Server Adress:
Feature: Manage WordPress posts
Given a WP install
Scenario: Creating/updating/deleting posts
When I run `wp post create --post_title='Test post' --porcelain`
Then STDOUT should be a number
And save STDOUT as {POST_ID}
When I run `wp post create --post_title='Test post' --post_type="test" --porcelain`
Then STDOUT should be a number
When I run `wp post exists {CUSTOM_POST_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Post with ID {CUSTOM_POST_ID} exists.
And the return code should be 0
When I try `wp post exists 1000`
And STDOUT should be empty
And the return code should be 1
When I run `wp post update {POST_ID} --post_title='Updated post'`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Updated post {POST_ID}.
When I run `wp post delete {POST_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Trashed post {POST_ID}.
When I run the previous command again
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Deleted post {POST_ID}.
When I try `wp post delete {CUSTOM_POST_ID}`
Then STDERR should be:
Warning: Posts of type 'test' do not support being sent to trash.
Please use the --force flag to skip trash and delete them permanently.
When I run `wp post delete {CUSTOM_POST_ID} --force`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Deleted post {CUSTOM_POST_ID}.
When I try the previous command again
Then the return code should be 1
Scenario: Setting post categories
When I run `wp term create category "First Category" --porcelain`
And save STDOUT as {TERM_ID}
And I run `wp term create category "Second Category" --porcelain`
When I run `wp post create --post_title="Test category" --post_category="First Category" --porcelain`
Then STDOUT should be a number
And save STDOUT as {POST_ID}
When I run `wp post term list {POST_ID} category --field=term_id`
Then STDOUT should be:
When I run `wp post update {POST_ID} --post_category={SECOND_TERM_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Updated post {POST_ID}.
When I run `wp post term list {POST_ID} category --field=term_id`
Then STDOUT should be:
When I run `wp post update {POST_ID} --post_category='Uncategorized,{TERM_ID},Second Category'`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Updated post {POST_ID}.
When I run `wp post term list {POST_ID} category --field=term_id`
Then STDOUT should contain:
And STDOUT should contain:
And STDOUT should contain:
# Blank categories with non-blank ignored.
When I run `wp post update {POST_ID} --post_category='Uncategorized, ,{TERM_ID},Second Category,'`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Updated post {POST_ID}.
When I run `wp post term list {POST_ID} category --field=term_id`
Then STDOUT should be:
# Zero category same as default Uncategorized (1) category.
When I try `wp post update {POST_ID} --post_category=0`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Updated post {POST_ID}.
When I run `wp post term list {POST_ID} category --field=term_id`
Then STDOUT should be:
# Blank category/categories same as default Uncategorized (1) category.
When I try `wp post update {POST_ID} --post_category=,`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Updated post {POST_ID}.
When I run `wp post term list {POST_ID} category --field=term_id`
Then STDOUT should be:
# Null category same as no categories.
When I try `wp post update {POST_ID} --post_category=' '`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Updated post {POST_ID}.
When I run `wp post term list {POST_ID} category --field=term_id`
Then STDOUT should be empty
# Non-existent category.
When I try `wp post update {POST_ID} --post_category=test`
Then STDERR should be:
Error: No such post category 'test'.
When I try `wp post create --post_title="Non-existent Category" --post_category={SECOND_TERM_ID},Test --porcelain`
Then STDERR should be:
Error: No such post category 'Test'.
# Error on first non-existent category found.
When I try `wp post create --post_title="More than one non-existent Category" --post_category={SECOND_TERM_ID},Test,Bad --porcelain`
Then STDERR should be:
Error: No such post category 'Test'.
Scenario: Creating/getting/editing posts
Given a content.html file:
This is some content.
alert('This should not be stripped.');
And a file:
cat content.html | wp post create --post_title='Test post' --post_excerpt="A multiline
excerpt" --porcelain -
When I run `bash`
Then STDOUT should be a number
And save STDOUT as {POST_ID}
When I run `wp post get --field=excerpt {POST_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
A multiline
When I run `wp post get --field=content {POST_ID} | diff -Bu content.html -`
Then STDOUT should be empty
When I run `wp post get --format=table {POST_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| Field | Value |
| ID | {POST_ID} |
| post_title | Test post |
| post_name | |
| post_type | post |
When I run `wp post get {POST_ID} --format=csv --fields=post_title,type | wc -l | tr -d ' '`
Then STDOUT should be:
When I run `wp post get --format=json {POST_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be JSON containing:
"ID": {POST_ID},
"post_title": "Test post"
When I try `EDITOR='ex -i NONE -c q!' wp post edit {POST_ID}`
Then STDERR should contain:
No change made to post content.
And the return code should be 0
When I run `EDITOR='ex -i NONE -c %s/content/bunkum -c wq' wp post edit {POST_ID}`
Then STDERR should be empty
Then STDOUT should contain:
Updated post {POST_ID}.
When I run `wp post get --field=content {POST_ID}`
Then STDOUT should contain:
This is some bunkum.
When I run `wp post url 1 {POST_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
When I run `wp post get 1 --field=url`
Then STDOUT should be:
Scenario: Update a post from file or STDIN
Given a content.html file:
Oh glorious CLI
And a content-2.html file:
Let it be the weekend
When I run `wp post create --post_title="Testing update via STDIN" --porcelain`
Then STDOUT should be a number
And save STDOUT as {POST_ID}
When I run `cat content.html | wp post update {POST_ID} -`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Success: Updated post {POST_ID}
When I run `wp post get --field=post_content {POST_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
Oh glorious CLI
When I run `wp post create --post_title="Testing update via STDIN. Again!" --porcelain`
Then STDOUT should be a number
And save STDOUT as {POST_ID_TWO}
When I run `wp post update {POST_ID} {POST_ID_TWO} content-2.html`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Success: Updated post {POST_ID_TWO}
When I run `wp post get --field=post_content {POST_ID_TWO}`
Then STDOUT should be:
Let it be the weekend
When I try `wp post update {POST_ID} invalid-file.html`
Then STDERR should be:
Error: Unable to read content from 'invalid-file.html'.
And the return code should be 1
Scenario: Creating/listing posts
When I run `wp post create --post_title='Publish post' --post_content='Publish post content' --post_status='publish' --porcelain`
Then STDOUT should be a number
And save STDOUT as {POST_ID}
When I run `wp post create --post_title='Draft post' --post_content='Draft post content' --post_status='draft' --porcelain`
Then STDOUT should be a number
When I run `wp post list --post_type='post' --fields=post_title,post_name,post_status --format=csv`
Then STDOUT should be CSV containing:
| post_title | post_name | post_status |
| Publish post | publish-post | publish |
| Draft post | | draft |
When I run `wp post list --post_type='post' --fields=title,name,status --format=csv`
Then STDOUT should be CSV containing:
| post_title | post_name | post_status |
| Publish post | publish-post | publish |
| Draft post | | draft |
When I run `wp post list --post_type='post' --fields="title, name, status" --format=csv`
Then STDOUT should be CSV containing:
| post_title | post_name | post_status |
| Publish post | publish-post | publish |
| Draft post | | draft |
When I run `wp post list --post__in={POST_ID} --format=count`
Then STDOUT should be:
When I run `wp post list --post_type='page' --field=title`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Sample Page
When I run `wp post list --post_type=any --fields=post_title,post_name,post_status --format=csv --orderby=post_title --order=ASC`
Then STDOUT should be CSV containing:
