Server Adress:

Dosya Yükle :
Current File : //usr/share/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/

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Hint: [d]efault, [e]nabled, [x]disabled, [i]nstalled

Hint: [d]efault, [e]nabled, [x]disabled, [i]nstalled, [a]ctive
Transaction Summary
    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)    Started: %s - %s ago    State  : %s  * Maybe you meant: {}  Built    : %s at %s  Installed: %s-%s at %s  The application with PID %d is: %s  Updated          :  &  (from %s) Conditional Packages: Default Packages: Description: %s Environment-Id: %s Group-Id: %s Language: %s Mandatory Groups: Mandatory Packages: Optional Groups: Optional Packages: or '{}' to skip uninstallable packages or '{}' to use not only best candidate packages or part of a group%d file removed%d files removed%s Exactly Matched: %%s%s Matched: %%s%s is empty file%s marked as group installed.%s marked as user installed.%s removed%s second(s) (last: %s)%s unmarked as user installed.%s, alias %s="%s"%s, using original arguments.%s: has expired and will be refreshed.%s: metadata will expire after %d seconds and will be refreshed now%s: using metadata from %s.%s: will expire after %d seconds.%s: will never be expired and will not be refreshed.(%u days)(%u hours)(%u minutes)(%u seconds)---> Package %s.%s %s will be a downgrade---> Package %s.%s %s will be an upgrade---> Package %s.%s %s will be erased---> Package %s.%s %s will be installed---> Package %s.%s %s will be obsoleted---> Package %s.%s %s will be obsoleting---> Package %s.%s %s will be reinstalled---> Package %s.%s %s will be upgraded--> Finished dependency resolution--> Starting dependency resolution--destdir or --downloaddir must be used with --downloadonly or download or system-upgrade command.--enable, --set-enabled and --disable, --set-disabled must be used with config-manager command.. Failing package is: %s<name-unset><unset>AbortedAction(s)Added %s repo from %sAdding packages from group '%s': %sAlias %s='%s'Alias argument has no value: %sAlias not found: %sAliases added: %sAliases are now disabledAliases are now enabledAliases contain infinite recursionAliases deleted: %sAliases resolving is disabled.All matches for argument '{0}' in module '{1}:{2}' are not activeAll matches were filtered out by exclude filtering for argumentAll matches were filtered out by modular filtering for argumentAll matches were installed from a different repository for argumentAlteredAt least {0}MB more space needed on the {1} filesystem.At least {0}MB more space needed on the {1} filesystem.Autoremove PackagesAvailable Environment Groups:Available Groups:Available Language Groups:Available PackagesAvailable UpgradesBad id for repo: {} ({}), byte = {} {}Bad id for repo: {}, byte = {} {}Begin rpmdb    :Begin time     :Bugfix notice(s)BugsBuildtimeCOMMANDCVEsCache was expiredCan't convert '{}' to transaction ID.
Use '<number>', 'last', 'last-<number>'.Cannot add local packages, because transaction job already existsCannot encode argument '%s': %sCannot read file "%s": %sCannot remove %sCannot rollback transaction %s, doing so would result in an inconsistent package database.Cannot undo transaction %s, doing so would result in an inconsistent package database.Changelogs for {}Checksum of the delta-rebuilt RPM failedCleaning data:  CleanupCommand "%s" already definedCommand Line   :Command lineCommand line error: %sComment        :Complete!Config error: %sConfig file "{}" does not existConfiguration file URL "{}" could not be downloaded:
  {}Could not find repository: %sCould not open: {}Could not run transaction.Could not set cachedir: {}Critical Security notice(s)Critical/Sec.DNSSEC extension: DNSSEC extension: Key for user Date and timeDefault profile {} not available in module {}:{}Delta RPM rebuild failedDelta RPMs reduced %.1f MB of updates to %.1f MB (%d.1%% saved)Dep-InstallDependencies resolved.Dependent packageDependent packagesDescriptionDescription : Didn't install any keysDisable repositories. List option. Supports globs, can be specified multiple times.Disabling module profilesDisabling modulesDisk Requirements:Display capabilities provided by the package.Display capabilities that the package can depend on, enhance, recommend, suggest, and supplement.Display capabilities that the package can enhance.Display capabilities that the package can supplement.Display capabilities that the package conflicts with.Display capabilities that the package depends on.Display capabilities that the package recommends.Display capabilities that the package suggests.Display in which comps groups are presented selected packagesDisplay only available packages.Display only installed packages.Display only packages that are not present in any of available repositories.Display only packages that can be removed by "{prog} autoremove" command.Display only packages that provide an upgrade for some already installed package.Display only packages that were installed by user.Display only recently edited packagesDowngradeDowngrade a packageDowngradedDownloading Packages:Enable additional repositories. List option. Supports globs, can be specified multiple times.Enabled modules: {}.Enabling different stream for '{}'.Enabling module streamsEnd rpmdb      :End time       :Enhancement notice(s)Environment '%s' is not available.Environment '%s' is not installed.Environment Group: %sEpochEraseErasedErasingError SummaryError downloading packages:Error parsing '%s': %sError parsing --setopt with key '%s', value '%s': %sError parsing --setopt with key '%s.%s', value '%s': %sError:Error: %sError: Cannot open %s for readingError: transaction check vs depsolve:Errors occurred during test transaction.Errors occurred during transaction.Errors:Excludes in dnf.conf: Excludes in repo Extra PackagesFailedFailed Delta RPMs increased %.1f MB of updates to %.1f MB (%d.1%% wasted)Failed determining last makecache time.Failed history infoFailed loading plugin "%s": %sFailed storing last makecache time.Failed to add groups file for repository: %s - %sFailed to execute command '%s': returned %dFailed to remove transaction file %sFailed to send an email via '%s': %sFailure:Failures:File %s is a source package and cannot be updated, ignoring.Filename    : %sFilesForce the use of an architectureFound more than one transaction ID!Found more than one transaction ID.
