Server Adress:
Feature: Manage WordPress plugins
Scenario: Create, activate and check plugin status
Given a WP install
And I run `wp plugin path`
When I run `wp plugin scaffold --skip-tests plugin1`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
And the {PLUGIN_DIR}/plugin1/plugin1.php file should exist
And the {PLUGIN_DIR}/zombieland/phpunit.xml.dist file should not exist
When I run `wp plugin path plugin1`
Then STDOUT should be:
When I run `wp plugin path plugin1 --dir`
Then STDOUT should be:
When I run `wp plugin scaffold Zombieland`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
And the {PLUGIN_DIR}/Zombieland/Zombieland.php file should exist
And the {PLUGIN_DIR}/Zombieland/phpunit.xml.dist file should exist
# Ensure case sensitivity
When I try `wp plugin status zombieLand`
Then STDERR should contain:
The 'zombieLand' plugin could not be found.
And STDOUT should be empty
And the return code should be 1
# Check that the inner-plugin is not picked up
When I run `mv {PLUGIN_DIR}/plugin1 {PLUGIN_DIR}/Zombieland/`
And I run `wp plugin status Zombieland`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Plugin Zombieland details:
Name: Zombieland
Status: Inactive
Version: 0.1.0
When I run `wp plugin activate Zombieland`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp plugin status Zombieland`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Status: Active
When I run `wp plugin status`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp plugin list`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| name | status | update | version | update_version | auto_update |
| Zombieland | active | none | 0.1.0 | | off |
When I try `wp plugin uninstall Zombieland`
Then STDERR should be:
Warning: The 'Zombieland' plugin is active.
Error: No plugins uninstalled.
And the return code should be 1
When I run `wp plugin deactivate Zombieland`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp option get recently_activated`
Then STDOUT should contain:
When I run `wp plugin uninstall Zombieland`
Then STDOUT should be:
Uninstalled and deleted 'Zombieland' plugin.
Success: Uninstalled 1 of 1 plugins.
And the {PLUGIN_DIR}/zombieland file should not exist
When I try the previous command again
Then STDERR should contain:
And STDERR should contain:
And STDERR should contain:
Error: No plugins uninstalled.
And STDOUT should be empty
And the return code should be 1
Scenario: Install a plugin, activate, then force install an older version of the plugin
Given a WP install
When I run `wp plugin install wordpress-importer --version=0.5 --force`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp plugin list --name=wordpress-importer --field=update_version`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp plugin list --fields=name,status,update,version,update_version`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| name | status | update | version | update_version |
| wordpress-importer | inactive | available | 0.5 | {UPDATE_VERSION} |
When I run `wp plugin activate wordpress-importer`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp plugin install wordpress-importer --version=0.5 --force`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp plugin list`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| name | status | update | version | update_version | auto_update |
| wordpress-importer | active | available | 0.5 | {UPDATE_VERSION} | off |
When I try `wp plugin update`
Then STDERR should be:
Error: Please specify one or more plugins, or use --all.
And STDOUT should be empty
And the return code should be 1
When I run `wp plugin update --all --format=summary | grep 'updated successfully from'`
Then STDOUT should contain:
WordPress Importer updated successfully from version 0.5 to version
When I try `wp plugin update xxx yyy`
Then STDERR should contain:
Warning: The 'xxx' plugin could not be found.
And STDERR should contain:
Warning: The 'yyy' plugin could not be found.
And STDERR should contain:
Error: No plugins updated (2 failed).
And the return code should be 1
When I run `wp plugin install wordpress-importer --version=0.5 --force`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I try `wp plugin update xxx wordpress-importer yyy`
Then STDERR should contain:
Warning: The 'xxx' plugin could not be found.
And STDERR should contain:
Warning: The 'yyy' plugin could not be found.
And STDERR should contain:
Error: Only updated 1 of 3 plugins (2 failed).
And the return code should be 1
Scenario: Activate a network-only plugin on single site
Given a WP install
And a wp-content/plugins/network-only.php file:
// Plugin Name: Example Plugin
// Network: true
When I run `wp plugin activate network-only`
Then STDOUT should be:
Plugin 'network-only' activated.
Success: Activated 1 of 1 plugins.
