Server Adress:

Dosya Yükle :
Current File : //usr/share/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/

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�&���~�����0}^Y�t�q�����p			Part of profile(s): %s			Properties:
		%s: %s (sinks: %u, sources: %u, priority: %u, available: %s)
	Active Port: %s
	Active Profile: %s

  -h, --help                            Show this help
      --version                         Show version

  -s, --server=SERVER                   The name of the server to connect to
  -n, --client-name=NAME                How to call this client on the server

  -h, --help                            Show this help
      --version                         Show version
When no command is given pacmd starts in the interactive mode.

can be used to specify the default sink, source and monitor.
### Read from configuration file: %s ###
#N#N 1|0#N 1|0|toggle#N FORMATS#N KEY=VALUE#N SINK|SOURCE#N VOLUME#N VOLUME [VOLUME ...]%0.1f GiB%0.1f KiB%0.1f MiB%s %uch %uHz%s Input%s Output%s [-D display] [-S server] [-O sink] [-I source] [-c file]  [-d|-e|-i|-r]

 -d    Show current PulseAudio data attached to X11 display (default)
 -e    Export local PulseAudio data to X11 display
 -i    Import PulseAudio data from X11 display to local environment variables and cookie file.
 -r    Remove PulseAudio data from X11 display
%s [options]

  -h, --help                            Show this help
      --version                         Show version
      --dump-conf                       Dump default configuration
      --dump-modules                    Dump list of available modules
      --dump-resample-methods           Dump available resample methods
      --cleanup-shm                     Cleanup stale shared memory segments
      --start                           Start the daemon if it is not running
  -k  --kill                            Kill a running daemon
      --check                           Check for a running daemon (only returns exit code)

      --system[=BOOL]                   Run as system-wide instance
  -D, --daemonize[=BOOL]                Daemonize after startup
      --fail[=BOOL]                     Quit when startup fails
      --high-priority[=BOOL]            Try to set high nice level
                                        (only available as root, when SUID or
                                        with elevated RLIMIT_NICE)
      --realtime[=BOOL]                 Try to enable realtime scheduling
                                        (only available as root, when SUID or
                                        with elevated RLIMIT_RTPRIO)
      --disallow-module-loading[=BOOL]  Disallow user requested module
                                        loading/unloading after startup
      --disallow-exit[=BOOL]            Disallow user requested exit
      --exit-idle-time=SECS             Terminate the daemon when idle and this
                                        time passed
      --scache-idle-time=SECS           Unload autoloaded samples when idle and
                                        this time passed
      --log-level[=LEVEL]               Increase or set verbosity level
  -v  --verbose                         Increase the verbosity level
                                        Specify the log target
      --log-meta[=BOOL]                 Include code location in log messages
      --log-time[=BOOL]                 Include timestamps in log messages
      --log-backtrace=FRAMES            Include a backtrace in log messages
  -p, --dl-search-path=PATH             Set the search path for dynamic shared
                                        objects (plugins)
      --resample-method=METHOD          Use the specified resampling method
                                        (See --dump-resample-methods for
                                        possible values)
      --use-pid-file[=BOOL]             Create a PID file
      --no-cpu-limit[=BOOL]             Do not install CPU load limiter on
                                        platforms that support it.
      --disable-shm[=BOOL]              Disable shared memory support.
      --enable-memfd[=BOOL]             Enable memfd shared memory support.

  -L, --load="MODULE ARGUMENTS"         Load the specified plugin module with
                                        the specified argument
  -F, --file=FILENAME                   Run the specified script
  -C                                    Open a command line on the running TTY
                                        after startup

  -n                                    Don't load default script file
%s [options]

  -h, --help                            Show this help
      --version                         Show version

  -r, --record                          Create a connection for recording
  -p, --playback                        Create a connection for playback

  -v, --verbose                         Enable verbose operations

  -s, --server=SERVER                   The name of the server to connect to
  -d, --device=DEVICE                   The name of the sink/source to connect to
  -n, --client-name=NAME                How to call this client on the server
      --stream-name=NAME                How to call this stream on the server
      --volume=VOLUME                   Specify the initial (linear) volume in range 0...65536
      --rate=SAMPLERATE                 The sample rate in Hz (defaults to 44100)
      --format=SAMPLEFORMAT             The sample type, one of s16le, s16be, u8, float32le,
                                        float32be, ulaw, alaw, s32le, s32be, s24le, s24be,
                                        s24-32le, s24-32be (defaults to s16ne)
      --channels=CHANNELS               The number of channels, 1 for mono, 2 for stereo
                                        (defaults to 2)
      --channel-map=CHANNELMAP          Channel map to use instead of the default
      --fix-format                      Take the sample format from the sink/source the stream is
                                        being connected to.
      --fix-rate                        Take the sampling rate from the sink/source the stream is
                                        being connected to.
      --fix-channels                    Take the number of channels and the channel map
                                        from the sink/source the stream is being connected to.
      --no-remix                        Don't upmix or downmix channels.
      --no-remap                        Map channels by index instead of name.
      --latency=BYTES                   Request the specified latency in bytes.
      --process-time=BYTES              Request the specified process time per request in bytes.
      --latency-msec=MSEC               Request the specified latency in msec.
      --process-time-msec=MSEC          Request the specified process time per request in msec.
      --property=PROPERTY=VALUE         Set the specified property to the specified value.
      --raw                             Record/play raw PCM data.
      --passthrough                     Passthrough data.
      --file-format[=FFORMAT]           Record/play formatted PCM data.
      --list-file-formats               List available file formats.
      --monitor-stream=INDEX            Record from the sink input with index INDEX.
%s [options] -- PROGRAM [ARGUMENTS ...]

Temporarily suspend PulseAudio while PROGRAM runs.

  -h, --help                            Show this help
      --version                         Show version
  -s, --server=SERVER                   The name of the server to connect to

%u B(invalid)--daemonize expects boolean argument--disable-shm expects boolean argument--disallow-exit expects boolean argument--disallow-module-loading expects boolean argument--enable-memfd expects boolean argument--fail expects boolean argument--high-priority expects boolean argument--log-level expects log level argument (either numeric in range 0..4 or one of debug, info, notice, warn, error).--log-meta expects boolean argument--log-time expects boolean argument--no-cpu-limit expects boolean argument--realtime expects boolean argument--start not supported for system instances.--system expects boolean argument--use-pid-file expects boolean argument1|0ALSA woke us up to read new data from the device, but there was actually nothing to read.
Most likely this is a bug in the ALSA driver '%s'. Please report this issue to the ALSA developers.
We were woken up with POLLIN set -- however a subsequent snd_pcm_avail() returned 0 or another value < min_avail.ALSA woke us up to write new data to the device, but there was actually nothing to write.
Most likely this is a bug in the ALSA driver '%s'. Please report this issue to the ALSA developers.
We were woken up with POLLOUT set -- however a subsequent snd_pcm_avail() returned 0 or another value < min_avail.Access deniedAllocated during whole lifetime: %u block containing %s bytes total.
Allocated during whole lifetime: %u blocks containing %s bytes total.
Always keeps at least one sink loaded even if it's a null oneAlways keeps at least one source loaded even if it's a null oneAmplifierAnalog InputAnalog MonoAnalog Mono DuplexAnalog Mono OutputAnalog OutputAnalog StereoAnalog Stereo DuplexAnalog Surround 2.1Analog Surround 3.0Analog Surround 3.1Analog Surround 4.0Analog Surround 4.1Analog Surround 5.0Analog Surround 5.1Analog Surround 6.0Analog Surround 6.1Analog Surround 7.0Analog Surround 7.1Audio on @HOSTNAME@Author: %s
Automatic Gain ControlAuxiliary 0Auxiliary 1Auxiliary 10Auxiliary 11Auxiliary 12Auxiliary 13Auxiliary 14Auxiliary 15Auxiliary 16Auxiliary 17Auxiliary 18Auxiliary 19Auxiliary 2Auxiliary 20Auxiliary 21Auxiliary 22Auxiliary 23Auxiliary 24Auxiliary 25Auxiliary 26Auxiliary 27Auxiliary 28Auxiliary 29Auxiliary 3Auxiliary 30Auxiliary 31Auxiliary 4Auxiliary 5Auxiliary 6Auxiliary 7Auxiliary 8Auxiliary 9Bad stateBass BoostBluetooth InputBluetooth OutputBoostBuffer metrics: maxlength=%u, fragsize=%uBuffer metrics: maxlength=%u, tlength=%u, prebuf=%u, minreq=%uBuilt-in AudioCARD PROFILECARD-NAME|CARD-#N PORT OFFSETCannot access autospawn lock.Capture audio data from a PulseAudio sound server and write it to STDOUT or the specified file.Capture audio data from a PulseAudio sound server and write it to a file.CarCard #%u
	Name: %s
	Driver: %s
	Owner Module: %s
Channel map doesn't match sample specificationChat OutputClient #%u
	Driver: %s
	Owner Module: %s
Client forkedClocked NULL sinkConnected to device %s (index: %u, suspended: %s).Connection established.%sConnection failure: %sConnection failure: %s
Connection refusedConnection terminatedCookie: %s
Cork request stack is empty: corking streamCork request stack is empty: uncorking streamCould not parse latency offsetCurrently in use: %u block containing %s bytes total.
Currently in use: %u blocks containing %s bytes total.
Daemon not responding.Daemon startup failed.Daemon startup without any loaded modules, refusing to work.Description: %s
Device or resource busyDigital Input (S/PDIF)Digital Output (S/PDIF)Digital Passthrough (IEC958)Digital Passthrough (S/PDIF)Digital Stereo (HDMI)Digital Stereo (IEC958)Digital Stereo Duplex (IEC958)Digital Surround 4.0 (IEC958/AC3)Digital Surround 5.1 (HDMI)Digital Surround 5.1 (IEC958/AC3)Digital Surround 5.1 (IEC958/DTS)Dock MicrophoneDocking Station InputDocking Station Line InDocking Station MicrophoneDraining connection to server.Dummy OutputEntity existsEntity killedEvent '%s' on %s #%u
External MicrophoneFFT based equalizer on %sFILENAME SINK|#NFILENAME [NAME]FRAMESFailed to acquire stdio.Failed to add bind-now-loader.Failed to allocate new dl loader.Failed to change GID: %sFailed to change UID: %sFailed to change group list: %sFailed to create '%s': %sFailed to determine sample specification from file.Failed to drain stream: %sFailed to find group '%s'.Failed to find original lt_dlopen loader.Failed to find user '%s'.Failed to generate sample specification for file.Failed to get FQDN.
Failed to get card information: %sFailed to get client information: %sFailed to get latency: %sFailed to get machine IDFailed to get module information: %sFailed to get sample information: %sFailed to get server information: %sFailed to get sink information: %sFailed to get sink input information: %sFailed to get source information: %sFailed to get source output information: %sFailed to get statistics: %sFailed to initialize daemon due to errors while executing startup commands. Source of commands: %sFailed to kill PulseAudio daemon.Failed to kill daemon: %sFailed to load cookie data
Failed to open audio file.Failed to open configuration file: %sFailed to open module %s: %sFailed to open sound file.Failed to open target file '%s'.Failed to parse command line.Failed to parse command line.
Failed to parse cookie dataFailed to parse cookie data
Failed to parse the argument for --monitor-streamFailed to save cookie data
Failed to set format: invalid format string %sFailed to set media name.Failed to set monitor stream: %sFailed to set volume: You tried to set volumes for %d channel, whereas channel(s) supported = %d
Failed to set volume: You tried to set volumes for %d channels, whereas channel(s) supported = %d
Failed to unload module: Module %s not loadedFailed to upload sample: %sFailure to resume: %s
Failure to suspend: %s
Failure: %sFront CenterFront LeftFront Left-of-centerFront MicrophoneFront RightFront Right-of-centerGID of user '%s' and of group '%s' don't match.Game OutputGeneral Purpose EqualizerGot EOF.Got SIGINT, exiting.Got SIGINT, exiting.
Got signal, exiting.HDMI / DisplayPortHandsfreeHeadphoneHeadphonesHeadphones Mono OutputHeadsetHeadset Audio Gateway (HSP/HFP)Headset Head Unit (HSP/HFP)Headset MicrophoneHiFiHigh Fidelity Capture (A2DP Source)High Fidelity Playback (A2DP Sink)Home directory of user '%s' is not '%s', ignoring.Incompatible protocol versionInconsistent volume specification.
InputInput DevicesInput/Output errorInternal MicrophoneInternal errorInvalid argumentInvalid channel map '%s'Invalid client name '%s'Invalid latency specification '%s'Invalid log target.Invalid log target: use either 'syslog', 'journal', 'stderr' or 'auto' or a valid file name 'file:<path>', 'newfile:<path>'.Invalid log target: use either 'syslog', 'stderr' or 'auto' or a valid file name 'file:<path>', 'newfile:<path>'.Invalid mute specificationInvalid number of volume specifications.
Invalid process time specification '%s'Invalid property '%s'Invalid resample method '%s'.Invalid sample specificationInvalid serverInvalid sink input indexInvalid sink input index specificationInvalid source output indexInvalid source output index specificationInvalid stream name '%s'Invalid suspend specification.Invalid volume specificationLFE on Separate Mono OutputLine InLine OutLoad Once: %s
MicrophoneMissing implementationModemModule #%u
	Name: %s
	Argument: %s
	Usage counter: %s
Module initialization failedMonoMultichannelMultichannel DuplexMultichannel InputMultichannel OutputNAMENAME FILENAMENAME SINK|#NNAME [ARGS ...]NAME [SINK]NAME|#NNAME|#N 1|0NAME|#N 1|0|toggleNAME|#N KEY=VALUENAME|#N PORTNAME|#N VOLUMENAME|#N VOLUME [VOLUME ...]NUMERIC-LEVELName: %s
No AmplifierNo Automatic Gain ControlNo Bass BoostNo BoostNo PulseAudio daemon running, or not running as session daemon.No authentication keyNo dataNo module information available
No such entityNo such extensionNo valid command specified.Not supportedNot yet implemented.
Null OutputOKOK, so you are running PA in system mode. Please make sure that you actually do want to do that.
Please read for an explanation why system mode is usually a bad idea.Obsolete functionalityOffOnOpening a %s stream with sample specification '%s' and channel map '%s'.Output DevicesPATHNAMEPath: %s
PhonePlay back audio data from STDIN or the specified file on a PulseAudio sound server.Play back encoded audio files on a PulseAudio sound server.Playback stream drained.Please specify a sample file to loadPortablePremature end of fileProtocol errorPulseAudio Sound ServerPulseAudio Sound SystemRAOP standard profileRadioRear CenterRear LeftRear MicrophoneRear RightReceived message for unknown extension '%s'Root privileges required.Running in system mode, but --disallow-exit not set.Running in system mode, but --disallow-module-loading not set.Running in system mode, forcibly disabling SHM mode.Running in system mode, forcibly disabling exit idle time.Sample #%u
	Name: %s
	Sample Specification: %s
	Channel Map: %s
	Volume: %s
	        balance %0.2f
	Duration: %0.1fs
	Size: %s
	Lazy: %s
	Filename: %s
Sample cache size: %s
Server String: %s
Library Protocol Version: %u
Server Protocol Version: %u
Is Local: %s
Client Index: %u
Tile Size: %zu
Server: %s
Side LeftSide RightSink #%u
	State: %s
	Name: %s
	Description: %s
	Driver: %s
	Sample Specification: %s
	Channel Map: %s
	Owner Module: %u
	Mute: %s
	Volume: %s
	        balance %0.2f
	Base Volume: %s
	Monitor Source: %s
	Latency: %0.0f usec, configured %0.0f usec
	Flags: %s%s%s%s%s%s%s
Sink Input #%u
	Driver: %s
	Owner Module: %s
	Client: %s
	Sink: %u
	Sample Specification: %s
	Channel Map: %s
	Format: %s
	Corked: %s
	Mute: %s
	Volume: %s
	        balance %0.2f
	Buffer Latency: %0.0f usec
	Sink Latency: %0.0f usec
	Resample method: %s
Sink: %s
Source #%u
	State: %s
	Name: %s
	Description: %s
	Driver: %s
	Sample Specification: %s
	Channel Map: %s
	Owner Module: %u
	Mute: %s
	Volume: %s
	        balance %0.2f
	Base Volume: %s
	Monitor of Sink: %s
	Latency: %0.0f usec, configured %0.0f usec
	Flags: %s%s%s%s%s%s
Source Output #%u
	Driver: %s
	Owner Module: %s
	Client: %s
	Source: %u
	Sample Specification: %s
	Channel Map: %s
	Format: %s
	Corked: %s
	Mute: %s
	Volume: %s
	        balance %0.2f
	Buffer Latency: %0.0f usec
	Source Latency: %0.0f usec
	Resample method: %s
Source: %s
SpeakerSpeakersSpecify nothing, or one of: %sStart the PulseAudio Sound SystemStereoStereo DuplexStream buffer attributes changed.%sStream device resumed.%sStream device suspended.%sStream error: %sStream moved to device %s (%u, %ssuspended).%sStream overrun.%sStream started.%sStream successfully created.Stream underrun.%sSubwooferSurround 4.0Surround 4.1Surround 5.0Surround 5.1Surround 7.1System mode refused for non-root user. Only starting the D-Bus server lookup service.System wide mode unsupported on this platform.TARGETThe specified default channel map has a different number of channels than the specified default number of channels.This program is not intended to be run as root (unless --system is specified).Time: %0.3f sec; Latency: %0.0f usec.TimeoutToo largeToo many arguments.Top CenterTop Front CenterTop Front LeftTop Front RightTop Rear CenterTop Rear LeftTop Rear RightTried to open target file '%s', '%s.1', '%s.2' ... '%s.%d', but all failed.Tunnel for %s@%sTunnel to %s/%sUnknown commandUnknown device modelUnknown error codeUnknown file format %s.Usage: %s
User Name: %s
Host Name: %s
Server Name: %s
Server Version: %s
Default Sample Specification: %s
Default Channel Map: %s
Default Sink: %s
Default Source: %s
Cookie: %04x:%04x
User-configured server at %s, refusing to start/autospawn.User-configured server at %s, which appears to be local. Probing deeper.Using sample spec '%s', channel map '%s'.Version: %s
VideoVirtual LADSPA sinkVirtual surround sinkVolume outside permissible range.
WARNING: Child process terminated by signal %u
WARNING: Sound server is not local, not suspending.