'{}' requires one transaction ID or package name.Freed space: %sFrom repoGPG Keys are configured as: %sGPG check FAILEDGPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installedGeneral {prog} optionsGroupGroup: %sIDIf the package is not installed display capabilities that it depends on for running %%pre and %%post scriptlets. If the package is installed display capabilities that is depends for %%pre, %%post, %%preun and %%postun.Ignoring repositories: %sIgnoring unnecessary profile: '{}/{}'Import of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?Important Security notice(s)Important/Sec.Importing GPG key 0x%s:
 Userid     : "%s"
 Fingerprint: %s
 From       : %sInclude bugfix relevant packages, in updatesInclude enhancement relevant packages, in updatesInclude newpackage relevant packages, in updatesInclude packages needed to fix the given BZ, in updatesInclude packages needed to fix the given CVE, in updatesInclude packages needed to fix the given advisory, in updatesInclude security relevant packages matching the severity, in updatesInclude security relevant packages, in updatesIncludes in dnf.conf: Includes in repo Incorrect or unknown "{}": {}InstallInstall timeInstalledInstalled Environment Groups:Installed Groups:Installed Language Groups:Installed PackagesInstalled byInstalled package %s%s not available.Installed size: %sInstalling Environment GroupsInstalling GroupsInstalling dependenciesInstalling group packagesInstalling group/module packagesInstalling module '{0}' from Fail-Safe repository {1} is not allowedInstalling module from Fail-Safe repository is not allowedInstalling module profilesInstalling newer version of '{}' than specified. Reason: {}Installing weak dependenciesInstant (last: %s)Interact with Modules.Invalid alias key: %sInvalid groups sub-command, use: %s.Invalid transaction ID range definition '{}'.
Use '<transaction-id>..<transaction-id>'.Invalid tsflag in config file: %sIs this ok [Y/n]: Is this ok [y/N]: It could be a {PROG} plugin command, try: "{prog} install 'dnf-command(%s)'"It could be a {prog} plugin command, but loading of plugins is currently disabled.KEYWORDKey import failed (code %d)Key imported successfullyKeyword to search forLast metadata expiration check: %s ago on %s.Leaving ShellLicenseLicense     : %sList of Main Commands:List of Plugin Commands:List or create command aliasesLoaded plugins: %sLoading repository '{}' has failedLow Security notice(s)Low/Sec.Main config did not have a %s attr. before setoptMaking cache files for all metadata files.Malformed lock file found: %s.
Ensure no other dnf/yum process is running and remove the lock file manually or run systemd-tmpfiles --remove dnf.conf.Marking packages as installed by the group:Marking packages as removed by the group:Matched from:Metadata cache created.Metadata cache refreshed recently.Metadata timer caching disabled when running on a battery.Metadata timer caching disabled when running on metered connection.Metadata timer caching disabled.Metadata type to cleanModerate Security notice(s)Moderate/Sec.Modular dependency problem with Defaults:Modular dependency problems with Defaults:Modular dependency problem:Modular dependency problems:Module or Group '%s' does not exist.Module or Group '%s' is not available.Module or Group '%s' is not installed.Module specificationNever (last: %s)New Package notice(s)NewerNo Matches foundNo alias specified.No aliases defined.No aliases specified.No available modular metadata for modular packageNo available modular metadata for modular package '{}', it cannot be installed on the systemNo default profiles for module {}:{}. Available profiles: {}No duplicated packages found for removal.No group data available for configured repositories.No group marked for upgrade.No groups marked for removal.No match for alias: %sNo match for argumentNo match for argument: %sNo match for group package "{}"No match for package {}No matches found for the following disable plugin patterns: {}No matches found for the following enable plugin patterns: {}No matches found.No matching Modules to listNo matching Packages to listNo old installonly packages found for removal.No package %s available.No package %s installed.No package available.No package installed from the repository.No package installed.No packages marked for distribution synchronization.No packages marked for downgrade.No packages marked for install.No packages marked for reinstall.No packages marked for removal.No packages marked for upgrade.No packages to listNo profile specified for '{}', please specify profile.No profiles for module {}:{}No read/execute access in current directory, moving to /No repositories availableNo repository match: %sNo security updates needed for "{}", but {} update availableNo security updates needed for "{}", but {} updates availableNo security updates needed, but {} update availableNo security updates needed, but {} updates availableNo such command: %s. Please use %s --helpNo transaction ID givenNo transaction ID or package name given.No transaction ID, or package, givenNo transaction which manipulates package '{}' was found.No transactionsNo valid switch specified
usage: {prog} repoquery [--conflicts|--enhances|--obsoletes|--provides|--recommends|--requires|--suggest|--supplements|--whatrequires] [key] [--tree]

  For the given packages print a tree of thepackages.Not a valid form: %sNot a valid rpm file path: %sNot installedNothing to do.Nothing to show.ObsoletedObsoletingObsoleting PackagesOlderOnly module name is required. Ignoring unneeded information in argument: '{}'Only module name, stream, architecture or profile is used. Ignoring unneeded information in argument: '{}'Operation aborted.Option '--recursive' has to be used with '--whatrequires <REQ>' (optionally with '--alldeps', but not with '--exactdeps'), or with '--requires <REQ> --resolve'Option '--resolve' has to be used together with one of the '--conflicts', '--depends', '--enhances', '--provides', '--recommends', '--requires', '--requires-pre', '--suggests' or '--supplements' optionsOther       : %sPACKAGEPROVIDEPackagePackagesPackage "{}" from local repository "{}" has incorrect checksumPackage "{}" from repository "{}" has incorrect checksumPackage %s available, but installed for different architecture.Package %s available, but not installed.Package %s is already installed.Package %s is not installed.Package %s is not signedPackage %s not installed, cannot downgrade it.Package %s not installed, cannot reinstall it.Package %s not installed, cannot update it.Package %s of lower version already installed, cannot downgrade it.Package %s of lowest version already installed, cannot downgrade it.Package name specificationPackage specificationPackage to downgradePackage to installPackage to reinstallPackage to removePackage to synchronizePackage to upgradePackage {} belongs to multiple modules, skippingPackage {} contains no filesPackagerPackagesPackages Altered:Packages for argument %s available, but not installed.Parsing file "%s" failed: %sParsing file "{}" failed: {}Parsing file failed: %sPreparingProblemProblem opening package %sProblem repository: %sProblems in request:Provide    : %sProvide specification to search forPublic key for %s is not installedPublic key for %s is not trustedQuery all packages (shorthand for repoquery '*' or repoquery without argument)Query all versions of packages (default)REPOIDRPM: {}RPMDB altered outside of {prog}.Recently Added PackagesRefusing to automatically import keys when running unattended.