When I run `wp plugin status network-only`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Status: Active
Scenario: Activate a network-only plugin on multisite
Given a WP multisite install
And a wp-content/plugins/network-only.php file:
// Plugin Name: Example Plugin
// Network: true
When I run `wp plugin activate network-only`
Then STDOUT should be:
Plugin 'network-only' network activated.
Success: Activated 1 of 1 plugins.
When I run `wp plugin status network-only`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Status: Network Active
Scenario: Network activate a plugin
Given a WP multisite install
When I run `wp plugin activate akismet`
Then STDOUT should be:
Plugin 'akismet' activated.
Success: Activated 1 of 1 plugins.
When I run `wp plugin list --fields=name,status,file`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| name | status | file |
| akismet | active | akismet/akismet.php |
When I try `wp plugin activate akismet`
Then STDERR should contain:
Warning: Plugin 'akismet' is already active.
And STDOUT should be:
Success: Plugin already activated.
And the return code should be 0
When I run `wp plugin activate akismet --network`
Then STDOUT should be:
Plugin 'akismet' network activated.
Success: Network activated 1 of 1 plugins.
When I try `wp plugin activate akismet --network`
Then STDERR should be:
Warning: Plugin 'akismet' is already network active.
And STDOUT should be:
Success: Plugin already network activated.
And the return code should be 0
When I try `wp plugin deactivate akismet`
Then STDERR should be:
Warning: Plugin 'akismet' is network active and must be deactivated with --network flag.
Error: No plugins deactivated.
And STDOUT should be empty
And the return code should be 1
When I run `wp plugin deactivate akismet --network`
Then STDOUT should be:
Plugin 'akismet' network deactivated.
Success: Network deactivated 1 of 1 plugins.
And the return code should be 0
When I try `wp plugin deactivate akismet`
Then STDERR should be:
Warning: Plugin 'akismet' isn't active.
And STDOUT should be:
Success: Plugin already deactivated.
And the return code should be 0
Scenario: List plugins
Given a WP install
When I run `wp plugin activate akismet hello`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp plugin list --status=inactive --field=name`
Then STDOUT should be empty
When I run `wp plugin list --status=active --fields=name,status,file`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| name | status | file |
| akismet | active | akismet/akismet.php |
When I run `wp plugin list --status=active --field=author`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Scenario: List plugin by multiple statuses
Given a WP multisite install
And a wp-content/plugins/network-only.php file:
// Plugin Name: Example Plugin
// Network: true
When I run `wp plugin activate akismet hello`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp plugin install wordpress-importer`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp plugin activate network-only`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp plugin list --status=active-network,inactive --fields=name,status,file`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| name | status | file |
| network-only | active-network | network-only.php |
| wordpress-importer | inactive | wordpress-importer/wordpress-importer.php |
When I run `wp plugin list --status=active,inactive --fields=name,status,file`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| name | status | file |
| akismet | active | akismet/akismet.php |
| wordpress-importer | inactive | wordpress-importer/wordpress-importer.php |
Scenario: Flag `--skip-update-check` skips update check when running `wp plugin list`
Given a WP install
When I run `wp plugin install wordpress-importer --version=0.2`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Plugin installed successfully.
When I run `wp plugin list --fields=name,status,update --status=inactive`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| name | status | update |
| wordpress-importer | inactive | available |
When I run `wp transient delete update_plugins --network`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Transient deleted.
When I run `wp plugin list --fields=name,status,update --status=inactive --skip-update-check`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| name | status | update |
| wordpress-importer | inactive | none |
Scenario: Install a plugin when directory doesn't yet exist
Given a WP install
When I run `rm -rf wp-content/plugins`
And I run `if test -d wp-content/plugins; then echo "fail"; fi`
Then STDOUT should be empty
When I run `wp plugin install wordpress-importer --activate`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp plugin list --status=active --fields=name,status,file`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| name | status | file |
| wordpress-importer | active | wordpress-importer/wordpress-importer.php |
Scenario: Plugin name with HTML entities
Given a WP install
When I run `wp plugin install debug-bar-list-dependencies`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Installing Debug Bar List Script & Style Dependencies
# Not running for SQLite because it involves another must-use plugin and a drop-in.
Scenario: Enable and disable all plugins
Given a WP install
When I run `wp plugin activate --all`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Plugin 'akismet' activated.
