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 Tav:lpbMid)8@](OsWEx.tS^f;GC5k  OK   done. failed. failed; no link present.  Check cable?$*$0: Usage: daemon [+/-nicelevel] {program}$0: configuration for ${1} not found.$STRING$alias device ${DEVICE} does not seem to be present, delaying initialization.$base $killlevel$base shutdown$base startup${base} (pid $pid) is running...${base} dead but pid file exists${base} dead but subsys locked${base} is stopped${base} status unknown due to insufficient privileges.'No route to host' adding route '$networkipv6' via gateway '$gatewayipv6' through device '$device'6to4 configuration is not validBridge support not available: brctl not foundBringing up interface $i: Bringing up loopback interface: Cannot add IPv6 address '$address' on dev '$device'Cannot enable IPv6 privacy method '$IPV6_PRIVACY', not supported by kernelConfigured devices:Currently active devices:Determining IP information for ${DEVICE}...Device ${DEVICE} does not seem to be present, delaying initialization.Device ${DEVICE} has MAC address ${FOUNDMACADDR}, instead of configured address ${HWADDR}. Ignoring.Device ${DEVICE} has different MAC address than expected, ignoring.Device '$DEVICE' is already up, please shutdown firstDevice '$DEVICE' isn't supported as a valid GRE device name.Device '$DEVICE' isn't supported here, use IPV6_AUTOTUNNEL setting and restart (IPv6) networkingDevice '$device' doesn't existDevice '$device' enabling didn't workDevice 'tun6to4' (from '$DEVICE') is already up, shutdown firstDisabling netconsoleERROR: could not add vlan ${VID} as ${DEVICE} on dev ${PHYSDEV}Error occurred while calculating the IPv6to4 prefixFAILEDFailed to bring up ${DEVICE}.Given IPv4 address '$ipv4addr' is not globally usableGiven IPv6 MTU '$ipv6_mtu' is out of rangeGiven IPv6 default device '$device' doesn't exist or isn't upGiven IPv6 default device '$device' requires an explicit nexthopGiven IPv6 default gateway '$address' has scope '$device_scope' defined, given default gateway device '$device' will be not usedGiven IPv6 default gateway '$address' is link-local, but no scope or gateway device is specifiedGiven IPv6 default gateway '$address' is not in proper formatGiven address '$addr' is not a global IPv4 one (arg 1)Given address '$addr' is not a valid IPv4 one (arg 1)Given device '$device' is not supported (arg 1)Given pidfile '$pidfile' doesn't exist, cannot send trigger to radvdGiven remote address '$addressipv4tunnel' on tunnel device '$device' is already configured on device '$devnew'Global IPv6 forwarding is disabled in configuration, but not currently disabled in kernelGlobal IPv6 forwarding is enabled in configuration, but not currently enabled in kernelIPv6to4 configuration needs an IPv4 address on related interface or otherwise specifiedInitializing netconsoleInvalid tunnel type $TYPEMissing config file $PARENTCONFIG.Missing parameter 'IPv4 address' (arg 1)Missing parameter 'IPv4-tunnel address' (arg 2)Missing parameter 'IPv6 MTU' (arg 2)Missing parameter 'IPv6-address' (arg 2)Missing parameter 'IPv6-gateway' (arg 2)Missing parameter 'IPv6-network' (arg 1)Missing parameter 'address' (arg 1)Missing parameter 'device' (arg 1)Missing parameter 'global IPv4 address' (arg 2)Missing parameter 'local IPv4 address' (arg 2)Missing parameter 'selection' (arg 2)Missing remote IPv4 address of tunnel, configuration is not validNo 802.1Q VLAN support available in kernel for device ${DEVICE}No 802.1Q VLAN support available in kernel.No parameters given to setup a default routeNo reason given for sending trigger to radvdPASSEDPHYSDEV should be set for device ${DEVICE}Pidfile '$pidfile' is empty, cannot send trigger to radvdPlease restart network with '/sbin/service network restart'Server address not specified in /etc/sysconfig/netconsoleShutting down interface $i: Shutting down loopback interface: Tunnel device '$device' bringing up didn't workTunnel device '$device' creation didn't workTunnel device 'sit0' enabling didn't workUnknown errorUnsupported mechanism '$mechanism' for sending trigger to radvdUnsupported reason '$reason' for sending trigger to radvdUnsupported selection '$selection' specified (arg 2)Usage: $0 {start|stop|reload|restart|showsysctl}Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart|condrestart}Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart|reload|force-reload}Usage: ifup <configuration>Usage: killproc [-p pidfile] [ -d delay] {program} [-signal]Usage: pidfileofproc {program}Usage: pidofproc [-p pidfile] {program}Usage: status [-p pidfile] {program}Users cannot control this device.Using 6to4 and RADVD IPv6 forwarding usually should be enabled, but it isn'tWARNINGWarning: configured MTU '$IPV6TO4_MTU' for 6to4 exceeds maximum limit of '$tunnelmtu', ignoredWarning: interface 'tun6to4' does not support 'IPV6_DEFAULTGW', ignoredWarning: ipppd (kernel 2.4.x and below) doesn't support IPv6 using encapsulation 'syncppp'Warning: link doesn't support IPv6 using encapsulation 'rawip'error in $FILE: IPADDR_START and IPADDR_END don't agreeerror in $FILE: IPADDR_START greater than IPADDR_ENDerror in $FILE: already seen device $parent_device:$DEVNUM in $devseenerror in $FILE: already seen ipaddr $IPADDR in $ipseenerror in $FILE: didn't specify device or ipaddrerror in $FILE: invalid alias numbererror in ifcfg-${parent_device}: filesnetconsole module loadednetconsole module not loadednetconsole: can't resolve MAC address of $SYSLOGADDRradvd control enabled, but config is not completeradvd not (properly) installed, triggering failedusage: ifdown <configuration>usage: ifup-aliases <net-device> [<parent-config>]
usage: ifup-routes <net-device> [<nickname>]Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION
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PO-Revision-Date: 2015-03-13 03:09-0400
Last-Translator: Copied by Zanata <[email protected]>
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Language: zh-TW
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  確定   已完成。 失敗。 失敗;連結不存在。請檢查網路線。$*$0:用法:daemon [+/-nicelevel] {program}$0:找不到 ${1} 的組態設定。$STRING$alias 裝置 ${DEVICE} 並不存在,正在延遲初始化。$base $killlevel$base 關閉$base 啟動${base} (pid $pid) 正在執行...${base} 已停止執行但 pid 檔案仍在${base} 已停止執行但 subsys 被鎖定${base} 已停止因為權利不足而未知 ${base} 狀態。「No route to host」藉由裝置「$device」透過閘道器「$gatewayipv6」增加路徑「$networkipv6」6to4 組態設定無效不支援橋接:找不到 brctl正在啟動 $i 介面:正在啟動 loopback 介面:無法將 IPv6 位址「$address」加入「$device」裝置上無法啟用 IPv6 隱私方法「$IPV6_PRIVACY」,核心不支援設定好的裝置:目前作用中的裝置:正在決定 ${DEVICE} 裝置的 IP 資訊...裝置 ${DEVICE}並不存在,延遲初始化。裝置 ${DEVICE} 的 MAC 位址是 ${FOUNDMACADDR},而非設定的位址 ${HWADDR}。忽略。${DEVICE} 裝置的 MAC 位址與預期的不同,忽略。「$DEVICE」裝置已經啟動,請先關閉「$DEVICE」裝置並非受到支援的有效 GRE 裝置名稱。「$DEVICE」裝置在此不被支援,使用 IPV6_AUTOTUNNEL 設定並且重新啟動 (IPv6) 網路裝置「$device」不存在無法啟用「$device」裝置「tun6to4」裝置 (來自「$DEVICE」) 已執行,先關閉它正在停用 netconsole錯誤:無法在 dev ${PHYSDEV} 中新增 vlan ${VID} 為 ${DEVICE}計算 IPv6to4 前綴字元時發生錯誤失敗無法啟動 ${DEVICE}。所給的 IPv4 位址「$ipv4addr」無法全域使用所給予的 IPv6 MTU「$ipv6_mtu」已超出範圍所給定的 IPv6 預設裝置「$device」不存在或並未啟動給定的 IPv6 預設裝置「$device」需要明確的 nexthop如果 IPv6 的預設閘道器「$address」已經定義了「$device_scope」範圍,那麼就不會使用「$device」的預設閘道器。提供的 IPv6 預設閘道器「$address」為連接 - 本地位址 (link-local),但未指定範圍或閘道器所給予的 IPv6 預設閘道器「$address」格式不正確所給的位址「$addr」不是一個全域的 IPv4 位址 (arg 1)所給的位址「$addr」不是有效的 IPv4 位址 (arg 1)不支援提供的「$device」(arg 1) 裝置所給予的 pid 檔案「$pidfile」不存在,無法傳送觸發給 radvd在通道裝置「$device」上的遠端位址「$addressipv4tunnel」已經被設定在「$devnew」裝置上全域的 IPv6 傳遞在組態設定上已停用,但目前在核心上並沒有被停用全域的 IPv6 傳遞在組態設定中已啟動,但在目前的核心中沒有被啟動。IPv6to4 組態設定需要在相關的介面上指定一個 IPv4 位址,或者已另外指定正在初始化 netconsole無效的通道類型 $TYPE找不到設定檔 $PARENTCONFIG。缺少參數「IPv4 address」(arg 1)缺少參數「IPv4-tunnel address」(arg 2)缺少參數「IPv6 MTU」(arg 2)缺少參數「IPv6-address」(arg 2)缺少參數「IPv6-gateway」(arg 2)缺少參數「IPv6-network」(arg 1)缺少參數「address」(arg 1)缺少參數「device」(arg 1)缺少參數「global IPv4 address」(arg 2)缺少參數「local IPv4 address」(arg 2)缺少參數「selection」(arg 2)缺少通道的遠端 IPv4 位址,組態設定無效核心中不含裝置 ${DEVICE} 的 802.1Q VLAN 支援核心中不含 802.1Q VLAN 支援。未給予參數以設定預設路由將啟動訊息送到 radvd 時,沒有提供理由通過應該為 ${DEVICE} 設定 PHYSDEVpid 檔案「$pidfile」是空白的,無法傳送觸發給 radvd請使用「/sbin/service network restart」來重新啟動網路伺服器位址尚未指定於 /etc/sysconfig/netconsole 中正在停用 $i 介面:正在停用 loopback 介面:無法啟動通道裝置「$device」建立通道裝置「$device」不成功啟用通道裝置「sit0」不成功不明的錯誤發送啟動訊息到 radvd 時,不支援「$mechanism」機制發送啟動訊息到 radvd 時,不支援「$reason」原因指定了不支援的選擇「$selection」(arg 2)用法:$0 {start|stop|reload|restart|showsysctl}用法:$0 {start|stop|status|restart|condrestart}用法:$0 {start|stop|status|restart|reload|force-reload}用法:ifup <裝置名稱>用法:killproc [-p pidfile] [ -d delay] {program} [-signal]用法:pidfileofproc {program}用法:pidofproc [-p pidfile] {program}用法:status [-p pidfile] {program}使用者無法控制這個裝置。使用 6to4 與 RADVD IPv6 傳遞通常應被啟用,不過它們並未被啟用警告警告:為 6to4 設定的 MTU '$IPV6TO4_MTU' 超過 '$tunnelmtu' 最大限制,已忽略警告:「tun6to4」介面不支援「IPV6_DEFAULTGW」,已略過警告:ipppd (核心 2.4.x 以下) 不支援 IPv6 使用「syncppp」封裝警告:連結不支援使用「rawip」封裝的 IPv6$FILE 有錯誤:IPADDR_START 與 IPADDR_END 不相符$FILE 錯誤:IPADDR_START 大於 IPADDR_END$FILE 有錯誤:在 $devseen 已有 $parent_device:$DEVNUM 裝置$FILE 檔案發生錯誤:在 $ipseen 已有 ipaddr $IPADDR$FILE 有錯誤:沒有指定裝置或 ipaddr$FILE 中發生錯誤:不合於規定的別名數字ifcfg-${parent_device}:檔案有錯誤netconsole 模組已載入未載入 netconsole 模組netconsole:無法解析 $SYSLOGADDR 的 MAC 位址radvd 控制已啟動,但設定不完整radvd 未安裝 (或安裝不正確),啟動失敗用法:ifdown <裝置名稱>用法:ifup-aliases <net-device> [<parent-config>]
用法:ifup-routes <net-device> [<nickname>]

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