Use "-y" to override.ReinstallReinstalledReleaseReleasever     :RemoveRemovedRemovingRemoving Environment GroupsRemoving GroupsRemoving dependent packagesRemoving file %sRemoving unused dependenciesRepo        : %sRepo %s did not have a %s attr. before setoptRepo-available-pkgs: Repo-baseurl       : Repo-distro-tags      : Repo-exclude       : Repo-excluded      : Repo-expire        : Repo-filename      : Repo-id            : Repo-include       : Repo-metalink      : Repo-mirrors       : Repo-name          : Repo-pkgs          : Repo-revision      : Repo-size          : Repo-status        : Repo-tags          : Repo-updated       : Repository '{}' ({}) is missing name in configuration, using id.Repository '{}' ({}): Error parsing config: {}Repository '{}' is missing name in configuration, using id.Repository '{}': Error parsing config: {}Repository IDRepository specificationResetting modulesReturn-Code    :RightsRunningRunning scriptletRunning transactionRunning transaction checkRunning transaction testSCRIPTScript to run in {prog} shellScriptlet output:Searching Packages: Security notice(s)Setopt argument has multiple values: %sSetopt argument has no value: %sSeverityShell specific arguments:

config                   set config options
help                     print help
repository (or repo)     enable, disable or list repositories
resolvedep               resolve the transaction set
transaction (or ts)      list, reset or run the transaction set
run                      resolve and run the transaction set
exit (or quit)           exit the shellSkipSkippedSkipping packages with broken dependencies%sSkipping packages with conflicts:
(add '%s' to command line to force their upgrade)SleepingSome packages from local repository have incorrect checksumSome packages have invalid cache, but cannot be downloaded due to "--cacheonly" optionSome packages were not downloaded. Retrying.SourceStarted dnf-automatic.SuccessSwitching module streamsSystemSystem is off-line.Terminated.Testing already imported keys for their validity.The GPG keys listed for the "%s" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.
Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository.The downloaded packages were saved in cache until the next successful transaction.The following updates are available on '%s':The following updates have been applied on '%s':The following updates were downloaded on '%s':The key has been approved.The key has been rejected.The operation would result in switching of module '{0}' stream '{1}' to stream '{2}'The same or higher version of %s is already installed, cannot update it.The specs that will be installedThe specs that will be removedThere are following alternatives for "{0}": {1}There are no enabled repositories in "{}".There was an error calculating installed sizeThere was an error calculating total download sizeThis command has to be run with superuser privileges (under the root user on most systems).To diagnose the problem, try running: '%s'.TotalTotal download size: %sTotal packages: {}Total size: %sTraced/StoppedTransaction ID :Transaction check succeeded.Transaction couldn't start:Transaction failedTransaction history is incomplete, after %u.Transaction history is incomplete, before %u.Transaction performed with:Transaction test error:Transaction test succeeded.TransactionItem not found for key: {}TransactionSWDBItem not found for key: {}TypeURLURL         : %sUnable to detect release version (use '--releasever' to specify release version)Unable to find a mandatory group package.Unable to find a matchUnable to find information about the locking process (PID %d)Unable to match profile for argument {}Unable to match profile for argument {}. Available profiles for '{}:{}': {}Unable to match profile in argument {}Unable to resolve argument {}Unable to retrieve a key for a commandline package: %sUnexpected value of environment variable: DNF_DISABLE_ALIASES=%sUninterruptibleUnknownUnknown Security notice(s)Unknown configuration option: %s = %sUnknown configuration option: %s = %s in %sUnknown configuration value: %s=%s in %s; %sUnknown repo: '%s'Unknown/Sec.Unsupported key value.Update IDUpdatedUpdates Information Summary: Updates applied on '%s'.Updates available on '%s'.Updates completed at %sUpdates downloaded on '%s'.UpgradeUpgradedUpgrading Environment GroupsUpgrading