| post_title | post_name | post_status |
| Draft post | | draft |
| Hello world! | hello-world | publish |
| Publish post | publish-post | publish |
| Sample Page | sample-page | publish |
Scenario: Update categories on a post
When I run `wp term create category "Test Category" --porcelain`
Then save STDOUT as {TERM_ID}
When I run `wp post update 1 --post_category={TERM_ID}`
And I run `wp post term list 1 category --format=json --fields=name`
Then STDOUT should be:
[{"name":"Test Category"}]
Scenario: Make sure WordPress receives the slashed data it expects
When I run `wp post create --post_title='My\Post' --porcelain`
Then save STDOUT as {POST_ID}
When I run `wp post get {POST_ID} --field=title`
Then STDOUT should be:
When I run `wp post update {POST_ID} --post_content='var isEmailValid = /^\S+@\S+.\S+$/.test(email);'`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp post get {POST_ID} --field=content`
Then STDOUT should be:
var isEmailValid = /^\S+@\S+.\S+$/.test(email);
Scenario: Creating/updating posts with meta keys
When I run `wp post create --post_title='Test Post' --post_content='Test post content' --meta_input='{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"}' --porcelain`
Then STDOUT should be a number
And save STDOUT as {POST_ID}
When I run `wp post meta list {POST_ID} --format=table`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| post_id | meta_key | meta_value |
| {POST_ID} | key1 | value1 |
| {POST_ID} | key2 | value2 |
When I run `wp post update {POST_ID} --meta_input='{"key2":"value2b","key3":"value3"}'`
And I run `wp post meta list {POST_ID} --format=table`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| post_id | meta_key | meta_value |
| {POST_ID} | key1 | value1 |
| {POST_ID} | key2 | value2b |
| {POST_ID} | key3 | value3 |
Scenario: Creating/updating posts with meta keys for WP < 4.4 has no effect so should give warning
When I try `wp post create --post_title='Test Post' --post_content='Test post content' --meta_input='{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"}' --porcelain`
Then the return code should be 0
And STDOUT should be a number
And save STDOUT as {POST_ID}
And STDERR should be:
Warning: The 'meta_input' field was only introduced in WordPress 4.4 so will have no effect.
When I run `wp post meta list {POST_ID} --format=count`
Then STDOUT should be:
When I try `wp post update {POST_ID} --meta_input='{"key2":"value2b","key3":"value3"}'`
Then the return code should be 0
And STDERR should be:
Warning: The 'meta_input' field was only introduced in WordPress 4.4 so will have no effect.
And STDOUT should be:
Success: Updated post {POST_ID}.
When I run `wp post meta list {POST_ID} --format=count`
Then STDOUT should be:
Scenario: Publishing a post and setting a date fails if the edit_date flag is not passed.
Given a WP install
When I run `wp post create --post_title='test' --porcelain`
Then save STDOUT as {POST_ID}
When I run `wp post update {POST_ID} --post_date='2005-01-24T09:52:00.000Z' --post_status='publish'`
Then STDOUT should contain:
When I run `wp post get {POST_ID} --field=post_date`
Then STDOUT should not contain:
2005-01-24 09:52:00
Scenario: Publishing a post and setting a date succeeds if the edit_date flag is passed.
Given a WP install
When I run `wp post create --post_title='test' --porcelain`
Then save STDOUT as {POST_ID}
When I run `wp post update {POST_ID} --post_date='2005-01-24T09:52:00.000Z' --post_status='publish' --edit_date=1`
Then STDOUT should contain:
When I run `wp post get {POST_ID} --field=post_date`
Then STDOUT should contain:
2005-01-24 09:52:00
# Separate test because of a known bug in the SQLite plugin.
# See
# Once the bug is resolved, this separate test can be removed again.
Scenario: Publishing a post and setting a date succeeds if the edit_date flag is passed.
Given a WP install
When I run `wp post create --post_title='test' --porcelain`
Then save STDOUT as {POST_ID}
When I run `wp post update {POST_ID} --post_date='2005-01-24T09:52:00.000Z' --post_status='publish' --edit_date=1`
Then STDOUT should contain:
When I run `wp post get {POST_ID} --field=post_date`
Then STDOUT should contain: