Server Adress:
Feature: Manage WordPress themes
Scenario: Installing and deleting theme
Given a WP install
And I run `wp theme delete --all --force`
And I run `wp theme install twentyeleven --activate`
When I run `wp theme install twentytwelve`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp theme status twentytwelve`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Theme twentytwelve details:
Name: Twenty Twelve
When I run `wp theme path twentytwelve`
Then STDOUT should contain:
When I run `wp option get stylesheet`
When I run `wp theme activate twentytwelve`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Switched to 'Twenty Twelve' theme.
When I try `wp theme delete twentytwelve`
Then STDERR should be:
Warning: Can't delete the currently active theme: twentytwelve
Error: No themes deleted.
And STDOUT should be empty
And the return code should be 1
When I run `wp theme activate {PREVIOUS_THEME}`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp theme delete twentytwelve`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I try the previous command again
Then STDERR should be:
Warning: The 'twentytwelve' theme could not be found.
And STDOUT should be:
Success: Theme already deleted.
And the return code should be 0
When I run `wp theme list`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
Scenario: Checking theme status without theme parameter
Given a WP install
When I run `wp theme install classic --activate`
And I run `wp theme list --field=name --status=inactive | xargs wp theme delete`
And I run `wp theme status`
Then STDOUT should be:
1 installed theme:
A classic 1.6
Legend: A = Active
Scenario: Install a theme, activate, then force install an older version of the theme
Given a WP install
And I run `wp theme delete --all --force`
And I run `wp theme install twentyeleven --activate`
When I run `wp theme install twentytwelve --version=1.4`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp theme list --name=twentytwelve --field=update_version`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp theme list`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| name | status | update | version | update_version | auto_update |
| twentytwelve | inactive | available | 1.4 | {UPDATE_VERSION} | off |
When I run `wp theme activate twentytwelve`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
# Ensure no other themes interfere with update.
When I run `wp theme list --status=inactive --field=name | xargs wp theme delete`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Success: Deleted
When I run `wp theme install twentytwelve --version=1.5 --force`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp theme list`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| name | status | update | version | update_version | auto_update |
| twentytwelve | active | available | 1.5 | {UPDATE_VERSION} | off |
When I try `wp theme update`
Then STDERR should be:
Error: Please specify one or more themes, or use --all.
And the return code should be 1
When I run `wp theme update --all --format=summary | grep 'updated successfully from'`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Twenty Twelve updated successfully from version 1.5 to version
When I run `wp theme install twentytwelve --version=1.4 --force`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp theme update --all`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Success: Updated 1 of 1 themes.
Scenario: Exclude theme from bulk updates.
Given a WP install
And I run `wp theme delete --all --force`
And I run `wp theme install twentyeleven --activate`
When I run `wp theme install twentytwelve --version=1.4 --force`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Downloading install
And STDOUT should contain:
package from
When I run `wp theme activate twentytwelve`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
# Ensure no other themes interfere with update.
When I run `wp theme list --status=inactive --field=name | xargs wp theme delete`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Success: Deleted
When I run `wp theme status twentytwelve`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Update available
When I run `wp theme update --all --exclude=twentytwelve | grep 'Skipped'`
Then STDOUT should contain:
When I run `wp theme status twentytwelve`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Update available
Scenario: Get the path of an installed theme
Given a WP install
And I run `wp theme delete --all --force`
When I run `wp theme install twentytwelve`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp theme path twentytwelve --dir`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Scenario: Activate an already active theme
Given a WP install
And I run `wp theme delete --all --force`
When I run `wp theme install twentytwelve`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp theme activate twentytwelve`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Switched to 'Twenty Twelve' theme.
When I try `wp theme activate twentytwelve`
Then STDERR should be:
Warning: The 'Twenty Twelve' theme is already active.
And STDOUT should be empty
And the return code should be 0
Scenario: Flag `--skip-update-check` skips update check when running `wp theme list`
Given a WP install
When I run `wp theme install astra --version=1.0.0`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Theme installed successfully.
When I run `wp theme list --fields=name,status,update`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| name | status | update |
| astra | inactive | available |
When I run `wp transient delete update_themes --network`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Transient deleted.