Warning: Failed to determine channel map from file.Warning: Failed to determine sample specification from file.Warning: Received more uncork requests than cork requests.Warning: failed to write channel map to file.Warning: specified sample specification will be overwritten with specification from file.XDG_RUNTIME_DIR (%s) is not owned by us (uid %d), but by uid %d! (This could e.g. happen if you try to connect to a non-root PulseAudio as a root user, over the native protocol. Don't do that.)You have to specify a card name/index and a profile nameYou have to specify a card name/index, a port name and a latency offsetYou have to specify a module index or nameYou have to specify a module name and arguments.You have to specify a sample name to playYou have to specify a sample name to removeYou have to specify a sink index and a semicolon-separated list of supported formatsYou have to specify a sink input index and a mute action (0, 1, or 'toggle')You have to specify a sink input index and a sinkYou have to specify a sink input index and a volumeYou have to specify a sink nameYou have to specify a sink name/index and a mute action (0, 1, or 'toggle')You have to specify a sink name/index and a port nameYou have to specify a sink name/index and a volumeYou have to specify a source nameYou have to specify a source name/index and a mute action (0, 1, or 'toggle')You have to specify a source name/index and a port nameYou have to specify a source name/index and a volumeYou have to specify a source output index and a mute action (0, 1, or 'toggle')You have to specify a source output index and a sourceYou have to specify a source output index and a volumeYou may not specify more than one sink. You have to specify a boolean value.You may not specify more than one source. You have to specify a boolean value.[%s:%u] Invalid channel map '%s'.[%s:%u] Invalid fragment size '%s'.[%s:%u] Invalid log level '%s'.[%s:%u] Invalid log target '%s'.[%s:%u] Invalid nice level '%s'.[%s:%u] Invalid number of fragments '%s'.[%s:%u] Invalid resample method '%s'.[%s:%u] Invalid rlimit '%s'.[%s:%u] Invalid sample channels '%s'.[%s:%u] Invalid sample format '%s'.[%s:%u] Invalid sample rate '%s'.[%s:%u] Invalid server type '%s'.[TYPE][options]autoclean=<automatically unload unused filters?>bidirectionalcardchangeclientcommand line argumentsconnect(): %sdup2(): %sexecvp(): %s
fork() failed: %sfork(): %sfork(): %s
inputinvalidio_new() failed.modulen/anewnonot open(): %soutputpa_context_connect() failed: %spa_context_new() failed.pa_context_new() failed.
pa_context_rttime_new() failed.pa_core_new() failed.pa_mainloop_new() failed.pa_mainloop_new() failed.
pa_mainloop_run() failed.pa_mainloop_run() failed.
pa_pid_file_create() failed.pa_stream_begin_write() failed: %spa_stream_connect_playback() failed: %spa_stream_connect_record() failed: %spa_stream_drain(): %spa_stream_get_buffer_attr() failed: %spa_stream_new() failed: %spa_stream_peek() failed: %spa_stream_update_timing_info() failed: %spa_stream_write() failed: %spacat %s
Compiled with libpulse %s
Linked with libpulse %s
pacmd %s
Compiled with libpulse %s
Linked with libpulse %s
pactl %s
Compiled with libpulse %s
Linked with libpulse %s
pasuspender %s
Compiled with libpulse %s
Linked with libpulse %s
pipe() failed: %splaybackpoll(): %sread() failed: %sread(): %srecordingremovesample-cacheserversetsid() failed: %ssinksink-inputsink_name=<name for the sink> sink_properties=<properties for the sink> master=<name of sink to filter> sink_master=<name of sink to filter> format=<sample format> rate=<sample rate> channels=<number of channels> channel_map=<channel map> use_volume_sharing=<yes or no> force_flat_volume=<yes or no> hrir=/path/to/left_hrir.wav autoloaded=<set if this module is being loaded automatically> sink_name=<name for the sink> sink_properties=<properties for the sink> sink_input_properties=<properties for the sink input> master=<name of sink to filter> sink_master=<name of sink to filter> format=<sample format> rate=<sample rate> channels=<number of channels> channel_map=<input channel map> plugin=<ladspa plugin name> label=<ladspa plugin label> control=<comma separated list of input control values> input_ladspaport_map=<comma separated list of input LADSPA port names> output_ladspaport_map=<comma separated list of output LADSPA port names> autoloaded=<set if this module is being loaded automatically> sink_name=<name of the sink> sink_properties=<properties for the sink> sink_master=<sink to connect to> format=<sample format> rate=<sample rate> channels=<number of channels> channel_map=<channel map> autoloaded=<set if this module is being loaded automatically> use_volume_sharing=<yes or no> snd_pcm_avail() returned a value that is exceptionally large: %lu byte (%lu ms).
Most likely this is a bug in the ALSA driver '%s'. Please report this issue to the ALSA developers.snd_pcm_avail() returned a value that is exceptionally large: %lu bytes (%lu ms).
Most likely this is a bug in the ALSA driver '%s'. Please report this issue to the ALSA developers.snd_pcm_avail_delay() returned strange values: delay %lu is less than avail %lu.
Most likely this is a bug in the ALSA driver '%s'. Please report this issue to the ALSA developers.snd_pcm_delay() returned a value that is exceptionally large: %li byte (%s%lu ms).
Most likely this is a bug in the ALSA driver '%s'. Please report this issue to the ALSA developers.snd_pcm_delay() returned a value that is exceptionally large: %li bytes (%s%lu ms).
Most likely this is a bug in the ALSA driver '%s'. Please report this issue to the ALSA developers.snd_pcm_mmap_begin() returned a value that is exceptionally large: %lu byte (%lu ms).
Most likely this is a bug in the ALSA driver '%s'. Please report this issue to the ALSA developers.snd_pcm_mmap_begin() returned a value that is exceptionally large: %lu bytes (%lu ms).
Most likely this is a bug in the ALSA driver '%s'. Please report this issue to the ALSA developers.socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0): %ssourcesource-outputsource_name=<name for the source> source_properties=<properties for the source> source_master=<name of source to filter> sink_name=<name for the sink> sink_properties=<properties for the sink> sink_master=<name of sink to filter> adjust_time=<how often to readjust rates in s> adjust_threshold=<how much drift to readjust after in ms> format=<sample format> rate=<sample rate> channels=<number of channels> channel_map=<channel map> aec_method=<implementation to use> aec_args=<parameters for the AEC engine> save_aec=<save AEC data in /tmp> autoloaded=<set if this module is being loaded automatically> use_volume_sharing=<yes or no> use_master_format=<yes or no> unknownwaitpid(): %swrite() failed: %swrite(): %sxcb_connect() failedxcb_connection_has_error() returned trueyesProject-Id-Version: PulseAudio Volume Control
Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: pulseaudio-discuss (at) lists (dot) freedesktop (dot) org
PO-Revision-Date: 2020-01-11 13:49+0800
Last-Translator: pan93412 <[email protected]>
Language-Team: Chinese <[email protected]>
Language: zh_TW
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Generator: Lokalize 19.12.0
Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;
			個人設定檔之部分:%s			屬性:
		%s: %s (sink:%u,來源:%u,優先序:%u,可用:%s)

  -h, --help                            顯示此幫助
      --version                         顯示版本

  -s, --server=SERVER                   要連接的伺服器名稱
  -n, --client-name=NAME                如何稱呼伺服器上的這個客戶端

  -h, --help                            顯示此幫助
      --version                         顯示版本
當沒有給予指令時,pacmd 會以互動模式啟動。

可用來指定預設 sink、source 和 monitor。
### 從此組態檔讀取:%s ###
#N#N 1|0#N 1|0|toggle#N FORMATS#N KEY=VALUE#N SINK|SOURCE#N VOLUME#N VOLUME [VOLUME ...]%0.1f GiB%0.1f KiB%0.1f MiB%s %uch %uHz%s 輸入%s 輸出%s [-D display] [-S server] [-O sink] [-I source] [-c file]  [-d|-e|-i|-r]

 -d    顯示目前連接至 X11 顯示的 PulseAudio 資料 (預設)
 -e    輸出本地端 PulseAudio 資料至 X11 顯示
 -i    從 X11 顯示匯入 PulseAudio 資料至本地端環境變數與 cookie 檔案。
 -r    從 X11 顯示移除 PulseAudio 資料
%s [選項]

  -h, --help                            顯示此說明
      --version                         顯示版本
      --dump-conf                       傾印預設組態
      --dump-modules                    傾印可用模組清單
      --dump-resample-methods           傾印可用重新取樣方法
      --cleanup-shm                     清理陳舊共享記憶體區段
      --start                           若幕後程式尚未執行則啟動之
  -k  --kill                            截殺執行中幕後程式
      --check                           檢查幕後程式是否執行中 (僅回傳離開碼)

      --system[=BOOL]                   執行系統域實體
  -D, --daemonize[=BOOL]                在初始啟動後幕後化
      --fail[=BOOL]                     當初始啟動失敗時退出
      --high-priority[=BOOL]            試圖設定高良值
                                        (僅 root 身份可用,當有 SUID 或有 RLIMIT_NICE 
      --realtime[=BOOL]                 試圖啟用實時排程
                                        (僅 root 身份可用,當有 SUID 或有 RLIMIT_RTPRIO 
      --disallow-module-loading[=BOOL]  不允許使用者請求的模組
      --disallow-exit[=BOOL]            不允許使用者請求離開
      --exit-idle-time=SECS             在幕後程式閒置並經過這段時間後
      --scache-idle-time=SECS           在閒置並經過這段時間後卸載
      --log-level[=LEVEL]               增加或設定詳盡等級
  -v  --verbose                         增加詳盡等級
      --log-meta[=BOOL]                 在記錄訊息中納入代碼位置
      --log-time[=BOOL]                 在記錄訊息中納入時間戳記
      --log-backtrace=FRAMES            在記錄訊息中納入回溯資料
  -p, --dl-search-path=PATH             設定動態共享物件 (插件) 的
      --resample-method=METHOD          使用指定的重新取樣方法
                                        (請見 --dump-resample-methods 瞭解可行的值)
      --use-pid-file[=BOOL]             建立 PID 檔
      --no-cpu-limit[=BOOL]             不要在支援的平臺上安裝 CPU
      --disable-shm[=BOOL]              停用共享記憶體支援。
      --enable-memfd[=BOOL]             啟用 memfd 共享記憶體支援。

  -L, --load="MODULE ARGUMENTS"         根據指定的引數載入指定的
  -F, --file=FILENAME                   執行指定的指令稿
  -C                                    在初始啟動後在執行中的 TTY 裡開啟指令列

  -n                                    不要載入預設指令稿檔案
%s [選項]

  -h, --help                            顯示此幫助
      --version                         顯示版本

  -r, --record                          建立錄製的連線
  -p, --playback                        建立播放控制的連線

  -v, --verbose                         啟用詳盡作業

  -s, --server=SERVER                   要連接的伺服器名稱
  -d, --device=DEVICE                   要連接的 sink/source 名稱
  -n, --client-name=NAME                如何稱呼伺服器上的這個客戶端
      --stream-name=NAME                如何稱呼伺服器上的這個串流
      --volume=VOLUME                   指定初始 (線性) 音量,範圍為 0...65536
      --rate=SAMPLERATE                 以 Hz  為單位的取樣率 (預設值為 44100)
      --format=SAMPLEFORMAT             取樣類型,右列之一 s16le、s16be、u8、float32le、
                                        s24-32le、s24-32be (預設值為 s16ne)
      --channels=CHANNELS               聲道數量,1 為單聲道,2 為立體聲
                                        (預設值為 2)
      --channel-map=CHANNELMAP          要改用的聲道映射表(取代預設值)
      --fix-format                      從串流正連接的 sink/source 接管
      --fix-rate                        從串流正連接的 sink/source 接管
      --fix-channels                    從串流正連接的 sink/source 接管
      --no-remix                        不要 upmix 或 downmix 聲道。
      --no-remap                        用索引來映射聲道而不是名稱。
      --latency=BYTES                   以 bytes 請求指定的延遲。
      --process-time=BYTES              每請求以 bytes 請求指定的程序時間。
      --latency-msec=MSEC               以毫秒請求指定的延遲。
      --process-time-msec=MSEC          每個請求以毫秒請求指定的程序時間。
      --property=PROPERTY=VALUE         設定指定的屬性給指定的值。
      --raw                             錄製/播放 raw PCM 資料。
      --passthrough                     通透資料 。
      --file-format[=FFORMAT]           錄製/播放格式化的 PCM 資料。
      --list-file-formats               列出可用的檔案格式。
      --monitor-stream=INDEX            從 sink 輸入以索引 INDEX 錄製。
%s [選項] -- 程式 [參數 ...]

<程式> 執行時,暫時暫停 PulseAudio。
  -h, --help                            顯示此說明
      --version                         顯示版本
  -s, --server=SERVER                   要連線的伺服器名稱

%u B(無效)--daemonize 預期布林引數--disable-shm 預期布林引數--disallow-exit 預期布林引數--disallow-module-loading 預期布林引數--enable-memfd 預期布林引數--fail 預期布林引數--high-priority 預期布林引數--log-level 預期記錄層級引數 (範圍 0..4 間的數字,或是後列之一: debug、info、notice、warn、error)。--log-meta 預期布林引數--log-time 預期布林引數--no-cpu-limit 預期布林引數--realtime 預期布林引數--start 不支援系統實體。--system 預期布林引數--use-pid-file 預期布林引數1|0ALSA 喚醒我們從該裝置讀取新資料,但實際上沒有可讀取的資料。
這很可能是 ALSA 驅動程式「%s」的臭蟲。請回報此問題給 ALSA 開發者。
我們被 POLLIN 設定喚醒 -- 然而後續的 snd_pcm_avail() 傳回 0 或另一個值 < min_avail。ALSA 喚醒我們以寫入新資料至該裝置,但實際上沒有要寫入的資料。
這很可能是 ALSA 驅動程式「%s」的臭蟲。請回報此問題給 ALSA 開發者。
我們被 POLLOUT 設定喚醒 -- 然而後續的 snd_pcm_avail() 傳回 0 或另一個值 < min_avail。拒絕存取在整個生命週期間分配:%u 個區塊共包含 %s bytes。
即使 sink 為空的,也總是維持至少載入一個 sink即使來源是空的,也總是維持至少載入一個來源擴大器類比輸入類比單聲道類比單聲道雙工類比單聲道輸出類比輸出類比立體聲類比立體聲雙工類比環繞聲 2.1類比環繞聲 3.0類比環繞聲 3.1類比環繞聲 4.0類比環繞聲 4.1類比環繞聲 5.0類比環繞聲 5.1類比環繞聲 6.0類比環繞聲 6.1類比環繞聲 7.0類比環繞聲 7.1音效位於 @HOSTNAME@作者:%s
自動增益控制輔助 0輔助 1輔助 10輔助 11輔助 12輔助 13輔助 14輔助 15輔助 16輔助 17輔助 18輔助 19輔助 2輔助 20輔助 21輔助 22輔助 23輔助 24輔助 25輔助 26輔助 27輔助 28輔助 29輔助 3輔助 30輔助 31輔助 4輔助 5輔助 6輔助 7輔助 8輔助 9不良狀態低音增強藍牙輸入藍牙輸出增強緩衝矩陣:maxlength=%u, fragsize=%u緩衝矩陣:maxlength=%u, tlength=%u, prebuf=%u, minreq=%u內部音效CARD PROFILECARD-NAME|CARD-#N PORT OFFSET無法存取 autospawn 鎖。從 PulseAudio 音效伺服器捕捉音訊資料並寫入 STDOUT 或指定檔案中。從 PulseAudio 音效伺服器捕捉音訊資料並寫入檔案中。汽車Card #%u
聲道對應表與取樣規格不符聊天輸出Client #%u
客戶端已分支Clocked Null sink已連接到裝置 %s(索引:%u,已暫停:%s)。連線已建立。%s連線失敗:%s連線失敗:%s
Cork 請求堆疊為空:corking 串流Cork 請求堆疊為空:uncorking 串流無法解析延遲偏移目前使用中:%u 個區塊共包含 %s bytes。
裝置或資源忙碌數位輸入 (S/PDIF)數位輸出 (S/PDIF)數位通透 (IEC958)數位通透 (S/PDIF)數位立體聲 (HDMI)數位立體聲 (IEC958)數位立體聲雙工 (IEC958)數位環繞聲 4.0 (IEC958/AC3)數位環繞聲 5.1 (HDMI)數位環繞聲 5.1 (IEC958/AC3)數位環繞聲 5.1 (IEC958/DTS)臺座麥克風Docking Station 輸入Docking Station 線路輸入Docking Station 麥克風正在排出連線到伺服器。Dummy Output實體存在實體已結束事件「%s」 於  %s #%u
外接麥克風FFT 基礎等化器於 %sFILENAME SINK|#NFILENAME [NAME]FRAMES未能獲取 stdio。未能加入 bind-now-loader。未能分配新的 dl loader。未能變更 GIC:%s未能變更 UID:%s未能變更群組清單:%s未能建立「%s」:%s未能從檔案得知取樣規格。未能排出串流:%s找不到群組「%s」。找不到 original lt_dlopen loader。找不到使用者「%s」。未能替檔案產生取樣規格。未能取得 FQDN。
未能取得音效卡資訊:%s未能取得客戶端資訊:%s未能取得傳輸延遲:%s未能取得機器 ID未能取得模組資訊:%s未能取得取樣資訊:%s未能取得伺服器資訊:%s未能取得 sink 資訊:%s未能取得 sink 輸入資訊:%s未能取得來源資訊:%s未能取得來源輸出資訊:%s未能取得統計:%s因執行啟動指令時發生錯誤,而無法初始化幕後程式。指令來源:%s未能終止 PulseAudio 幕後程式。未能結束幕後程式:%s未能載入 cookie 資料
未能開啟音效檔。未能開啟組態檔:%s無法開啟模組 %s:%s未能開啟音效檔。無法開啟目標檔「%s」。未能解析命令列。未能解析命令列。
未能解析 cookie 資料未能解析 cookie 資料
無法解析 --monitor-stream 的引數未能儲存 cookie 資料
未能設定格式:無效的格式字串 %s未能設定媒體名稱。無法設定監聽器串流:%s無法設定音量:您試圖設定 %d 個聲道的音量,而支援的聲道數為 = %d
無法取消模組載入:%s 模組無法載入未能上傳樣本:%s未能恢復:%s
失敗:%s正前方左前方前方中央偏左前方麥克風右前方前方中央偏右使用者「%s」的 GID 與群組「%s」的 GID 不相符。遊戲輸出通用等化器已取得 EOF。已取得 SIGINT,正在退出。已取得 SIGINT,正在退出。
已取得訊號,正在退出。HDMI / DisplayPort免持裝置頭戴式耳機頭戴式耳機頭戴式耳機單聲道輸出耳麥耳機麥克風音訊閘道 (HSP/HFP)耳機麥克風頭部 (HSP/HFP)耳麥麥克風HiFi高傳真擷取裝置 (A2DP Source)高傳真播放裝置 (A2DP Sink)使用者「%s」的家目錄不是「%s」,忽略中。不相容的協定版本不一致的音量規格。
輸入輸入裝置輸入/輸出 錯誤內建麥克風內部錯誤無效的參數無效的聲道對應表「%s」無效的客戶端名稱「%s」無效的延遲規格「%s」無效的紀錄目標。無效的紀錄目標:請使用「syslog」、「journal」、「stderr」或「auto」或有效的檔名「file:<path>」、「newfile:<path>」。無效的紀錄目標:請使用「syslog」、「stderr」或「auto」或有效的檔名「file:<path>」、「newfile:<path>」。無效的靜音規格無效的音量規格。
無效的程序時間規格「%s」無效的屬性「%s」無效的重新取樣方法「%s」無效的取樣規格無效的伺服器無效的 sink 輸入索引無效的 sink 輸入索引規格無效的來源輸出索引無效的來源輸出索引規格無效的串流名稱「%s」無效的暫停規格。無效的音量規格LFE 於分隔單聲道輸出線路輸入線路輸出載入一次:%s
麥克風遺失的實作數據機Module #%u
無擴大器無自動增益控制無低音增強無增強無 PulseAudio 幕後程式正執行中,或者未以作業階段幕後程式執行中。無認證金鑰無資料沒有可用的模組資訊
Null Output確定好的,所以您正以系統模式執行 PA。請確認您確實希望這麼做。
請閱讀 瞭解為何採用系統模式一般是不理想的點子。淘汰的功能關閉開正在開啟一道 %s 串流,取樣規格為「%s」,聲道對應表為「%s」。輸出裝置PATHNAME路徑:%s
手機在 PulseAudio 音效伺服器回放取自 STDIN 的音訊資料或指定的檔案。在 PulseAudio 音效伺服器回放編碼音訊檔案。播放控制串流已排出。請指定要載入的取樣檔可攜裝置未完成的檔案結尾協定錯誤PulseAudio 音效伺服器PulseAudio 音效系統RAOP 標準設定檔無線電正後方左後方後方麥克風右後方已接收到未知擴展功能的訊息「%s」需要 root 特權。以系統模式執行中,但 --disallow-exit 未設定。以系統模式執行中,但 --disallow-module-loading 未設定。以系統模式執行中,強制停用 SHM 模式。以系統模式執行中,強制停用離開閒置時間。Sample #%u
	        平衡 %0.2f
Tile 大小:%zu
左側右側Sink #%u
	        平衡 %0.2f
	延遲:%0.0f 微秒,設定為 %0.0f 微秒
Sink Input #%u
	        平衡 %0.2f
	緩衝延遲:%0.0f 微秒
	Sink 延遲:%0.0f 微秒
Source #%u
	        平衡 %0.2f
	Sink 的監聽器:%s
	延遲:%0.0f 微秒,設定為 %0.0f 微秒
Source Output #%u
	        平衡 %0.2f
	緩衝延遲:%0.0f 微秒
	來源延遲:%0.0f usec
喇叭喇叭沒有指定,或者為右述之一:%s啟動 PulseAudio 音效系統立體聲立體聲雙工串流緩衝特徵已變更。%s串流裝置已恢復。%s串流裝置已暫停。%s串流錯誤:%s串流移至裝置 %s(%u,%s已暫停)。%s串流超載運行。%s串流已開始。%s已成功建立串流。串流欠載運行。%s超低音喇叭環繞聲 4.0環繞聲 4.1環繞聲 5.0環繞聲 5.1環繞聲 7.1系統模式拒絕非 root 使用者。僅啟動 D-Bus 伺服器查看服務。本平台未支援系統域模式。TARGET指定的預設聲道對應表的聲道數與指定的預設聲道數不同。本程式不預期以 root 身份執行(除非有指定 --system)。時間:%0.3f 秒;延遲:%0.0f 微秒。逾時過大太多參數。正上方頂端正上方頂端左前方頂端右前方頂端正後方頂端左後方頂端右後方試圖開啟目標檔「%s」、「%s.1」、「%s.2」...「%s.%d」,但全都失敗。%s@%s 的穿隧道前往 %s/%s 的穿隧道未知指令未知裝置型號未知的錯誤碼未知檔案格式 %s。用法:%s
預設 Sink:%s
使用者於 %s 設定的伺服器,拒絕啟動/autospawn。使用者設定的伺服器位於 %s,它似乎是本機。正在深入探測。使用取樣規格「%s」,聲道對應表「%s」版本:%s
視訊虛擬 LADSPA sink虛擬環繞聲 sink音量外部可允許範圍。
警告:子代程序已被訊號 %u 所終止
警告:未能從檔案取得聲道對應表。警告:未能從檔案得知取樣規格。警告:已接收到多於 cork 請求的 uncork 請求。警告:未能將聲道對應表寫入檔案。警告:指定的取樣規格將會覆寫從檔案得到的規格。XDG_RUNTIME_DIR (%s) 並非為我們 (uid %d) 所有,擁有者實為 uid %d!(如果您試圖以 root 使用者身份、透過原生協定連接到非 root PulseAudio 的話有可能發生這種狀況。請不要這麼做。)您必須指定一個音效卡名稱/索引,以及設定組合名稱您必須指定音效卡名稱/索引、連接埠名稱和延遲偏移您必須指定一個模組索引或名稱您必須指定一個模組名稱與一些參數。您必須指定一個要播放的樣本名稱您必須指定一個要移除的樣本名稱您必須指定一個 sink 索引,以及一份以半形分號分隔、列有支援格式的清單您必須指定 sink 輸入索引與靜音動作(0, 1, 或「toggle」)您必須指定一項 sink 輸入索引與一個 sink您必須指定一個 sink 輸入索引,以及一項音量您必須指定 sink 名稱您必須指定 sink 名稱/索引與靜音動作(0, 1, 或「toggle」)您必須指定一個 sink 名稱/索引,以及連接埠名稱您必須指定一個 sink 名稱/索引,以及一項音量您必須指定 source 名稱您必須指定來源名稱/索引與靜音動作(0, 1, 或「toggle」)您必須指定一個來源名稱/索引,以及連接埠名稱您必須指定一個來源名稱/索引,以及一項音量您必須指定來源輸出索引與靜音動作(0, 1, 或「toggle」)您必須指定一項來源輸出索引與一個來源您必須指定一個來源輸出索引,以及一項音量您指定的 sink 數不能超過一個。您必須指定一項布林值。您指定的來源數不能超過一個。您必須指定一項布林值。[%s:%u] 無效的聲道對應表「%s」。[%s:%u] 無效的片段大小「%s」。[%s:%u] 無效的紀錄層級「%s」。[%s:%u] 無效的記錄目標「%s」。[%s:%u] 無效的良好層級「%s」。[%s:%u] 無效的片段數量「%s」。[%s:%u] 無效的重新取樣方法「%s」。[%s:%u] 無效的 rlimit「%s」。[%s:%u] 無效的取樣聲道「%s」。[%s:%u] 無效的樣本格式「%s」。[%s:%u] 無的取樣率「%s」。[%s:%u] 無效的伺服器類型「%s」。[TYPE][選項]autoclean=<是否自動取消未使用過濾器的載入?>雙向card變更client指令列參數connect():%sdup2():%sexecvp():%s
fork() 失敗:%sfork():%sfork():%s
輸入無效io_new() 失敗。modulen/a新增否不是open():%s輸出pa_context_connect() 失敗:%spa_context_new() 失敗。pa_context_new() 失敗。
pa_context_rttime_new() 失敗。pa_core_new() 失敗。pa_mainloop_new() 失敗。pa_mainloop_new() 失敗。
pa_mainloop_run() 失敗。pa_mainloop_run() 失敗。
pa_pid_file_create() 失敗。pa_stream_begin_write() 失敗:%spa_stream_connect_playback() 失敗:%spa_stream_connect_record() 失敗:%spa_stream_drain():%spa_stream_get_buffer_attr() 失敗:%spa_stream_new() 失敗:%spa_stream_peek() 失敗:%spa_stream_update_timing_info() 失敗:%spa_stream_write() failed:%spacat %s
以 libpulse %s 編譯
以 libpulse %s 連結
pacmd %s
配合 libpulse %s 編譯
已與 libpulse %s 連結
pactl %s
以 libpulse %s 編譯
以 libpulse %s 連結
pasuspender %s
以 libpulse %s 編譯
以 libpulse %s 連結
pipe() 失敗:%s播放控制poll():%sread() 失敗:%sread():%s錄製中移除sample-cacheserversetsid() 失敗:%ssinksink-inputsink_name=<sink 名稱> sink_properties=<sink 屬性> master=<要過濾的 sink 名稱> sink_master=<要過濾的 sink 名稱> format=<取樣格式> rate=<取樣率> channels=<聲道數> channel_map=<聲道映射表> use_volume_sharing=<是或否> force_flat_volume=<是或否> hrir=/path/to/left_hrir.wav autoloaded=<設定此模組是否自動被載入> sink_name=<sink 名稱> sink_properties=<sink 屬性> sink_input_properties=<sink 輸入屬性> master=<要過濾的 sink 名稱> sink_master=<要過濾的 sink 名稱> format=<取樣格式> rate=<取樣率> channel_map=<輸入聲道映射表> plugin=<ladspa 插件名稱> label=<ladspa 插件標籤> control=<輸入控制值的半形逗號分隔清單> input_ladspaport_map=<輸入 LADSPA 連接埠名稱的半形逗號分隔清單> output_ladspaport_map=<輸出 LADSPA 連接埠名稱的半形逗號分隔清單> autoloaded=<設定此模組是否要被自動載入> sink_name=<sink 的名稱> sink_properties=<sink 的屬性> sink_master=<要連接的 sink> format=<取樣格式> rate=<取樣率> channels=<聲道數> channel_map=<聲道對應表> autoloaded=<設定此模組是否正被自動載入> use_volume_sharing=<yes 或 no> snd_pcm_avail() 傳回超出預期的大值:%lu bytes (%lu ms)。
這很能是 ALSA 驅動程式「%s」的臭蟲。請回報這個問題給 ALSA 開發者。snd_pcm_avail_delay() 傳回超出預期的大值:延遲 %lu 少於可用的 %lu。
這很能是 ALSA 驅動程式「%s」的臭蟲。請回報這個問題給 ALSA 開發者。snd_pcm_delay() 傳回超出預期的大值:%li bytes (%s%lu ms)。
這很能是 ALSA 驅動程式「%s」的臭蟲。請回報這個問題給 ALSA 開發者。snd_pcm_mmap_begin() 傳回超出預期的大值:%lu bytes (%lu ms)。
這很能是 ALSA 驅動程式「%s」的臭蟲。請回報這個問題給 ALSA 開發者。socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0):%ssourcesource-outputsource_name=<來源名稱> source_properties=<來源的屬性> source_master=<要過濾的來源名稱> sink_name=<sink 名稱> sink_properties=<sink 屬性> sink_master=<要過濾的 sink 名稱> adjust_time=<多久重新調整頻率一次,單位為秒> adjust_threshold=<在多少偏移後重新調整,單位為毫秒> format=<取樣格式> rate=<取樣率> channels=<聲道數> channel_map=<聲道映射表> aec_method=<要採用的實作方式> aec_args=<AEC 引擎參數> save_aec=<在 /tmp 中儲存 AEC 資料> autoloaded=<設定此模組是否要被自動載入> use_volume_sharing=<是或否> use_master_format=<是或否> 未知waitpid():%swrite() 失敗:%swrite():%sxcb_connect() 失敗xcb_connection_has_error() 傳回真值是

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