GroupsUpgrading module '{0}' from Fail-Safe repository {1} is not allowedUpgrading module from Fail-Safe repository is not allowedUser           :User nameVerifyingWaiting for internet connection...Waiting for process with pid %d to finish.Warning: Enforcing GPG signature check globally as per active RPM security policy (see 'gpgcheck' in dnf.conf(5) for how to squelch this message)Warning: Group %s does not exist.Warning: No groups match:Warning: failed loading '%s', skipping.Will not install a source rpm package (%s).You can remove cached packages by executing '%s'.You don't have access to the history DB: %sYou have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing.
However, you do not have any GPG public keys installed. You need to download
the keys for packages you wish to install and install them.
You can do that by running the command:
    rpm --import public.gpg.key

Alternatively you can specify the url to the key you would like to use
for a repository in the 'gpgkey' option in a repository section and {prog}
will install it for you.

For more information contact your distribution or package provider.You probably have corrupted RPMDB, running '%s' might fix the issue.Zombieaction to do with aliasesadd a comment to transactionadvisories about any versions of installed packagesadvisories about equal and older versions of installed packagesadvisories about newer versions of installed packages (default)advisories about newer versions of those installed packages for which a newer version is availablealias definitionallallow erasing of installed packages to resolve dependenciesargument for group subcommandargument {} requires --whatrequires or --whatdepends optionargument {}: not allowed with argument {}automatically answer no for all questionsautomatically answer yes for all questionsavailableavailable subcommands: {} (default), {}bad format: %sbroken groups or modules: broken packages: bugfixcheck dependencies exactly as given, opposite of --alldepscheck for available package upgradescheck for problems in the packagedbcheck non-explicit dependencies (files and Provides); defaultconfig file locationcontrol whether color is usedcurrentlyDowngradingcurrentlyInstallingcurrentlyReinstallingcurrentlyUpgradingdebugging output leveldebugging output level for rpmdetermining the fastest mirror (%s hosts).. disable a module with all its streamsdisable aliases resolvingdisable all pluginsdisable excludepkgsdisable gpg signature checking (if RPM policy allows)disable plugins by namedisable removal of dependencies that are no longer useddisable repos with config-manager command (automatically saves)disableddisplay a helpful usage messagedisplay advisories about packagesdisplay details about a package or group of packagesdisplay format for listing packages: "%%{name} %%{version} ...", use --querytags to view full tag listdisplay the configured software repositoriesdisplay, or use, the groups informationdisplay, or use, the transaction historydo not install documentationsdo not limit the transaction to the best candidatedonedumps detailed solving results into filesenable a module streamenable aliases resolvingenable just specific repositories by an id or a glob, can be specified multiple timesenable plugins by nameenable repos with config-manager command (automatically saves)enabledenables {prog}'s obsoletes processing logic for upgrade or display capabilities that the package obsoletes for info, list and repoqueryenabling %s repositoryenhancementerror output levelexclude packages by name or globfalsefind what package provides the given valuegenerate the metadata cachehas unknown status.include optional packages from groupinstall a module profile including its packagesinstall a package or packages on your systeminstall: mark as installed by user
remove: unmark as installed by user
group: mark as installed by groupinstalledis valid.label and path to an additional repository to use (same path as in a baseurl), can be specified multiple times.limit the query to installed duplicate packageslimit the query to installed installonly packageslimit the query to installed packages with unsatisfied dependencieslist a package or groups of packageslist all module streams, profiles and stateslist also packages of inactive module streamslist modular packageslist packages belonging to a moduleloading repo '{}' failure: {}longArchitecturelongDescriptionlongNamelongPackagelongRepositorylongSizelongSummarylongVersionmark or unmark installed packages as installed by user.maximum command wait timemissing groups or modules: missing packages: nnewpackagenono matching payload factory for %sonly download packagesoperate on corresponding source RPMother notice(s)override the value of $releasever in config and repo filesprint detailed information about a modulequiet operationreinstall a packageremove a package or packages from your systemremove all modular packagesremove all unneeded packages that were originally installed as dependenciesremove cached dataremove duplicated packagesremove installed module profiles and their packagesremove installonly packages over the limitreplacingrepo %s: 0x%s already importedrepo %s: imported key 0x%s.repo idrepo namereset a moduleresolve capabilities to originating package(s)resolve depsolve problems by skipping packagesresolve to IPv4 addresses onlyresolve to IPv6 addresses onlyrun an interactive {prog} mod for remove and install one specrun an interactive {prog} shellrun commands on top of all packages in given repositoryrun entirely from system cache, don't update cachesearch also package description and URLsearch for packages matching keywordsearch package details for the given stringsecurityset arbitrary config and repo optionsset directory to copy packages toset install rootset metadata as expired before running the commandshortArchshortDescriptionshortNameshortPackageshortReposhortSizeshortSummaryshortVersionshow N latest packages for a given name.arch (or latest but N if N is negative)show a list of all dependencies and what packages provide themshow a location from where packages can be downloadedshow all packages (default)show all problems; defaultshow all reposshow also ID of groupsshow also hidden groupsshow available tags to use with --queryformatshow changelogs before updateshow changelogs of the packageshow command helpshow dependency problemsshow detailed information about the packageshow disabled reposshow duplicate problemsshow duplicates, in repos, in list/search commandsshow enabled repos (default)show info of advisoriesshow list of advisoriesshow list of files in the packageshow obsoleted packagesshow only advisories with CVE referenceshow only advisories with bugzilla referenceshow only autoremove packagesshow only available groupsshow only available packagesshow only disabled modulesshow only enabled modulesshow only extras packagesshow only installed groupsshow only installed modules or packagesshow only installed packagesshow only recently changed packagesshow only results from this ARCHshow only results that conflict REQshow only results that enhance REQshow only results that obsolete REQshow only results that owns FILEshow only results that provide REQshow only results that recommend REQshow only results that suggest REQshow only results that supplement REQshow only upgrades packagesshow package source RPM nameshow problems with providesshow profile contentshow recursive tree for package(s)show summary of advisories (default)show {prog} version and exitshows results that requires package provides and files REQshows results that requires, suggests, supplements, enhances,or recommends package provides and files REQstatussummaryDowngradingsummaryInstallingsummaryReinstallingsummaryUpgradingsynchronize installed packages to the latest available versionsthe key to search fortruetry the best available package versions in transactions.try to add '{}' to command line to replace conflicting packagestry to add '{}' to skip uninstallable packagestry to add '{}' to use not only best candidate packagesunknownunsupported checksum type: %supdate packages associated with an active streamupdatesupgrade a package or packages on your systemupgrade, but only 'newest' package match which fixes a problem that affects your systemuse epoch:name-version-release.architecture format for displaying found packagesuse name-epoch:version-release.architecture format for displaying found packages (default)use name-version-release format for displaying found packages (rpm query default)used with --whatrequires, and --requires --resolve, query packages recursively.verbose operationyyes{prog} command to get help for{prog} will only download packages for the transaction.{prog} will only download packages, install gpg keys, and check the transaction.{}
    exit the shell{}
    resolve the transaction set{}
    run the transaction{} [command]
    print help{} arg
  list: lists the contents of the transaction
  reset: reset (zero-out) the transaction
  run: run the transaction{} arg [option]
  list: lists repositories and their status. option = [all | id | glob]
  enable: enable repositories. option = repository id
  disable: disable repositories. option = repository id{} arg [value]
  arg: debuglevel, errorlevel, obsoletes, gpgcheck, assumeyes, exclude,
        repo_id.gpgcheck, repo_id.exclude
    If no value is given it prints the current value.
    If value is given it sets that value.{} has missing requires of {}{} is a duplicate with {}{} is obsoleted by {}{} provides {} but it cannot be found{} {} {}: too few argumentsProject-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION
POT-Creation-Date: 2023-02-28 10:03+0100
PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-08 22:00+0000
Last-Translator: Cheng-Chia Tseng <[email protected]>
Language-Team: Chinese (Traditional) <>
Language: zh_TW
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
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Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;
X-Generator: Weblate 4.2.2


提示:[d] 預設、[e] 已啟用, [x] 已停用, [i] 已安裝, [a] 作用中
    記憶體:%5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)    開始於:%s - %s 之前    狀態:%s  * 或許您想要:{}  建構  :%s 於 %s  已安裝:%s-%s 於 %s  這個 PID 為 %d 的應用程式為:%s  更新時間           :  &  (來自 %s) 條件軟體包: 預設軟體包: 描述:%s 環境 ID:%s 群組 ID:%s 語言:%s 必備群組: 必備軟體包: 選用群組: 選用軟體包: 或是「{}」跳過無法安裝的軟體包 或是「{}」不只使用最佳候選的軟體包 或群組的一部分%d 個檔案已經移除%s 精確符合:%%s%s 符合: %%s%s 為空白檔案%s 標記為群組安裝。%s 標記為使用者安裝。已移除 %s%s 秒(上次:%s)%s 取消標記使用者安裝。%s,別名 %s = "%s"%s,使用原始引數。%s:已經過期,並將重新整理。%s:中介資料將會在 %d 秒後過期,現在將立刻重新整理%s:從 %s 使用中介資料。%s:將會在 %d 秒後過期。%s:將永遠不會過期,且不會重新整理。(%u 天)(%u 小時)(%u 分鐘)(%u 秒)---> %s.%s %s 軟體包將被降級---> %s.%s %s 軟體包將會升級---> %s.%s %s 軟體包將被抹除---> %s.%s %s 軟體包將會安裝---> %s.%s %s 軟體包將被棄用---> %s.%s %s 軟體包將會棄用---> %s.%s %s 軟體包將會重裝---> %s.%s %s 軟體包將被升級--> 完成解決依賴關係問題--> 開始解決依賴關係問題--destdir 或 --downloaddir 必須與 --downloadonly、download 或 system-upgrade 指令一起使用。--enable、--set-enabled 及 --disable、--set-disabled 必須與 config-manager 命令一起使用。失敗的軟體包為:%s<名稱未設定><未設定>已中止動作已從 %s 增加 %s 軟體庫正在從群組「%s」加入軟體包:%s別名 %s = '%s'別名引數沒有值:%s找不到別名:%s已加入別名:%s現已停用別名現已啟用別名別名中包含無限遞迴已刪除別名:%s已停用別名解析。所有「{1}:{2}」模組中的「{0}」引數符合項目皆未作用中所有符合項目皆被引數的排除過濾器濾掉所有符合項目皆被引數的模組化過濾器濾掉所有符合項目皆從引數的不同軟體庫安裝已變動{1} 檔案系統需要至少 {0}MB 以上的空間。自動移除軟體包可用的環境群組:可用的群組:可用的語言群組:可用的軟體包可用的升級軟體庫的 ID 無效:{} ({}),位元組 = {} {}軟體庫的 ID 無效:{},位元組 = {} {}開始 rpmdb:開始時間  :臭蟲修正通知臭蟲組建時間指令CVE快取已過期無法將「{}」轉為處理事項 ID。
請使用 '<數字>'、'last'、'last-<數字>'。因為已經有處理事項工作,無法加入本機軟體包無法編碼「%s」引數:%s無法讀取「%s」檔案:%s無法移除 %s無法回滾處理事項 %s,這樣做會導致軟體包資料庫不一致。無法復原處理事項 %s,這樣做會導致軟體包資料庫不一致。{} 的變更記錄delta-rebuilt RPM 的總和檢查碼失敗正在清理資料:  清理指令「%s」已經定義指令列    :指令列指令列錯誤:%s備註      :完成!設定檔錯誤:%s「{}」組態檔不存在無法下載「{}」設定檔 URL:
  {}找不到軟體庫:%s無法開啟:{}無法執行處理事項。無法設定 cachedir:{}嚴重安全性通知嚴重/安全性漏洞DNSSEC 擴充: DNSSEC 擴充:給使用者的金鑰 日期與時間{} 預設設定檔無法在 {}:{} 模組使用Delta RPM 重新組建失敗Delta RPM 已將更新所需從 %.1f MB 減少為 %.1f MB(節省 %d.1%%)依賴安裝依賴關係解析完畢。依賴的軟體包描述描述    : 無法安裝任何密鑰停用軟體庫。列出選項。支援 Glob,可多次指定。正在停用模組設定檔正在停用模組需要磁碟:顯示提供自這個軟體包的功能。顯示軟體包可依賴的增強、推薦、建議、補充功能。顯示軟體包可以增強的功能。顯示可以補充軟體包的功能。顯示軟體包衝突的功能。顯示這個軟體包依賴的功能。顯示這個推薦軟體包的功能。顯示建議軟體包的功能。顯示在哪些組合群組中出現選取的軟體包只顯示可以使用的軟體包。只顯示已經安裝的軟體包。只顯示沒有呈現在任何可用軟體庫中的軟體包。只顯示可透過「{prog} autoremove」命令移除的軟體包。只顯示為部份已經安裝軟體包提供升級的軟體包。只顯示使用者安裝的軟體包。只顯示最近修改過的軟體包降級降級軟體包已降級下載軟體包:啟用額外軟體庫。列出選項。支援 Glob,可多次指定。已啟用模組:{}。正在啟用「{}」的不同串流。正在啟用模組串流結束 rpmdb:結束時間  :功能增強通知無法使用「%s」環境。尚未安裝「%s」環境。環境群組:%sEpoch抹除已抹除抹除錯誤摘要下載軟體包時失敗:無法解析「%s」:%s以「%s」鍵,「%s」值解析 --setopt 時發生錯誤:%s以「%s.%s」鍵,「%s」值解析 --setopt 時發生錯誤:%s錯誤:錯誤:%s錯誤:無法開啟 %s 供讀取錯誤:處理事項 check vs depsolve:測試處理事項時發生錯誤。在處理事項時發生錯誤。錯誤:排除於 dnf.conf: 排除於軟體庫 額外的軟體包失敗失敗的 Delta RPM 已將更新所需從 %.1f MB 增加為 %.1f MB(浪費 %d.1%%)無法確定上次 makecache 的時間。失敗的歷史資訊無法載入「%s」插件:%s無法儲存上次 makecache 的時間。為軟體庫建立群組檔案時失敗:%s - %s無法執行「%s」指令:已回傳 %d移除處理事項檔案 %s 失敗無法透過「%s」發送電子郵件:%s失敗:失敗:檔案 %s 為來源軟體包且無法更新,忽略。檔案名稱:%s檔案強制使用架構找到超過一個處理事項識別碼!找到超過一個處理事項識別碼。
「{}」需要一個處理事項識別碼或軟體包名稱。釋放空間:%s來源軟體庫GPG 金鑰已經設定為:%sGPG 檢查失敗於 %s (0x%s) 的 GPG 密鑰已經安裝{prog} 一般選項群組群組:%sID如果未安裝軟體包,則顯示執行 %%pre 及 %%post 小令稿所依賴的功能。如果已安裝軟體包,則顯示執行 %%pre、%%post、%%preun 以及 %%postun 小令稿所依賴的功能。忽略軟體庫:%s忽略不必要的設定檔:「{}/{}」匯入的金鑰沒有作用,可能是因為金鑰是錯誤的?重要安全性通知重要/安全性漏洞匯入 GPG 密鑰 0x%s:
指紋                :%s
來自                :%s在更新包含漏洞修復的相關軟體包在更新包含增強的相關軟體包在更新包含新軟體包的相關軟體包在更新中包含修復給定 BZ 需要的軟體包在更新包含修復給定 CVE 需要的軟體包在更新中包含修復安全性公告需要的軟體包在更新中包含符合嚴重性的安全相關軟體包在更新包含安全性相關的軟體包包含於 dnf.conf: 包含於軟體庫 錯誤的或者是無效的 "{}": {}安裝安裝時間已安裝已安裝的環境群組:已安裝的群組:已安裝的語言群組:已安裝軟體包安裝內容已安裝的軟體包 %s%s 不可用。安裝的大小:%s正在安裝環境群組正在安裝群組將安裝依賴項目將安裝軟體包群組將安裝群組/模組軟體包不允許從 {1} 防故障軟體庫安裝「{0}」模組不允許從防故障軟體庫安裝模組正在安裝模組設定檔將安裝比您指定版本還新的「{}」,原因:{}將安裝弱依賴項目即時(上次:%s)與模組互動。別名鍵無效:%s無效的群組子指令,請用:%s。無效的處理事項識別碼範圍定義「{}」。
使用「<transaction-id>..<transaction-id>」。在 config 檔案中無效的 tsflag:%s這樣可以嗎 [Y/n]: 這樣可以嗎 [y/N]: 其可能是 {PROG} 插件的命令,請試試:「{prog} install 'dnf-command(%s)'」其可能是 {prog} 插件的命令,但目前載入插件的功能處於停用狀態。KEYWORD密鑰匯入失敗(錯誤代碼 %d)密鑰匯入成功要搜尋的關鍵字上次中介資料過期檢查:%s 前,時間點為%s。離開 Shell授權授權    :%s主要指令清單:插件指令清單:列出或建立命令別名已載入的外掛:%s載入「{}」軟體庫時發生錯誤低度安全性通知低度/安全性漏洞主組態未在 setopt 之前設定 %s 屬性為所有中介資料檔案製作快取檔案。發現格式錯誤的鎖定檔:%s。
請確定沒有其他正在執行的 dnf/yum 處理程序,然後手動移除鎖定檔或執行 systemd-tmpfiles --remove dnf.conf。依據群組將軟體包標記為安裝:依據群組將軟體包標記為移除:符合來源:已建立中介資料快取。中介資料的快取已於最近重新整理。當使用電池時,停用中介資料定時快取。當以計費網路連線時,停用中介資料定時快取。已停用中介資料定時快取。要清理的中介資料類型中度安全性通知中度/安全性漏洞預設值發生模組依賴關係問題:模組化的依賴關係問題:沒有「%s」模組或群組。無法使用「%s」模組或群組。未安裝「%s」模組或群組。模組規格永不(上次:%s)新軟體包通知新版沒有符合項目未指定別名。未定義別名。未指定別名。沒有「{}」模組化軟體包可用的模組化中介資料沒有「{}」模組化軟體包可用的模組化中介資料,無法安裝至系統沒有 {}:{} 模組的預設設定檔。可用設定檔:{}沒有要移除的重複軟體包。設定的軟體庫沒有可用的群組資料。沒有標記為升級的群組。沒有標記為移除的群組。沒有符合別名的項目:%s沒有符合引數的項目引數不符:%s找不到符合「{}」軟體包群組的項目找不到符合的軟體包 {}找不到下述停用之插件模式的符合項目:{}找不到下述啟用之插件模式的符合項目:{}找不到符合項目。沒有要列出的符合模組沒有符合的軟體包可列出沒有要移除的舊 installonly 軟體包。沒有 %s 軟體包可用。軟體包 %s 未安裝。沒有可用的軟體包。沒有來自這個軟體庫的已安裝軟體包。沒有已安裝的軟體包。沒有標記為與散布版同步的軟體包。沒有軟體包標記為降級。沒有軟體包標記為安裝。沒有軟體包標記為要重新安裝。沒有軟體包標記為要移除。沒有軟體包為升級標記。沒有要列出的軟體包沒有為 {} 指定的設定檔,請指定設定檔。沒有 {}:{} 模組的設定檔在目前的目錄沒有讀寫與執行的權限,移動至 /沒有可用的軟體庫沒有軟體庫符合:%s不需要「{}」的任何安全性更新,但有 {} 個更新可用不需要「{}」的任何安全性更新,但有 {} 個更新可用不需要任何的安全性更新,但有 {} 個更新可用不需要任何的安全性更新,但有 {} 個更新可用未知的指令:%s。請使用 %s --help沒有提供處理事項識別碼沒有提供處理事項識別碼或軟體包名稱。沒有給予處理事項 ID、或軟體包找不到操作「{}」軟體包的處理事項。無處理事項未指定有效的開關選項
用法:{prog} repoquery [--conflicts|--enhances|--obsoletes|--provides|--recommends|--requires|--suggest|--supplements|--whatrequires] [key] [--tree]

  列出提供軟體包的樹狀圖。非有效格式:%s無效 RPM 檔案位址:%s未安裝無事可做。無可供顯示項目。已棄用棄用棄用軟體包舊版只需要模組名稱。忽略引數中的非必要資訊:「{}」只使用模組名稱、串流、架構或設定檔。忽略引數中的非必要資訊:「{}」取消作業。「--recursive」選項必須與「--whatrequires <REQ>」一起使用(可以選擇與「--alldeps」一起使用,但不可以是「--exactdeps」),或是與「--requires <REQ> --resolve」一起使用選項 '--resolve' 需要與 '--conflicts', '--depends', '--enhances', '--provides', '--recommends', '--requires', '--requires-pre', '--suggests' 或 '--supplements' 選項一起使用其他    :%sPACKAGEPROVIDE軟體包「{}」軟體包來自本機「{}」軟體庫有不正確的 checksum「{}」軟體包來自「{}」軟體庫有不正確的 checksum軟體包 %s 可用,但是針對不同架構安裝。軟體包 %s 可用,但尚未安裝。已安裝 %s 軟體包。%s 軟體包尚未安裝。%s 軟體包尚未簽名尚未安裝軟體包 %s,所以無法降級。尚未安裝軟體包 %s,所以無法重新安裝。尚未安裝軟體包 %s,所以無法更新。已經安裝較舊版本的軟體包 %s,所以無法降級。已經安裝最舊版本的軟體包 %s,所以無法降級。軟體包名稱規格軟體包規格要降級的軟體包要安裝的軟體包要重新安裝的軟體包要移除的軟體包要同步的軟體包要升級的軟體包{} 軟體包屬於多個模組,跳過軟體包 {} 不包含任何檔案打包者軟體包變動的軟體包:%s 引數的軟體包可用,但尚未安裝。解析「%s」檔案失敗:%s解析「{}」檔案失敗:{}解析檔案失敗:%s準備問題開啟 %s 軟體包時發生問題有問題的軟體庫:%s請求中問題:提供    :%s提供要搜尋的規格%s 的公鑰尚未安裝%s 的公鑰未被信任查詢所有軟體包(為軟體包查詢「*」或不包含引數的軟體包查詢的 shorthand)查詢軟體包的所有版本(預設值)REPOIDRPM:{}RPMDB 在 {prog} 外有變動。最近加入的軟體包當無人職守時,拒絕自動匯入密鑰。
使用「-y」覆蓋。重裝已重裝發行版發行版本  :移除已移除移除正在移除環境群組正在移除群組正在移除相關的軟體包正在移除檔案 %s正在移除無用的依賴軟體包軟體庫  :%s%s 軟體庫未在 setopt 之前設定 %s 屬性軟體庫可用軟體包       : 軟體庫基礎 URL       : 軟體庫發行版標籤         : 軟體庫排除           : 軟體庫排除數          : 軟體庫過期           : 軟體庫檔名           : 軟體庫 ID           : 軟體庫包含           : 軟體庫中介連結        : 軟體庫鏡像站          : 軟體庫名稱           : 軟體庫軟體包          : 軟體庫修訂版         : 軟體庫大小           : 軟體庫狀態           : 軟體庫標籤           : 軟體庫更新時間        : 設定檔中缺少「{}」({}) 軟體庫的名稱,使用 ID。「{}」({}) 軟體庫:解析組態時發生錯誤:{}設定檔中缺少「{}」軟體庫的名稱,使用 ID。「{}」軟體庫:解析組態時發生錯誤:{}軟體庫 ID軟體庫規格正在重設模組回傳代碼  :權利執行中執行小令稿執行處理事項執行處理事項檢查執行處理事項測試SCRIPT要在 {prog} Shell 執行的指令稿小令稿輸出:搜尋軟體包: 安全性通知Setopt 引數包含太多值:%sSetopt 引數沒有值:%s嚴重Shell 專用引數:

config                   設定配置選項
help                     顯示說明
repository (or repo)     啟用、停用、列出軟體庫
resolvedep               解析處理事項設定
transaction (or ts)      列出、重設、執行處理事項集
run                      解析並執行處理事項集
exit (or quit)           離開 Shell略過跳過略過依賴關係損壞的軟體包%s略過有衝突的軟體包:
(加入「%s」到指令列中來強制升級)睡眠中來自本機軟體庫的部份軟體包有不正確的 checksum部份的軟體包有無效的快取,但是因為「--cacheonly」選項而無法下載有些軟體包未下載。重試。來源已啟動 dnf-automatic。成功正在切換模組串流系統系統離線。已終止。測試已經匯入的金鑰其有效性。列出的「%s」軟體庫 GPG 金鑰已經安裝,但這些金鑰對這個軟體包都不正確。
檢查這個軟體庫的不正確金鑰之網址設定。直到有下個成功處理事項為止,下載的軟體包會存在快取中。下列更新於「%s」上可用:下列更新已套用至「%s」:下列更新已下載於「%s」:金鑰已經核可。金鑰已被拒絕。動作可能會導致「{0}」模組的「{1}」串流被切換到「{2}」串流已經安裝同版或更新版的 %s,無法更新。這個 spec 將會被安裝這個 spec 將會被移除以下可以用來替代「{0}」:{1}「{}」中沒有啟用的軟體庫。計算安裝大小時發生錯誤計算總下載大小時發生錯誤此命令需要以超級使用者權限執行(大部分系統是在 root 使用者下)。若要疑難排解這個問題,請嘗試執行:「%s」。總計總下載大小:%s軟體包總數:{}總大小:%s已追蹤 / 已停止處理事項ID:處理事項檢查成功。無法啓動處理事項:處理事項失敗在 %u 之後,處理事項歷史紀錄不完整。在 %u 之前,處理事項歷史紀錄不完整。處理事項執行者:處理事項測試錯誤:處理事項測試成功。找不到下述鍵的 TransactionItem:{}找不到下述鍵的 TransactionSWDBItem:{}類型URLURL     :%s無法偵測發行版本(使用「--releasever」指定發行版本)找不到強制群組軟體包。找不到符合項目無法找到此鎖定的處理程序(PID %d)的資訊無法符合 {} 引數的設定檔無法符合 {} 引數的設定檔。「{}:{}」可用設定檔:{}無法在 {} 引數中找到符合的設定檔無法解析 {} 引數無法擷取命令列軟體包的金鑰:%s未預期的環境變數值:DNF_DISABLE_ALIASES=%s不中斷未知的未知安全性通知無效的設定選項:%s = %s未知的設定選項:%s = %s 於 %s未知的設定值:%s = %s 於 %s;%s未知的軟體庫:「%s」未知/安全性漏洞不支援的金鑰值。更新ID更新更新資訊摘要: 更新已套用至「%s」。更新於「%s」上可用。更新已在 %s 完成更新已下載於「%s」。升級已升級正在升級環境群組正在升級群組不允許從 {1} 防故障軟體庫升級「{0}」模組不允許從防故障軟體庫升級模組使用者    :使用者名稱核驗正在等待網路連線……正在等候 PID %d 處理程序完成。警告:因為作用中的 RPM 安全性策略,已強制執行全域 GPG 簽名檢查(請參閱 dnf.conf(5) 的「gpgcheck」以了解如何隱藏此則訊息)警告: %s 群組不存在。警告:沒有符合的群組:警告:「%s」載入失敗,略過。將不會安裝 RPM 原始檔(%s)。您可以透過執行「%s」移除軟體包快取。您沒有權限存取歷史紀錄資料庫:%s您已經啟用透過 GPG 金鑰檢查軟體包。這很好。
但是,您尚未匯入任何 GPG 公鑰。您需要下載並安裝
    rpm --import public.gpg.key

或者,您可以在軟體庫部分的 'gpgkey' 選項
指定您想使用軟體庫之金鑰的 URL,
{prog} 會幫你安裝。

如需進一步了解,請聯絡您的發行版或軟體包提供者。您的 RPMDB 可能損壞,可執行「%s」可能會修復這個問題。殭屍要對別名做的動作增加處理事項的備註公告已安裝軟體包的任何版本公告已安裝軟體包的相同與較舊版本公告已安裝軟體包的新版本(預設)當新版本可供使用時,公告那些已安裝軟體包的新版本別名定義所有允許抹除已安裝的軟體包來解決依賴關係群組子命令的引數{} 引數需要 --whatrequires 或 --whatdepends 選項引數 {}:不允許與 {} 引數使用自動拒絕所有問題自動同意所有問題可用可用的子命令:{} (預設)、{}格式不良:%s損壞的群組或模組: 損壞軟體包: 臭蟲修正檢查準確的依賴關係為提供,相反於 --alldeps檢查可用的軟體包升級檢查 packagedb 中是否有問題檢查不明確的依賴關係(檔案或提供者);預設值設定檔位置控制使用什麼顏色正在降級正在安裝正在重新安裝正在升級除錯輸出等級rpm 的除錯輸出等級正在決定最快速的鏡像站 (%s 主機)… 停用模組及其所有串流停用別名解析停用所有插件停用 excludepkgs停用 GPG 簽名檢查(如果 RPM 策略允許)透過名稱停用插件停用移除無用的依賴軟體包使用 config-manager 命令停用軟體庫(自動儲存)已停用顯示用法說明訊息顯示軟體包公告顯示軟體包中的軟體包或群組詳細資訊軟體包清單的顯示格式:「%%{name} %%{version} ...」,使用 --querytags 檢視完整標籤清單顯示已設定的軟體庫顯示或使用群組資訊顯示或使用處理事項歷史紀錄請勿安裝說明文檔不要限定處理事項為最佳候選完成傾印詳細的解決結果至檔案啟用模組串流啟用別名解析只透過識別碼或 glob 啟用指定軟體庫,可以指定多次透過名稱啟用所有插件使用 config-manager 命令啟用軟體庫(自動儲存)已啟用啟用 {prog} 中 upgrade 的棄用處理邏輯,或啟用 info、list 和 repoquery 顯示軟體包棄用的功能正在啟用 %s 軟體庫功能增強錯誤輸出等級透過名稱或 Glob 排除軟體包false尋找哪個軟體包提供了所提供的值生成中介資料快取狀態未知。包含群組提供的選用軟體包安裝包含其軟體的模組設定檔在系統上安裝一個軟體包install:標記為使用者安裝
group:標記為群組安裝已安裝有效。要使用之額外軟體庫的標籤與路徑(跟基礎 URL 中的路徑一致),可多次指定。限制查詢已安裝重複軟體包限制查詢 installonly 的已安裝軟體包限制查詢未滿足依賴關係的已安裝軟體包列出軟體包中的軟體包或群組列出所有的模組串流、設定檔及狀態亦列出未作用中模組串流的軟體包列出模組化軟體包列出屬於模組的軟體包載入「{}」軟體庫失敗:{}架構描述名稱軟體包軟體庫大小摘要版本由使用者標記為安裝或取消標記的軟體包。最大指令等待時間遺失的群組或模組: 遺失軟體包: n新軟體包no沒有 %s 的符合的有效負荷 factory只下載軟體包在相應的來源 RPM 上執行其他通知在設定檔與 repo 檔案覆蓋 $releasever 的值輸出詳細模組資訊安靜作業重新安裝軟體包從系統移除軟體包移除所有模組化軟體包移除所有當初因依賴關係而安裝但目前不再需要的軟體包移除快取資料移除重複的軟體包移除安裝的模組設定檔及其軟體包移除超過限制的 installonly 軟體包替換%s 軟體庫:0x%s 早已匯入%s 軟體庫:已匯入 0x%s 金鑰。軟體庫 ID軟體庫名稱重設模組解析原始軟體包的功能透過跳過軟體包來解決問題只解析 IPv4 位址只解析 IPv6 位址執行用來移除及安裝一個 spec 的互動式 {prog} 模組執行互動式 {prog} shell在提供的軟體庫於所有軟體包的頂端執行指令完全從系統快取中執行而不更新快取也搜尋軟體包描述說明和URL搜尋軟體包符合的關鍵詞根據字串搜尋軟體包詳細資訊安全性設定隨意設定檔與軟體庫設定設定複製軟體包的位置顯示安裝根目錄在執行指令前,設定中介資料為過期狀態架構描述名稱軟體包軟體庫大小摘要版本為提供的 name.arch 顯示 N 個最新的軟體包(或最新、除了 N 如果 N 是否定的)顯示依賴關係列表、與提供它們的軟體包顯示軟體包可以下載的位置顯示所有軟體包(預設值)顯示所有問題;預設值顯示所有軟體庫亦顯示群組 ID也顯示隱藏群組與 --queryformat 顯示可供使用的標籤更新前顯示變更記錄顯示軟體包的變更紀錄顯示指令說明顯示依賴關係問題顯示此軟體包的詳細資訊顯示停用的軟體庫顯示重複問題顯示在軟體庫和 list/search 指令中的重複項目顯示啟用的軟體庫 (預設)顯示公告資訊顯示公告列表顯示軟體包內的檔案列表顯示棄用的軟體包只顯示有 CVE 參照的公告只顯示有 Bugzilla 參照的公告只顯示要被自動移除的軟體包僅顯示可用的群組只顯示可用的軟體包只顯示已停用的模組只顯示已啟用的模組只顯示附加的軟體包僅顯示已安裝的群組只顯示安裝的模組或軟體包只顯示已安裝的軟體包只顯示最近變動的軟體包只顯示這個架構的結果只顯示衝突 REQ 的結果只顯示增強 REQ 的結果只顯示棄用 REQ 的結果只顯示擁有檔案的結果只顯示提供 REQ 的結果只顯示推薦 REQ 的結果只顯示建議 REQ 的結果只顯示補充 REQ 的結果只顯示要升級的軟體包顯示軟體包來源 RPM 名稱顯示提供的問題顯示設定檔內容顯示軟體包的遞迴樹顯示公告摘要(預設)顯示 {prog} 版本後結束只顯示需要軟體包提供者與檔案 REQ 的結果顯示提供的必須、建議、補充、增強或推薦軟體包和檔案 REQ 結果狀態降級安裝重裝升級將已安裝的軟體包同步至最新的可用版本要搜尋的關鍵詞:true在處理事項中嘗試最好的可用軟體包。請試試在命令列加上「{}」以取代衝突的軟體包請試試加上「{}」以跳過無法安裝的軟體包請試試加上「{}」以不只使用最佳候選的軟體包未知未支援的查核碼類型:%s更新與作用中串流關聯的軟體包更新在系統上升級軟體包升級,但只有「最新」軟體包符合,它能修正影響您系統的問題使用 epoch:name-version-release.architecture 格式來顯示找到的軟體包使用 name-epoch:version-release.architecture 格式來顯示找到的軟體包(預設值)使用 name-version-release 格式來顯示找到的軟體包(RPM 查詢預設值)與 --whatrequires、--requires 與 --resolve 使用,並遞迴查詢軟體包。詳盡作業yyes要取得說明的 {prog} 命令{prog} 將只會下載處理事項需要的軟體包。{prog} 只會下載軟體包、匯入 GPG 金鑰並檢查處理事項。{}
    離開 Shell{}
    執行處理事項{} [command]
    輸出說明{} arg
  list: 列出處理事項內容
  reset: 重設(歸零)處理事項
  run: 執行處理事項{} arg [option]
  list: 列出軟體庫與其狀態。 option = [all | id | glob]
  enable: 啟用軟體庫 option = 軟體庫ID
  disable: 停用軟體庫 option = 軟體庫ID{} arg [value]
  arg: debuglevel, errorlevel, obsoletes, gpgcheck, assumeyes, exclude,
        repo_id.gpgcheck, repo_id.exclude
    如果有指定值,則設定該值。{} 遺失了 {} 的要求{} 與 {} 重複{} 已經棄用由 {}{} 提供 {} 但找不到{} {} {}:引數過少

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