Plugin 'hello' activated.
Success: Activated 2 of 2 plugins.
When I run `wp plugin activate --all`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Plugins already activated.
When I run `wp plugin list --field=status`
Then STDOUT should be:
When I run `wp plugin deactivate --all`
Then STDOUT should be:
Plugin 'akismet' deactivated.
Plugin 'hello' deactivated.
Success: Deactivated 2 of 2 plugins.
When I run `wp plugin deactivate --all`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Plugins already deactivated.
When I run `wp plugin list --field=status`
Then STDOUT should be:
Scenario: Deactivate and uninstall a plugin, part one
Given a WP install
And these installed and active plugins:
When I run `wp plugin deactivate wordpress-importer --uninstall`
Then STDOUT should be:
Plugin 'wordpress-importer' deactivated.
Uninstalling 'wordpress-importer'...
Uninstalled and deleted 'wordpress-importer' plugin.
Success: Deactivated 1 of 1 plugins.
When I try `wp plugin get wordpress-importer`
Then STDERR should be:
Error: The 'wordpress-importer' plugin could not be found.
And STDOUT should be empty
And the return code should be 1
Scenario: Deactivate and uninstall a plugin, part two
Given a WP install
And these installed and active plugins:
When I run `wp plugin uninstall wordpress-importer --deactivate`
Then STDOUT should be:
Deactivating 'wordpress-importer'...
Plugin 'wordpress-importer' deactivated.
Uninstalled and deleted 'wordpress-importer' plugin.
Success: Uninstalled 1 of 1 plugins.
When I try `wp plugin get wordpress-importer`
Then STDERR should be:
Error: The 'wordpress-importer' plugin could not be found.
And STDOUT should be empty
And the return code should be 1
Scenario: Uninstall a plugin without deleting
Given a WP install
When I run `wp plugin install akismet --version=2.5.7 --force`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp plugin uninstall akismet --skip-delete`
Then STDOUT should be:
Ran uninstall procedure for 'akismet' plugin without deleting.
Success: Uninstalled 1 of 1 plugins.
Scenario: Two plugins, one directory
Given a WP install
And a wp-content/plugins/handbook/handbook.php file:
* Plugin Name: Handbook
* Description: Features for a handbook, complete with glossary and table of contents
* Author: Nacin
And a wp-content/plugins/handbook/functionality-for-pages.php file:
* Plugin Name: Handbook Functionality for Pages
* Description: Adds handbook-like table of contents to all Pages for a site. Covers Table of Contents and the "watch this page" widget
* Author: Nacin
When I run `wp plugin list --fields=name,status,file`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| name | status | file |
| handbook/handbook | inactive | handbook/handbook.php |
| handbook/functionality-for-pages | inactive | handbook/functionality-for-pages.php |
When I run `wp plugin activate handbook/functionality-for-pages`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp plugin list --fields=name,status,file`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| name | status | file |
| handbook/handbook | inactive | handbook/handbook.php |
| handbook/functionality-for-pages | active | handbook/functionality-for-pages.php |
Scenario: Install a plugin, then update to a specific version of that plugin
Given a WP install
When I run `wp plugin install akismet --version=2.5.7 --force`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp plugin update akismet --version=2.6.0`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp plugin list --fields=name,version,file`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| name | version | file |
| akismet | 2.6.0 | akismet/akismet.php |
Scenario: Ignore empty slugs
Given a WP install
When I try `wp plugin install ''`
Then STDERR should contain:
Warning: Ignoring ambiguous empty slug value.
And STDOUT should not contain:
Plugin installed successfully
And the return code should be 0
Scenario: Plugin hidden by "all_plugins" filter
Given a WP install
And these installed and active plugins:
And a wp-content/mu-plugins/hide-us-plugin.php file:
* Plugin Name: Hide Site Secrets on Production
* Description: Hides the Site Secrets plugin on production sites
* Author: WP-CLI tests
add_filter( 'all_plugins', function( $all_plugins ) {
unset( $all_plugins['site-secrets/site-secrets.php'] );
return $all_plugins;
} );
When I run `wp plugin list --fields=name`
Then STDOUT should not contain:
Scenario: Show dropins plugin list
Given a WP install
And a wp-content/db-error.php file:
When I run `wp plugin list --status=active`
Then STDOUT should not contain:
When I run `wp plugin list --status=dropin --fields=name,title,description,file`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| name | title | description | file |
| db-error.php | | Custom database error message. | db-error.php |
Scenario: Validate installed plugin's version.
