱能幫助您在管理介面中,辨識這部系統。註冊系統需要使用者名稱與密碼。與 Red Hat 的技術支援專家或 Red Hat 的合作廠商聯絡,取得任何您可能遇到的問題。啟用您先前購買,但尚未啟用的訂閱服務。包括 PCI 裝置、磁碟大小以及掛載點的額外硬體資訊將會被收錄在資料檔中。所有可用更新所有可用更新將會提供給這部系統。若這部系統持續維持更新的話,會永遠與主要「Red Hat Enterprise Linux x」軟體頻道中的最新 minor 發行版相同。發生錯誤:發生一個非預期的作業系統錯誤: %s
Aplet 畫面硬體架構架構:%s,作業系統版次:%s,作業系統版本:%s您是否確定?確定不向 Red Hat 註冊系統?您會錯過 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 訂閱服務的許多好處:您確定要繼續嗎?試圖執行超過一組 rhn_check。退出中。
上一步建立套件清單正在建立安裝在您系統的 RPM 套件清單。  請稍候。CPU 型號:CPU 速度:處理器型號:處理器速度:取消無法聯絡所選取的伺服器證書位置(_L):選擇伺服器選擇非重大發行版關閉承諾:確認作業系統發行版選擇確認作業系統發行版選項連線被使用者中斷版權所有 © 2006--2014 Red Hat, Inc. 保留所有權利。建立資料檔建立您的系統設定檔 - 硬體建立您的系統設定檔 - 套件建立設定檔從伺服器傳來的延遲錯誤。 錯誤訊息是:
不要嘗試使用 X不要偵測或上載任何硬體的資訊 不要歸檔或上載任何套件資訊 完成後不啟動 rhnsd不要上載任何虛擬資料請再檢查位置 - %s 是否正確?如果不正確,請更改後再試一次。下載 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 的安裝光碟映像檔,包括最新版本。下載與升級:錯誤錯誤:無法找到 RHNS CA 檔錯誤:必須是 root 才能執行
解析 oeminfo 檔案中的欄位時發生錯誤:
完成取得已安裝在系統的套件清單返回並註冊硬體資訊硬體設定檔主機名稱:主機名稱:我<b>沒有</b> SSL 憑證。我將會連繫系統管理者,以取得協助,並在稍後註冊(_d)。我希望透過 HTTP 代理伺服器進行連線。稍後註冊。IP 位址:IP 位址:包含安裝在系統上的 RPM 套件到我的系統資料檔包含下列關於硬體與網路的資訊:安裝編號(_N):這台系統也許已經設定好,接收軟體更新:僅有有限的更新受限的更新受限的更新將會被提供給這部系統,以保持所選擇的 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 小幅更新版之軟體頻道的相容性:連接到訂閱服務位置:登入,並取消已停用之系統的權利,方法是透過「您專屬的 RHN > 訂閱管理 > 系統權利」。登入名稱:請確定這台電腦可以連上網路。透過 或是其它訂閱管理服務,管理向客戶入口網站註冊的訂閱服務和系統。管理管理:記憶體:記憶體:網路錯誤:下一步不,取消注意確定作業系統版本:作業系統版本:套件套件資訊密碼錯誤。 錯誤訊息是:
密碼:請輸入您想使用的登入帳號。請輸入並確認密碼。請輸入您的 Red Hat 帳號資訊:請為您的 %s Red Hat Network 衛星伺服器,輸入登入資訊:

請檢視以下的訂閱詳細資料:請按下 <space> 取消選取選項。註冊系統時發生問題。註冊系統時發生問題。

通用的預設啟動金鑰限制了您的登入帳號可以連上 RHN 的系統數量。要讓這系統連上 RHN,請聯絡您的 RHN 組織管理員,增加允許連上的系統數目,或停用這組通用的預設啟動金鑰。詳情請參閱知識庫文章第 7924 號,網址為 註冊系統發生問題:
寫入系統 ID 到磁碟發生問題。資料檔名稱:提供安全性證書提供安全性證書代理伺服器配置代理密碼(_A):代理伺服器設定鈕代理使用者名稱(_U):請從 購買額外的 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 訂閱服務。RHN 註冊RHN 登錄名稱欄位RHN 密碼欄位RPM 相依性發生錯誤,錯誤訊息是:
RPM 錯誤。 錯誤訊息是:
RPM 資訊對於決定與此系統相關的更新軟體套件相當重要。收到最新的軟體更新,包括安全性更新,以<b>更新</b>這台 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 系統,保持其<b>安全性</b>。收到最新的軟體更新,包括安全更新,讓這台 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 系統保持在最新、最安全的狀態。Red Hat 登入:Red Hat Linux 版本:Red Hat 登入:稍後註冊稍後註冊(_L)註冊系統;即使已經註冊過了註冊系統向 Red Hat 註冊系統,能讓您享受完整的付費訂閱服務,包括:檢視訂閱檢視系統...SSL 證書:安全性與更新:如需更多資料,請瀏覽 /var/log/up2date選擇一個檔案選擇系統如何取得更新檔:發送硬體設定檔(_h)傳送套件設定檔(_p)發送硬體設定檔核取方塊傳送套件設定檔核取方塊請將您系統的套件與硬體設定檔傳送給我們,如此一來我們便可判斷有哪些可用更新。傳送套件資訊傳送硬體資訊傳送套件資訊由於負載太大,伺服器拒絕連線設定軟體更新顯示額外的輸出軟體頻道訂閱:設定軟體更新設定軟體更新這部系統的軟體更新設定已完成。安裝新證書時發生錯誤:
指定用作 SSL CA 證書的檔案指定密碼請指定用作 http 代理伺服器認證的密碼指定設定檔的檔名指定要做為伺服器的網址指定使用者名稱請指定用作 http 代理伺服器認證的用戶名指定啟動金鑰請指定要使用的 http 代理伺服器指定這系統的組織 ID開啟視窗將這部系統註冊至與其 redhat 發行版綁定的 EUS 頻道訂閱服務已經針對以下 Red Hat 產品 / 服務啟動:支援:系統已經註冊系統 ID:RHN 註冊系統名稱(_N):帶我回到註冊過程帶我回到設定過程。您提供的安裝號碼 [ %s ] 是無效的安裝號碼。請回到上一個畫面並修正之。安裝號碼不符伺服器指出有錯誤發生:
伺服器可能處於停機狀態。請稍後再嘗試連線。您要註冊至的伺服器不支援 EUS。發生 SSL 加密錯誤:%s
註冊本系統時發生問題。發生 SSL 錯誤。這可能是因為您選的檔案不是證書檔。發生某種 SSL 錯誤:%s
建立套件清單時發生了錯誤。連接註冊伺服器時發生錯誤。  錯誤訊息是:
取得硬體清單時發生了錯誤。載入您的設定時發生錯誤。  請確定您有讀取 /etc/sysconfig/rhn 檔案的權限。儲存配置時發生錯誤。 請確定您有 %s 的擁有權。套用您的選擇時發生了錯誤。組建設定檔的資訊時發生了錯誤。建立設定檔時發生了錯誤。安裝證書時發生了錯誤。登入時發生了錯誤。產生設定檔時發生嚴重錯誤。發生某種 I/O 錯誤:%s發生某種 I/O 錯誤:%s
這能協助您將系統向 Red Hat 註冊,以取得軟體更新及其它功能。您將需要備妥以下資料以進行註冊:這個用戶端需要支援 %s 的伺服器,然而目前的伺服器並不支援這錯誤不該發生。如果您願意幫助我們改善這程式,請透過 發送錯誤報告。請在其中包含相關的 %s,這會很有幫助。謝謝!這伺服器並不支援這軟體更新設定用戶端版本所需的功能。請以更新的伺服器,再試一次。這部系統已使用 RHN Certificate-Based 技術向 RHN 註冊。這個系統已經註冊過了。 請使用 --force 來強制註冊在系統與一個頻道產生關聯前,該部系統將不會被更新。本系統無法與以下 RHN 模組相關連,因為您帳號中的訂閱數量不夠:提示:忘記您的使用者名稱或密碼?請聯絡您衛星伺服器的組織管理員。提示:Red Hat 注重您的隱私權:欲取得 RHN 註冊與技術方面的資訊,請參閱此知識庫文件:<a href=""></a>
找不到 SystemId找不到 SystemId 檔案。這系統有註冊過嗎?無法開啟圖形用戶界面。請試著執行 `up2date --nox`已配置更新正在更新硬體資料檔...正在更新套件資料檔...正在更新虛擬化設定檔...不支援搭配使用 --use-eus-channel 選項與 --activationkey。請使用使用者名稱和密碼來代替。使用 HTTP 代理伺服器來進行認證(_t):使用 HTTP 代理伺服器來進行認證檢視套件設定檔(_i)...版本:檢視硬體設定檔檢視套件設定檔虛擬化模組:為這台系統上的虛擬客座端(有數量限制)更新軟體。警告警告:--contactinfo 選項已淘汰。請登入伺服器網頁的使用者介面,以更新您的 contactinfo。警告:如果本系統安裝的產品並沒有在上方列出,您將收不到任何給此產品使用的更新或支援。如果您希望這產品能收到更新,請登入您的衛星伺服器網頁介面,為此系統訂閱合適的軟體頻道,以取得這項產品的更新。詳情請參閱知識庫第 11313 號文章(。警告:若使用此選項,系統會永遠處於處於最新的 minor 發行版狀態,而且不能限制於較舊的發行版本上。警告: 無法使用 chkconfig 來啟用 rhnsd警告:若您選擇此選項的話,您便無法將此系統限制為比目前最新非重大發行版還要舊的版本。
我們試圖連上位於 %s 的 Red Hat Network 伺服器。我們無法連上位於 %s 的衛星伺服器或代理伺服器。為什麼要註冊我為什麼要連上 RHN...?我為何應註冊?是否現在註冊系統?<b>(強烈建議您這樣做。)</b>是的,請繼續「是/否」對話窗:可能您執行的用戶端與伺服器不相容。您可以在下面取消勾選它們來取消選取個別的套件。您必須是 root 才能執行 %s必須為這個資料檔選擇名稱。必須輸入登入帳號。必須輸入密碼。您必須是 root 才能執行 rhn_register。必須是 root 才能執行 RHN 註冊程式。必須選取證書。在使用這個選項之前,您需要先執行 `rhn_register` 以註冊您的系統您指定了不合規定的通訊協定。請使用 https 或 http。由於帳號可用的訂閱數不足,無法訂閱以下軟體頻道:若不進行註冊,您將無法享用到這些好處。系統未設置為接收軟體更新。您的系統現在已準備好取得軟體更新檔,好讓系統維持安全性,並受到支援。


當套件圖像出現在桌面上的通知區(一般位於右上角,如下圖所示)時,表示有可用的軟體更新。當此圖像出現時,請點選該圖像,這將會帶領您套用任何可使用的更新:您的系統將會訂閱 %s 
您是否要繼續進行?您的系統將會訂閱基礎軟體頻道,以取得所有可用更新。您的系統將會訂閱基礎軟體頻道。若您繼續的話,您便無法將此系統轉移至較舊非重大發行版的頻道(您將可移至較新的發行版)。您的系統需要存取一項訂閱服務。這將能讓您的系統保持在最新、最安全,且受支援的狀態。[已淘汰] 由標準輸入讀取聯絡資訊現在就啟動訂閱服務(_A)...關閉(_C)返回並註冊(_G)登入(_L):非重大發行版(_M):不,取消(_N)不,稍後才註冊。(_N)密碼(_P):代理伺服器位置(_P):代理伺服器設定(_P)檢視硬體設定檔(_V)...我為何應註冊(_W)?是,繼續(_Y)好,現在註冊。(_Y)class %s 沒有「%s」屬性aplet 圖示安裝號碼欄位標籤列出所有提供的子頻道列出頻道要訂閱或取消訂閱的頻道名稱進度進度狀態代理伺服器位置代理伺服器密碼欄位代理伺服器使用者欄位衛星伺服器位置訂閱頻道系統名稱未知的取消訂閱頻道詳細輸出密碼使用者名稱•• 網路連線

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