When I run `wp theme list --fields=name,status,update --skip-update-check`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| name | status | update |
| astra | inactive | none |
Scenario: Install a theme when the theme directory doesn't yet exist
Given a WP install
And I run `wp theme delete --all --force`
When I run `rm -rf wp-content/themes`
And I run `if test -d wp-content/themes; then echo "fail"; fi`
Then STDOUT should be empty
When I run `wp theme install twentytwelve --activate`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp theme list --fields=name,status`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| name | status |
| twentytwelve | active |
Scenario: Attempt to activate or fetch a broken theme
Given a WP install
When I run `mkdir -pv wp-content/themes/myth`
Then the wp-content/themes/myth directory should exist
When I try `wp theme activate myth`
Then STDERR should contain:
Error: Stylesheet is missing.
And STDOUT should be empty
And the return code should be 1
When I try `wp theme get myth`
Then STDERR should contain:
Error: Stylesheet is missing.
And STDOUT should be empty
And the return code should be 1
When I try `wp theme status myth`
Then STDERR should be:
Error: Stylesheet is missing.
And STDOUT should be empty
And the return code should be 1
When I run `wp theme install myth --force`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Theme updated successfully.
Scenario: Enabling and disabling a theme
Given a WP multisite install
And I run `wp theme install moina`
And I run `wp theme install moina-blog`
When I try `wp option get allowedthemes`
Then the return code should be 1
# STDERR may or may not be empty, depending on WP-CLI version.
And STDOUT should be empty
When I run `wp theme enable moina-blog`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Success: Enabled the 'Moina Blog' theme.
When I run `wp option get allowedthemes`
Then STDOUT should contain:
'moina-blog' => true
When I run `wp theme disable moina-blog`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Success: Disabled the 'Moina Blog' theme.
When I run `wp option get allowedthemes`
Then STDOUT should not contain:
'moina-blog' => true
When I run `wp theme enable moina-blog --activate`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Success: Enabled the 'Moina Blog' theme.
Success: Switched to 'Moina Blog' theme.
# Hybrid_Registry throws warning for PHP 8+.
When I try `wp network-meta get 1 allowedthemes`
Then STDOUT should not contain:
'moina-blog' => true
# Hybrid_Registry throws warning for PHP 8+.
When I try `wp theme enable moina-blog --network`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Success: Network enabled the 'Moina Blog' theme.
# Hybrid_Registry throws warning for PHP 8+.
When I try `wp network-meta get 1 allowedthemes`
Then STDOUT should contain:
'moina-blog' => true
# Hybrid_Registry throws warning for PHP 8+.
When I try `wp theme disable moina-blog --network`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Success: Network disabled the 'Moina Blog' theme.
# Hybrid_Registry throws warning for PHP 8+.
When I try `wp network-meta get 1 allowedthemes`
Then STDOUT should not contain:
'moina-blog' => true
Scenario: Enabling and disabling a theme without multisite
Given a WP install
When I try `wp theme enable twentytwelve`
Then STDERR should contain:
Error: This is not a multisite install
And STDOUT should be empty
And the return code should be 1
When I try `wp theme disable twentytwelve`
Then STDERR should contain:
Error: This is not a multisite install
And STDOUT should be empty
And the return code should be 1
Scenario: Install and attempt to activate a child theme without its parent
Given a WP install
And I run `wp theme install moina-blog`
And I run `rm -rf wp-content/themes/moina`
When I try `wp theme activate moina-blog`
Then STDERR should contain:
Error: The parent theme is missing. Please install the "moina" parent theme.
And STDOUT should be empty
And the return code should be 1
Scenario: List an active theme with its parent
Given a WP install
And I run `wp theme install moina`
And I run `wp theme install --activate moina-blog`
# Hybrid_Registry throws warning for PHP 8+.
When I try `wp theme list --fields=name,status`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| name | status |
| moina-blog | active |
| moina | parent |
Scenario: When updating a theme --format should be the same when using --dry-run
Given a WP install
And I run `wp theme delete --all --force`
When I run `wp theme install --force twentytwelve --version=1.0`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp theme list --name=twentytwelve --field=update_version`
When I run `wp theme update twentytwelve --format=summary --dry-run`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Available theme updates:
Twenty Twelve update from version 1.0 to version {UPDATE_VERSION}
When I run `wp theme update twentytwelve --format=json --dry-run`
Then STDOUT should be JSON containing:
When I run `wp theme update twentytwelve --format=csv --dry-run`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Scenario: When updating a theme --dry-run cannot be used when specifying a specific version.
Given a WP install
When I try `wp theme update --all --version=whatever --dry-run`
Then STDERR should be:
Error: --dry-run cannot be used together with --version.
And the return code should be 1
Scenario: Check json and csv formats when updating a theme
Given a WP install
And I run `wp theme delete --all --force`
When I run `wp theme install --force twentytwelve --version=1.0`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp theme list --name=twentytwelve --field=update_version`
When I run `wp theme update twentytwelve --format=json`
Then STDOUT should contain:
When I run `wp theme install --force twentytwelve --version=1.0`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp theme update twentytwelve --format=csv`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Scenario: Automatically install parent theme for a child theme
Given a WP install
When I try `wp theme status moina`
Then STDERR should contain:
Error: The 'moina' theme could not be found.
And STDOUT should be empty
And the return code should be 1
When I run `wp theme install moina-blog`
Then STDOUT should contain:
This theme requires a parent theme. Checking if it is installed
When I run `wp theme status moina`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Theme moina details:
And STDERR should be empty
Scenario: Get status field in theme detail
Given a WP install
And I run `wp theme delete --all --force`
When I run `wp theme install twentytwelve`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp theme get twentytwelve`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| Field | Value |
| status | inactive |
When I run `wp theme get twentytwelve --field=status`
Then STDOUT should be:
When I run `wp theme activate twentytwelve`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp theme get twentytwelve --field=status`
Then STDOUT should be:
Scenario: Theme activation fails when slug does not match exactly
Given a WP install
And I run `wp theme delete --all --force`
When I run `wp theme install twentytwelve`
Then the return code should be 0
When I try `wp theme activate TwentyTwelve`
Then STDERR should contain:
Error: The 'TwentyTwelve' theme could not be found. Did you mean 'twentytwelve'?
And STDOUT should be empty
And the return code should be 1
When I try `wp theme activate twentytwelve3`
Then STDERR should contain:
Error: The 'twentytwelve3' theme could not be found. Did you mean 'twentytwelve'?
And STDOUT should be empty
And the return code should be 1
When I try `wp theme activate twentytwelves2`
Then STDERR should contain:
Error: The 'twentytwelves2' theme could not be found. Did you mean 'twentytwelve'?
And STDOUT should be empty
And the return code should be 1
When I try `wp theme activate completelyoff`
Then STDERR should contain:
Error: The 'completelyoff' theme could not be found.
And STDERR should not contain:
Did you mean
And STDOUT should be empty
And the return code should be 1
Scenario: Only valid status filters are accepted when listing themes
Given a WP install
When I run `wp theme list`
Then STDERR should be empty
When I run `wp theme list --status=active`
Then STDERR should be empty
When I try `wp theme list --status=invalid-status`
Then STDERR should be:
Error: Parameter errors:
Invalid value specified for 'status' (Filter the output by theme status.)
Scenario: Parent theme is active when its child is active
Given a WP install
And I run `wp theme delete --all --force`
And I run `wp theme install twentytwelve`
And I run `wp theme install moina-blog --activate`
When I run `wp theme is-active moina-blog`
Then the return code should be 0
When I run `wp theme is-active moina`
Then the return code should be 0
When I try `wp theme is-active twentytwelve`
Then the return code should be 1
Scenario: Excluding a missing theme should not throw an error
Given a WP install
And I run `wp theme delete --all --force`
And I run `wp theme install twentytwelve --version=1.5 --activate`
And I run `wp theme update --all --exclude=missing-theme`
Then STDERR should be empty
And STDOUT should contain:
And the return code should be 0
Scenario: Listing themes should include auto_update
Given a WP install
When I run `wp theme list --fields=auto_update`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| auto_update |
| off |
When I run `wp theme auto-updates enable --all`
And I try `wp theme list --fields=auto_update`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| auto_update |
| on |