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Dosya Yükle :
Current File : //usr/share/locale/cy/LC_MESSAGES/

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B9K0!1	<(current) UNIX password: Are you sure you want to format this disk?  You will destroy any data it currently contains.BAD PASSWORD: it is too shortBAD PASSWORD: it's WAY too shortCancelCannot fork().
Changing login shell.Changing personal information.DeviceDirectoryErrorError: %s
ExitFailed to drop administrator privileges: %sFailed to drop administrator privileges: pam_timestamp_check returned failure code %dFailed to find selected program.Failed to run command "%s": %s
Failed to set IO channel nonblocking: %s
FilesystemForget AuthorizationFull Name:Home Phone Number:InformationInformation updated.Insufficient rights.Internal PAM error occured.Invalid call to subprocess.Keep AuthorizationLaunch system-wide configuration tools without a password.Login Shell:New UNIX password: OKOffice Phone Number:Office:One or more of the changed fields is invalid.
This is probably due to either colons or commas in one of the fields.
Please remove those and try again.Out of memory.Password resetting error.Password unchangedPassword: Perform a _low-level format.Pipe error.
QueryRequest canceled.Retype new UNIX password: Run UnprivilegedSelect a _filesystem type to create:Some systems files are locked.
Please try again in a few moments.Sorry, passwords do not matchThe device '%s' can not be formatted.The exec() call failed.The password you typed is invalid.
Please try again.There are no filesystems which you are allowed to mount or unmount.
Contact your administrator.Un_mountUnable to open graphical window, and unable to find controlling terminal.
Unknown error.Unknown exit code.Unknown user.User InformationUser Mount ToolYou are attempting to run "%s" which may benefit from administrative
privileges, but more information is needed in order to do so.You are attempting to run "%s" which may benefit from administrative privileges, but more information is needed in order to do so.You are attempting to run "%s" which requires administrative
privileges, but more information is needed in order to do so.You are attempting to run "%s" which requires administrative privileges, but more information is needed in order to do so.You are attempting to run a command which may benefit from
administrative privileges, but more information is needed in order to do so.You are attempting to run a command which may benefit from administrative privileges, but more information is needed in order to do so.You are attempting to run a command which requires administrative
privileges, but more information is needed in order to do so.You are attempting to run a command which requires administrative privileges, but more information is needed in order to do so.You don't exist.  Go away.
You're currently authorized to configure system-wide settings (that affect all users) without typing the administrator password again. You can give up this authorization.Your current shell is not listed in /etc/shells.
You are not allowed to change your shell.
Consult your system administrator._Format_Mount_Run Unprivilegeddup2() error.
execl() error, errno=%d
invalid controlling tty in pam_timestamp_checklogin: no controlling tty for pam_timestamp_checkpam-panel-icon: failed to connect to session manager
pam_timestamp_check is not setuid rootpermissions error in pam_timestamp_checkuser unknown to pam_timestamp_checkuserhelper must be setuid root
Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION
POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-21 00:32+0200
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
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PO-Revision-Date: 2015-03-21 02:49-0400
Last-Translator: Copied by Zanata <[email protected]>
Language-Team: LANGUAGE <[email protected]>
Language: cy
Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n==2) ? 1 : (n != 8 && n != 11) ? 2 : 3;
X-Generator: Zanata 3.9.6
Cyfrinair UNIX (cyfredol)Ydych chi'n siwr eich bod am fformadu'r ddisg?  Byddwch yn dinistrio unrhyw ddata arni.CYFRINAIR GWAEL: mae'n rhy fyrCYFRINAIR GWAEL: mae'n LLAWER rhy fyrDileuMethu fforchio().
Newid plisgyn mewngofnodiNewid gwybodaeth bersonolDyfaisCyfeiriadurGwallGwall: %s
GadaelMethu colli hawliau gweinyddwr: %sMethu colli hawliau gweinyddwr: dychwelodd pam_timestamp_check côd methiant %dMethu canfod y raglen ddewisiedig.Methu rhedeg gorchymyn "%s": %s
Wedi methu gwneud sianel IO yn ddi-rwystrus: %s
System ffeilAnghofio awdurdodEnw Llawn:Rhif Ffôn Cartref:GwybodaethDiweddarwyd y wybodaethHawliau annigonolDigwyddodd gwall mewnol PAM.Galwad annilys i is-broses.Cadw awdurdodCychwyn erfynnau cyflunio system-eang heb gyfrinairPlisgyn Mewngofnodi:Cyfrinair UNIX (newydd)IawnRhif Ffôn y Swyddfa:Swyddfa:Mae un neu fwy o'r meysydd sydd wedi newid yn annilys.
Mae hyn oherwydd naill ai gorwahannodau neu atalnodau yn un o'r meysydd.
Tynnwch rheini a cheisiwch eto.Allan o gofGwall wrth ailosod cyfrinair.Cyfrinair heb ei newidCyfrinair: Cyflawni fformadiad lefel_isel.Gwall pibell.
YmholiadDiddymwyd y cais.Aildeipiwch cyfrinair UNIX newydd:Rhedeg Heb FreintiauDewiswch math system _ffeil i'w chreu:Mae rhai ffeiliau system wedi eu cloi.
Ceisiwch eto mewn ychydig.Nid yw'r cyfrineiriau'n cydweddu.Ni ellir fformatio y dyfais '%s'.Methodd yr alwad exec().Mae'r gyfrinair a deipioch yn annilys
Ceisiwch eto.Nid oes systemau ffeil y mae gennych hawl i'w gosod neu eu dadosod.
Gofynnwch i'ch gweinyddwr system.Dad_osodMethu agor ffenestr raffigol, ac yn methu canfod terfynell reoli.
Gwall anhysbysCôd gadael anhysbysDefnyddiwr anhysbysGwybodaeth DefnyddiwrErfyn Gosod y DefnyddiwrRydych yn ceisio rhedeg "%s"  a allai elwa o freintiau gweinyddol,
ond mae angen rhagor o wybodaeth er mwyn gwneud hynny.Rydych yn ceisio rhedeg "%s"  a allai elwa o freintiau gweinyddol, ond mae angen rhagor o wybodaeth er mwyn gwneud hynny.Rydych yn ceisio rhedeg "%s"  sy'n mynnu breintiau gweinyddol,
ond mae angen rhagor o wybodaeth er mwyn gwneud hynny.Rydych yn ceisio rhedeg "%s"  sy'n mynnu breintiau gweinyddol, ond mae angen rhagor o wybodaeth er mwyn gwneud hynny.Rydych yn ceisio rhedeg gorchymyn a allai elwa o freintiau
gweinyddol, ond mae angen rhagor o wybodaeth er mwyn gwneud hynny.Rydych yn ceisio rhedeg gorchymyn a allai elwa o freintiau gweinyddol, ond mae angen rhagor o wybodaeth er mwyn gwneud hynny.Rydych yn ceisio rhedeg gorchymyn sy'n mynnu breintiau gweinyddol,
ond mae angen rhagor o wybodaeth er mwyn gwneud hynny.Rydych yn ceisio rhedeg gorchymyn sy'n mynnu breintiau gweinyddol, ond mae angen rhagor o wybodaeth er mwyn gwneud hynny.Nid ydych yn bodoli. Ewch i ffwrdd.
Mae'r hawl gennych i fyrfweddu gosodiadau system-eang (sy'n effeithio pob defnyddiwr) heb teipio'r cyfrinair gwraidd eto. Gallwch ildio'r hawl yma. Nid yw eich plisgyn cyfredol wedi ei restri yn /etc/shells.
Nid oes hawl gennych i newid eich plisgyn.
Gofynnwch i'ch gweinyddwr system._Fformat_Gosod_Rhedeg Heb Freintiaugwall dup2().
gwall execl() , rhif gwall=%d
tty rheoli annilys yn pam_timestamp_checkmewngofnod: dim tty rheoli am pam_timestamp_checkpam-panel-icon: methu cysylltu i'r rheolydd sesiwn
Nid setuid root yw pam_timestamp_checkgwall hawliau yn pam_timestamp_checkdefnyddiwr anhysbys i pam_timestamp_checkRhaid i userhelper fod yn setuid root

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