Server Adress:
Feature: Manage WordPress themes and plugins
Given an empty cache
Scenario Outline: Installing, upgrading and deleting a theme or plugin
Given a WP install
And I run `wp <type> path`
When I try `wp <type> is-installed <item>`
Then the return code should be 1
And STDERR should be empty
And STDOUT should be empty
When I try `wp <type> is-active <item>`
Then the return code should be 1
And STDERR should be empty
And STDOUT should be empty
When I try `wp <type> get <item>`
Then the return code should be 1
And STDERR should not be empty
And STDOUT should be empty
# Install an out of date <item> from repository
When I run `wp <type> install <item> --version=<version>`
Then STDOUT should contain:
<type_name> installed successfully
And the {SUITE_CACHE_DIR}/<type>/<item>-<version>.zip file should exist
When I run `wp <type> is-installed <item>`
Then the return code should be 0
When I run `wp <type> get <item>`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| Field | Value |
| title | <item_title> |
When I run `wp <type> get <item> --field=title`
Then STDOUT should contain:
When I run `wp <type> get <item> --field=title --format=json`
Then STDOUT should contain:
When I run `wp <type> list --name=<item> --field=update_version`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp <type> list`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| name | status | update | version | update_version | auto_update |
| <item> | inactive | available | <version> | {UPDATE_VERSION} | off |
When I run `wp <type> list --field=name`
Then STDOUT should contain:
When I run `wp <type> list --field=name --format=json`
Then STDOUT should be a JSON array containing:
When I run `wp <type> status`
Then STDOUT should contain:
U = Update Available
When I run `wp <type> status <item>`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Status: Inactive
Version: <version> (Update available)
When I run `wp <type> update <item>`
And save STDOUT 'Downloading update from .*\/<item>\.%s\.zip' as {NEW_VERSION}
And STDOUT should not be empty
Then STDOUT should not contain:
And the {SUITE_CACHE_DIR}/<type>/<item>-{NEW_VERSION}.zip file should exist
# This can throw warnings about versions being higher than expected.
When I try `wp <type> update --all 2>&1`
Then STDOUT should contain:
When I run `wp <type> status <item>`
Then STDOUT should not contain:
(Update available)
When I run `wp <type> delete <item>`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Deleted '<item>' <type>.
When I try `wp <type> status <item>`
Then the return code should be 1
And STDERR should not be empty
And STDOUT should be empty
# Install and update <item> from cache
When I run `wp <type> install <item> --version=<version>`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Using cached file '{SUITE_CACHE_DIR}/<type>/<item>-<version>.zip'...
When I run `wp <type> update <item>`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Using cached file '{SUITE_CACHE_DIR}/<type>/<item>-{NEW_VERSION}.zip'...
When I run `wp <type> delete <item>`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Deleted '<item>' <type>.
And the <file_to_check> file should not exist
# Install <item> from a local zip file
When I run `wp <type> install {SUITE_CACHE_DIR}/<type>/<item>-<version>.zip`
Then STDOUT should contain:
<type_name> installed successfully.
And the <file_to_check> file should exist
When I run `wp <type> delete <item>`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Deleted '<item>' <type>.
And the <file_to_check> file should not exist
# Install <item> from a remote zip file (standard URL with no GET parameters)
When I run `wp <type> install <zip_file>`
Then STDOUT should contain:
<type_name> installed successfully.
And the <file_to_check> file should exist
When I run `wp <type> delete <item>`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Deleted '<item>' <type>.
And the <file_to_check> file should not exist
# Install <item> from a remote zip file (complex URL with GET parameters)
When I run `wp <type> install '<zip_file>?AWSAccessKeyId=123&Expires=456&Signature=abcdef'`
Then STDOUT should contain:
<type_name> installed successfully.
And the <file_to_check> file should exist
When I run `wp <type> delete <item>`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Deleted '<item>' <type>.
And the <file_to_check> file should not exist
When I run `wp <type> list --fields=name`
Then STDOUT should not contain:
When I try `wp <type> install an-impossible-slug-because-abc3fr`
Then STDERR should contain:
And STDERR should contain:
And STDERR should contain:
Error: No <type>s installed.
And STDOUT should be empty
And the return code should be 1
| type | type_name | item | item_title | version | zip_file | file_to_check |
| theme | Theme | moina | Moina | 1.1.2 | | {CONTENT_DIR}/moina/style.css |
| plugin | Plugin | category-checklist-tree | Category Checklist Tree | 1.2 | | {CONTENT_DIR}/category-checklist-tree/category-checklist-tree.php |