Server Adress:
Feature: Manage WordPress comments
Given a WP install
Scenario: Creating/updating/deleting comments
When I run `wp comment create --comment_post_ID=1 --comment_content='Hello' --comment_author='Billy' --porcelain`
Then STDOUT should be a number
When I run `wp comment exists {COMMENT_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Comment with ID {COMMENT_ID} exists.
When I run `wp comment update {COMMENT_ID} --comment_author='Johnny'`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp comment get {COMMENT_ID} --field=author`
Then STDOUT should be:
When I run `wp comment delete {COMMENT_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Trashed comment {COMMENT_ID}.
When I run `wp comment get {COMMENT_ID} --field=comment_approved`
Then STDOUT should be:
When I run `wp comment delete {COMMENT_ID} --force`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Deleted comment {COMMENT_ID}.
When I try `wp comment get {COMMENT_ID}`
Then STDERR should be:
Error: Invalid comment ID.
And the return code should be 1
When I run `wp comment create --comment_post_ID=1`
And I run `wp comment create --comment_post_ID=1`
And I run `wp comment delete 3 4`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Trashed comment 3.
Success: Trashed comment 4.
When I run `wp comment delete 3`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Deleted comment 3.
When I try `wp comment get 3`
Then STDERR should be:
Error: Invalid comment ID.
And the return code should be 1
Scenario: Get details about an existing comment
When I run `wp comment get 1`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| Field | Value |
| comment_approved | 1 |
When I run `wp comment get 1 --fields=comment_approved --format=json`
Then STDOUT should be JSON containing:
When I run `wp comment list --fields=comment_approved`
Then STDOUT should be a table containing rows:
| comment_approved |
| 1 |
When I run `wp comment list --field=approved`
Then STDOUT should be:
When I run `wp comment list --format=ids`
Then STDOUT should be:
When I run `wp comment url 1`
Then STDOUT should contain:
When I run `wp comment get 1 --field=url`
Then STDOUT should contain:
Scenario: List the URLs of comments
When I run `wp comment create --comment_post_ID=1 --porcelain`
Then save STDOUT as {COMMENT_ID}
When I run `wp comment url 1 {COMMENT_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
When I run `wp comment url {COMMENT_ID} 1`
Then STDOUT should be:
Scenario: Count comments
When I run `wp comment count 1`
Then STDOUT should contain:
approved: 1
And STDOUT should contain:
moderated: 0
And STDOUT should contain:
total_comments: 1
When I run `wp comment count`
Then STDOUT should contain:
approved: 1
And STDOUT should contain:
moderated: 0
And STDOUT should contain:
total_comments: 1
Scenario: Approving/unapproving comments
Given I run `wp comment create --comment_post_ID=1 --comment_approved=0 --porcelain`
# With site url set.
When I run `wp comment approve {COMMENT_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Approved comment {COMMENT_ID}.
When I try the previous command again
Then STDERR should contain:
Error: Could not update comment status
And STDOUT should be empty
And the return code should be 1
When I run `wp comment get --field=comment_approved {COMMENT_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
When I run `wp comment unapprove {COMMENT_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Unapproved comment {COMMENT_ID}.
When I run `wp comment get --field=comment_approved {COMMENT_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
# Without site url set.
When I try `wp comment approve {COMMENT_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Approved comment {COMMENT_ID}.
And STDERR should be:
Warning: Site url not set - defaulting to ''. Any notification emails sent to post author may appear to come from ''.
And the return code should be 0
When I try `wp comment unapprove {COMMENT_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Unapproved comment {COMMENT_ID}.
And STDERR should be:
Warning: Site url not set - defaulting to ''. Any notification emails sent to post author may appear to come from ''.
And the return code should be 0
# Approving an approved comment works in SQLite
Scenario: Approving/unapproving comments
Given I run `wp comment create --comment_post_ID=1 --comment_approved=0 --porcelain`
# With site url set.
When I run `wp comment approve {COMMENT_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Approved comment {COMMENT_ID}.
When I try the previous command again
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Approved comment {COMMENT_ID}.
When I run `wp comment get --field=comment_approved {COMMENT_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
When I run `wp comment unapprove {COMMENT_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Unapproved comment {COMMENT_ID}.
When I run `wp comment get --field=comment_approved {COMMENT_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
# Without site url set.
When I try `wp comment approve {COMMENT_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Approved comment {COMMENT_ID}.
And STDERR should be:
Warning: Site url not set - defaulting to ''. Any notification emails sent to post author may appear to come from ''.
And the return code should be 0
When I try `wp comment unapprove {COMMENT_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Unapproved comment {COMMENT_ID}.
And STDERR should be:
Warning: Site url not set - defaulting to ''. Any notification emails sent to post author may appear to come from ''.
And the return code should be 0
Scenario: Approving/unapproving comments with multidigit comment ID
Given I run `wp comment delete $(wp comment list --field=ID)`
And I run `wp comment generate --count=10 --quiet`
And I run `wp comment create --comment_post_ID=1 --porcelain`
# With site url set.
When I run `wp comment unapprove {COMMENT_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Unapproved comment {COMMENT_ID}.
When I run `wp comment list --format=count --status=approve`
Then STDOUT should be:
When I run `wp comment approve {COMMENT_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Approved comment {COMMENT_ID}.
When I run `wp comment list --format=count --status=approve`
Then STDOUT should be:
# Without site url set.
When I try `wp comment unapprove {COMMENT_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Unapproved comment {COMMENT_ID}.
And STDERR should be:
Warning: Site url not set - defaulting to ''. Any notification emails sent to post author may appear to come from ''.
And the return code should be 0
When I try `wp comment approve {COMMENT_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Approved comment {COMMENT_ID}.
And STDERR should be:
Warning: Site url not set - defaulting to ''. Any notification emails sent to post author may appear to come from ''.
And the return code should be 0
Scenario: Spam/unspam comments with multidigit comment ID
Given I run `wp comment delete $(wp comment list --field=ID)`
And I run `wp comment generate --count=10 --quiet`
And I run `wp comment create --comment_post_ID=1 --porcelain`
# With site url set.
When I run `wp comment spam {COMMENT_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Marked comment {COMMENT_ID} as spam.
When I run `wp comment list --format=count --status=spam`
Then STDOUT should be:
When I run `wp comment unspam {COMMENT_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Unspammed comment {COMMENT_ID}.
When I run `wp comment list --format=count --status=spam`
Then STDOUT should be:
# Without site url set.
When I run `wp comment spam {COMMENT_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Marked comment {COMMENT_ID} as spam.
When I try `wp comment unspam {COMMENT_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Unspammed comment {COMMENT_ID}.
And STDERR should be:
Warning: Site url not set - defaulting to ''. Any notification emails sent to post author may appear to come from ''.
And the return code should be 0
Scenario: Trash/untrash comments with multidigit comment ID
Given I run `wp comment delete $(wp comment list --field=ID) --force`
And I run `wp comment generate --count=10 --quiet`
And I run `wp comment create --comment_post_ID=1 --porcelain`
# With site url set.
When I run `wp comment trash {COMMENT_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Trashed comment {COMMENT_ID}.
When I run `wp comment list --format=count --status=trash`
Then STDOUT should be:
When I run `wp comment untrash {COMMENT_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Untrashed comment {COMMENT_ID}.
When I run `wp comment list --format=count --status=trash`
Then STDOUT should be:
# Without site url set.
When I run `wp comment trash {COMMENT_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Trashed comment {COMMENT_ID}.
When I try `wp comment untrash {COMMENT_ID}`
Then STDOUT should be:
Success: Untrashed comment {COMMENT_ID}.
And STDERR should be:
Warning: Site url not set - defaulting to ''. Any notification emails sent to post author may appear to come from ''.
And the return code should be 0
Scenario: Make sure WordPress receives the slashed data it expects
When I run `wp comment create --comment_content='My\Comment' --porcelain`
Then save STDOUT as {COMMENT_ID}
When I run `wp comment get {COMMENT_ID} --field=comment_content`
Then STDOUT should be:
When I run `wp comment update {COMMENT_ID} --comment_content='My\New\Comment'`
Then STDOUT should not be empty
When I run `wp comment get {COMMENT_ID} --field=comment_content`
Then STDOUT should be:
Scenario: Approving/unapproving/unspamming/untrashing (approved) comments with no comment post id should not produce PHP notices for WP >= 4.4
Given I run `wp comment create --comment_approved=0 --porcelain`
When I run `wp comment approve {COMMENT_ID}`
And I run `wp comment unapprove {COMMENT_ID}`
Given I run `wp comment approve {COMMENT_ID}`
When I run `wp comment spam {COMMENT_ID}`
And I run `wp comment unspam {COMMENT_ID}`
And I run `wp comment trash {COMMENT_ID}`
And I run `wp comment untrash {COMMENT_ID}`