Given a WP installation
And I run `wp plugin uninstall --all`
And I run `wp plugin install hello-dolly`
And a wp-content/mu-plugins/test-plugin-update.php file:
* Plugin Name: Test Plugin Update
* Description: Fakes installed plugin's data to verify plugin version mismatch
* Author: WP-CLI tests
add_filter( 'site_transient_update_plugins', function( $value ) {
if ( ! is_object( $value ) ) {
return $value;
unset( $value->response['hello-dolly/hello.php'] );
$value->no_update['hello-dolly/hello.php']->new_version = '1.5';
return $value;
} );
When I run `wp plugin list --name=hello-dolly --field=version`
When I run `wp plugin list --name=hello-dolly --field=update_version`
When I run `wp plugin list`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| name | status | update | version | update_version | auto_update |
| hello-dolly | inactive | version higher than expected | {PLUGIN_VERSION} | {UPDATE_VERSION} | off |
When I try `wp plugin update --all`
Then STDERR should be:
Warning: hello-dolly: version higher than expected.
Error: No plugins updated.
When I try `wp plugin update hello-dolly`
Then STDERR should be:
Warning: hello-dolly: version higher than expected.
Error: No plugins updated.
Scenario: Only valid status filters are accepted when listing plugins
Given a WP install
When I run `wp plugin list`
Then STDERR should be empty
When I run `wp plugin list --status=active`
Then STDERR should be empty
When I try `wp plugin list --status=invalid-status`
Then STDERR should be:
Error: Parameter errors:
Invalid value specified for 'status' (Filter the output by plugin status.)
Scenario: Listing mu-plugins should include name and title
Given a WP install
And a wp-content/mu-plugins/test-mu.php file:
// Plugin Name: Test mu-plugin
// Description: Test mu-plugin description
When I run `wp plugin list --fields=name,title`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| name | title |
| test-mu | Test mu-plugin |
When I run `wp plugin list --fields=name,title,description`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| name | title | description |
| test-mu | Test mu-plugin | Test mu-plugin description |
Scenario: Listing plugins should include name and auto_update
Given a WP install
When I run `wp plugin list --fields=name,auto_update`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| name | auto_update |
| hello | off |
When I run `wp plugin auto-updates enable hello`
And I try `wp plugin list --fields=name,auto_update`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| name | auto_update |
| hello | on |
Scenario: Listing plugins should include tested_up_to from the 'tested up to' header
Given a WP install
And a wp-content/plugins/foo/foo.php file:
* Plugin Name: Foo
* Description: A plugin for foo
* Author: Matt
And a wp-content/plugins/foo/readme.txt file:
=== Foo ===
Contributors: matt
Donate link:
Tags: tag1, tag2
Requires at least: 4.7
Tested up to: 3.4
Stable tag: 4.3
Requires PHP: 7.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
And I run `wp plugin activate foo`
When I run `wp plugin list`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| name | status | update | version | update_version | auto_update |
| foo | active | none | | | off |
When I run `wp plugin list --fields=name,tested_up_to`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| name | tested_up_to |
| foo | 3.4 |
And I run `wp plugin list --name=foo --field=tested_up_to`
Then STDOUT should be:
Scenario: Listing plugins should include tested_up_to from the 'tested' header
Given a WP install
And a wp-content/plugins/foo/foo.php file:
* Plugin Name: Foo
* Description: A plugin for foo
* Author: Matt
And a wp-content/plugins/foo/readme.txt file:
=== Foo ===
Tested: 5.5
Contributors: matt
Donate link:
Tags: tag1, tag2
Requires at least: 4.7
Stable tag: 4.3
Requires PHP: 7.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
And I run `wp plugin activate foo`
When I run `wp plugin list`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| name | status | update | version | update_version | auto_update |
| foo | active | none | | | off |
When I run `wp plugin list --fields=name,tested_up_to`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| name | tested_up_to |
| foo | 5.5 |
And I run `wp plugin list --name=foo --field=tested_up_to`
Then STDOUT should be: